Wife stand at attention

Chapter 300 The In-Law and Brother-in-law Make a Marriage

Chapter 300 The In-Law and Brother-in-law Make a Marriage (3)
Yang Xiaoguai was startled for a moment, then stretched out her hand and twisted his tiger waist fiercely, pulled a pillow beside him with one hand and stuffed it into his arms: "Master Kang, you have two choices." : A, you hugged it and continued to sleep. B, you just came back from a five-kilometer run and it was ready to eat. A—or—B?”

The ruffian-like smile on Mr. Kang's face grew wider, he turned sideways, supported his head with one hand, and held Yang Xiaoguai in the other to stuff the pillow in his arms: "Little boy, do you still have to choose? Of course it is I chose B, and I will have dinner after running for five kilometers, do you think I will be so stupid as to choose to sleep with this thing? Huh?" After speaking, he threw the pillow in his hand to the end of the bed, waiting for Yang Xiaoguai The next reaction.

After Yang Xiaoguai was stunned for three seconds, she finally understood that she once again bit her own tongue.

Began to eat?
Obviously Master Kang understood these two words very well, but what she understood was not what she meant by eating.What she said was eating breakfast, of course, but what he called eating was naturally...

Yang Xiaoguai was completely speechless.After rolling her eyes at him, she didn't care about being shy or not, and put on her clothes one by one in front of him naked, and then went into the bathroom to wash up.

Master Kang laughed heartily in a good mood.


Yang Xiaoguai was preparing breakfast, while Cambridge was washing up in the bathroom.

The cell phone in the room rang.

"Xiaoguai, your phone is ringing." Master Kang took a towel to wipe off the toothpaste foam all over his mouth, stepped out of the bathroom and shouted to Yang Xiaoguai in the kitchen.

Yang Xiaoguai was frying poached eggs, so naturally he couldn't get away, so he said to Master Kang, "Go ahead, it's either Liuliu or Xiaocao."

Master Kang held the towel in one hand and her cell phone in the other. He looked at the caller ID, but there was no name of Yang Liu or Shi Xiaocao displayed.It is estimated that these two numbers are too familiar, so Yang Buguai did not save them in the phone.After pressing the answer button, before he could speak, a gentle and loving voice of an old lady with a slight smile came from the other side: "Xiao Yang, are you free today? If you are free, let's discuss four It’s a child’s marriage. You’re their elder, so it’s okay to procrastinate all the time. They’ve already proposed and agreed, so it’s natural to choose a date for the wedding. What do you think, don’t you? Xiao Yang?"

Cambridge held the mobile phone in a daze but didn't react.elder?Proposal?Pick a date, hold a wedding?Who is this going to do the wedding?Who is this calling?
"Yeah? Xiao Yang, why didn't you answer?" Seeing that Yang Yi hadn't responded to her for a long time, the matriarch on the other end of the phone asked in puzzlement, "Oh..." The matriarch suddenly stopped The time seemed to have figured out something, and he said with a long voice: "Could it be the wrong time for me to make a phone call? Then what, I'll call back later." The old lady said a little embarrassedly, although she said this It's too late for an old man.But for young people, this time is obviously too early.She also came here when she was young, so she naturally knew what young people would do at this time.

Hey, getting old and getting old is really stupid. I didn't even think about it. I just interrupted other people's good deeds, which is immoral and immoral.

"Wait a minute, she's in the kitchen." Just as Taijun was about to hang up the phone, Cambridge in the woods came back to his senses and said to Taijun on the other end of the phone.

"Ah?" Hearing a man's voice suddenly, it was the Taijun's turn to be stunned and unable to answer.

"Whose phone?" Kang Qiao had just walked out of the room with the mobile phone to the living room, when Yang Xiaoguai came out of the kitchen with a fried poached egg.Glancing at Cambridge who was holding a mobile phone, he asked naturally.

Kang Qiao handed her the phone in front of her: "I'm looking for you, yes."

Yang Xiaoguai put the tray containing the purse cake on the dining table, and glanced at Cambridge. This was her cell phone, so she was naturally looking for her.Mr. Kang, don't you realize that your answer is not the answer to the question?He took the phone and put it to his ear: "Hi, I'm Yang Yi."

"Xiao Yang, I am Taijun, great, great, I finally found you!" Taijun's slightly excited voice reached Yang Yi's ears.

Comrade Xiao Yang frowned slightly, why did it sound like he had been looking for her for a long time?Taijun?Could it be that he is the prince of Ran Xiaobai's family?That is Liuliu and Xiaocao's future grandma?What's the matter with her?

The questions that popped up in Comrade Xiao Yang's mind were one after another.

After skipping the question, Comrade Xiao Yang asked dully: "Grandma Ran, do you... have something to do with me?"

"Taijun." The Taijun over there corrected Comrade Xiao Yang's address to her.

"Ah?" Comrade Xiao Yang couldn't understand what it meant.

"It's called Taijun, I like this title, it's so imposing and tasteful! It's so vulgar and ordinary to be called grandma! I just like it when people call me Taijun." The old lady explained patiently.

"Oh, Taijun." Comrade Xiao Yang addressed Taijun like a good student under the teacher's teaching.

"Hey..." Taijun gave a long answer, "How about I let Xiaoning pick you up later? As an elder, let's make a decision about Liuliu and Xiaocao."

"Liuliu and Xiaocao?" Comrade Xiao Yang was still a little puzzled, but suddenly he seemed to be enlightened again, and said excitedly to the Taijun on the other end of the phone: "Taijun means my brother-in-law-to-be Did you propose to Liuliu too?" It seems that she just heard Taijun say: Let's make a decision about Liuliu and Xiaocao.That's right, it's a marriage.The second young master of the Ran family proposed to Shi Xiaocao, and everyone in Jing City must have known about it.Can you not know?Such a high-profile live-broadcast marriage proposal at the premiere, and now it is the Internet age, then the second young master’s marriage proposal video can be said to be unmatched in frequency no matter whether it is a gossip channel, a financial channel or an Internet click. !But, did the boss of the Ran family also marry Liu Liu?Why doesn't she know?Why, as Liuliu's only parent, did she not know such a big thing?
The Taijun on the other side of the phone paused slightly, and asked in a tentative tone: "Xiao Yang...you don't know yet?"

Comrade Xiao Yang shook his head: "I don't know!"

"Oh," the Taijun said softly, "I just proposed at Ran's celebration banquet two days ago. When Xiao Ning comes to pick you up, I will give you a video of the proposal. The eldest grandson's proposal is nothing compared to the second Sun Tzuxun!" Speaking of this, the old matriarch was so proud, "By the way, I will let my brother-in-law and brother-in-law come over soon, and I will make a decision about the two monkey children at the Hyatt Hotel."

In-laws and brothers-in-law?

Comrade Xiao Yang was instantly tenderized by these four words.

(End of this chapter)

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