Wife stand at attention

Chapter 289 Give You a Chance to Be a Bone Demon

Chapter 289 Give You a Chance to Be a Bone Demon (1)
Ke Lei pursed his lips and smiled coldly, pointed at the door of the operating room, and said to Kang Shuo coolly: "Father, I have made my words very clear! I will entrust you with my healthy and lively son." I brought him, but now? How is it? How long has he been lying in the operating room? How long has the doctor been in? Will I dare to hand him over to you in the future? How many times will I carry him like this? My son doesn’t know. What's the matter! So, I won't bother you two elders to worry about my son's affairs in the future. Besides, you can't even take care of your own affairs now, do you still have the mind to take care of my affairs? Dad, human energy is Limited, you should take care of the matter between yourself and the two women first, as for me and Kangmei, we will solve it ourselves, so you don't need to worry about it!"

Ke Lei's phone call made it impossible for Kang Shuo to say a word.

It took Kang Mei a long time to understand his words, "You... mean you want to separate from me?"

When Ke Lei was about to say something, the phone rang.

With a sideways glance at Kangmei, she took out her mobile phone from her pocket, "Hello."

Li Qingxue's soft voice came from beside her ear: "How is Xuanxuan? Are you okay?"

"I don't know, I'm still in the operating room." Ke Lei said, looking at the hands in the operating room.

"I should have come to see him, but I know it would be inconvenient for me to appear in front of you at this time. So..." Wei Wei paused, "I will come to see him when Xuanxuan is discharged from the hospital. You can also Don't worry too much, nothing will happen. Don't let the old man take him with him in the future. You also know that the Kang family has had enough things during this time. They must not be able to devote so much energy to hurt Xuanxuan .Talk to her well, don't get angry."

"I know what to do..."

Before Ke Lei finished speaking, Kang Mei quickly grabbed the phone in his hand and yelled at him: "Ke Lei, do you have another woman outside! Do you still have a conscience? My son is still in the operating room, but you are here flirting with other daughters in front of me! Ke Lei, how could you treat me like this! I have sacrificed so much for you, why are you doing this to me! Hey! Let me tell you, Ke Lei is mine, you shameless bastard, get the hell out of here, as far as you can, I won't let you snatch Ke Lei from me!" Kang Mei said to Calling on the mobile phone, Li Qingxue over there has already hung up the phone.

Ke Lei snatched his mobile phone and stared at her with disgust: "Crazy!" After speaking, he turned around and walked directly towards the elevator.

"No, don't you leave! I won't let you leave!" Seeing that Ke Lei was about to leave, Kang Mei hurriedly followed, holding on to the hem of his clothes tightly, unwilling to let go.

military region.

When Yang Liu drove her black jeep to the gate of the military area, she immediately saw the very eye-catching and bright Bugatti parked outside the gate of the military area.Boss Ran, on the other hand, was half leaning against the car door, with his arms folded across his chest, looking at the gate of the military area very accurately and coldly.When he saw the black jeep, there was a faint smile on the corner of his lips, and he waved his pianist-like hand to Yang Liu.

Yang Liu parked the car in the military area, turned off the car key and walked out of the military area gate, walking towards Boss Ran.

"Boss, are you free? You came to the gate of our military area to blow the wind?" Xiao Liutiao said to Boss Ran with a fussy smile.

Ran Xi raised the corners of her lips, revealing a smile like a spring breeze, and beckoned to the little wicker, just like the owner beckoning a pet puppy.

Xiao Liutiao rolled his eyes at him directly, and slapped away the hand that was beckoning to her: "I'm not a military dog, as for you using this gesture to beckon me?"

Boss Ran stroked his chin and looked at Xiao Liutiao with half-smile eyes, "A military dog? I don't think of you as a military dog."

"Then you're still recruiting an ass?" Little Wicker rolled his eyes at him again.

Ran Xiyu was not surprised and said endlessly: "At most, I just treat you as a Shar Pei."

Yang Liu stroked his forehead and asked the sky speechlessly, "Then I'd rather you treat me like a military dog!"

Ran Xi asked curiously, "Why?"

Xiao Liutiao pointed back at the tip of her nose: "Which eye of yours looks like I've been adopted by someone? I'm clearly very assertive and mighty, okay! Shar-Pei dogs and military dogs are like being kept by someone. vase and self-supporting bone spirit!"

After listening, Ran Xi pursed her lips and smiled slightly, looked her up and down, continued to stroke her chin, and nodded: "Well, Bone Demon? No matter how I look at it, I am closer to Uncle **! But I want to see how you become Looks like a bone spirit. Okay, I'll give you a chance, get in the car." With a snap of his fingers, he opened the door of the passenger seat and signaled Xiao Liutiao to get in the car.

"Opportunity? What kind of opportunity?" Xiao Liutiao looked at him blankly and asked, not understanding what he meant by this opportunity at all, so that he just stood there in a daze and forgot to get in the car and sit down.

Ran Xi pointed to the car seat.

Little Wicker sat down.

Ran Xi closed the car door, walked around to her driver's seat, and started the car.While stepping on the accelerator, the little wicker who was sitting on the passenger seat sideways glanced, still dazed, said: "I'll give you a chance to show Bone Machine's side."

Xiao Liutiao looked down at her clothes, then raised her head to look in the rearview mirror, and said to herself as if she was asking Ran Xi: "Am I not like a bone spirit now? Oh, yes, I really am not now. Like Bone Demon. Come on, don’t you look down on me? I’ve always been able to wear military uniforms, lady’s clothes, and cheongsam! Bone Demon, what’s the problem? It’s just an OL suit, and I’m young and invincible The real material, what clothes can't be worn."

Ran Xi looked at her with a half-smile, didn't speak, and drove the car purposefully towards where he was going.

The car stopped in the parking lot of an office building.

"Get out of the car." Ran Xi opened the car door and said to Xiao Liutiao.

Xiao Liutiao obediently got out of the car, looked up at the towering office building, and asked puzzledly: "Hey, tell you, what are you doing here?"

Ran Xi closed the car door, stretched out her long arms, put her arms around her shoulders and walked directly towards the gate of the office building. After entering the door, she went directly towards the elevator.Press the elevator, enter the elevator, press the number of floors, close the elevator, all in one go.

The elevator stopped on the nineteenth floor, and the elevator doors opened.

"Hanxu Studio." Yang Liu lightly read the words on Ruoda's signboard, and his puzzled expression grew stronger.Turning his head slightly, he looked at Boss Ran blankly and asked again: "Can you tell me what you brought me to this studio for?"

The boss pursed his thin lips and showed a slight smile: "You will know once you go in."

Yang Liu looked at the mysterious Ran Xi with a very weird look, the expression on his face, the expression in the corner of his eyes, how could he look like he was going to package her up and sell her?

(End of this chapter)

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