Wife stand at attention

Chapter 301 Too Many Accidents

Chapter 301 Too Many Accidents (1)
Comrade Xiao Yang finally rejected Taijun's kindness.

After breakfast, Kang Qiao drove her to the Hyatt Hotel and drove away.

As the Wrangler in Cambridge left, a black Land Rover followed closely behind but skillfully kept a good distance.

King—Dong Recreation Department.

Huo Tianliang was wearing a set of white casual clothes, holding a billiard cue stick, leaning on the table and playing billiards.

Although he is over fifty, Huo Tianliang, the secretary-general of the municipal party committee, looks like he has just arrived in forty at most.With a handsome appearance, he is full of steady and mature masculinity, and exudes a commanding demeanor from the inside out.

Huo Tianliang is not in the government team of Jingshi, but he has his own contacts in Jingshi.He was born from grassroots, step by step from an orphan in an orphanage without any identity background to where he is today.

Huo Tianliang was playing billiards by himself and did not fight against others.Normally, he doesn't like to fight with others, but he likes to let him watch him fight with himself.

The same is true today.

The balls went into the hole one by one.Huo Tianliang's bushy brows were tightened more and more until the word "Chuan" was twisted.

"Crack!" The cue was released, and another ball was shot into the hole by him.

"Crack-crack-crack!" Applause rang out, followed by an exaggerated voice: "I said Secretary-General Huo, you're a good player. Do I still dare to open the game? Don't you make me feel ashamed?"

As soon as his words fell, Huo Tianliang scored another goal.He raised the club, stroked the head of the club, and pursed his lips with a smile: "Old Jin, didn't you tell me to play first? I asked you to start the game just now. You can't blame me for that!"

After hearing this, Lao Jin nodded: "Yes, I am the host and you are the guest, I admit it."

Huo Tianliang shook his head, put the club in his hand on the table, leaned his body on the corner of the table, folded his arms around his chest, and squinted at Lao Jin with his sharp eyes: "Old Jin, I won't let you say that." Love to hear it! When did I become a guest? I am a native of Jingshi, but you are transferred to Jingshi from another city. Are you talking the wrong way? How to say, I have to be the master of you Are you a guest?"

Lao Jin was slightly taken aback, and then he pursed his lips and smiled: "Oh, yes! You are the host and I am the guest! Then next time I go back to City H, how about letting me, a native of City H, be the host?"

Huo Tianliang smiled without saying a word, his cheetah-like eyes stared straight at the ball on the table that hadn't entered the hole yet and marked "11".The corners of the lips raised an unpredictable arc, "Waiting for your arrival!"

After three knocks on the door, the door was pushed in from the front, and a waiter in King-Dong overalls said to Lao Jin with a smile on his face: "Chief Jin, Mr. Zhang is here."

Lao Jin nodded slightly to the waiter: "Ask him to come in."

"Okay." The waiter turned and left with a smile. Two minutes later, a man wearing a dark black suit, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and holding a brown document in his hand pushed the door open.When he saw Huo Tianliang leaning against the corner of the table, the man was slightly taken aback, and then quickly nodded to Huo Tianliang out of instinct and said to Lao Jin: "Chief Jin, I have prepared all the materials you need." Patted the file bag in his hand and continued: "It's all in there." After speaking, he handed the file bag in front of Lao Jin.

Lao Jin glanced at Huo Tianliang, reached out to take the document bag handed over by the man, put it on the table and said to the man, "Thank you, the fee will be charged to your account as usual."

The man grinned: "Then don't disturb Section Chief Jin's pleasure, call me anytime if you need anything." After speaking, he glanced at Huo Tianliang who was silent, turned around and pulled away.

The man left, Lao Jin pointed to the folder, and said to Huo Tianliang, "Then, this is the information of the person you are looking for."

Lao Jin is a wise man, and there is no other sentence besides this.He is naturally clear about what he should know and what he should not know.

Huo Tianliang leaned forward slightly, reached out and took the folder on the table, but did not open it on the spot, but flipped it up and down two or three times in his hand.There was a hint of heaviness in his eyes and expression, as if he was being pressed down by something.

The file bag looks a little light, and there seems to be no documents in it.Based on the feel of the countless documents that Huo Tianliang has held in the officialdom for several years, there are at most four or five sheets of document paper in this document bag.In the end, Huo Tianliang folded the file bag in the middle, and said to Lao Jin: "Thanks in advance, I'll be the host next time I'm in H City, and I'll be back today."

Lao Jin nodded: "Yeah."

Huo Tianliang turned and left, leaving only Lao Jin in the recreation room.

Looking at the slowly closing door and Huo Tianliang's back that was fading away, a trace of unknown complexity flashed across Lao Jin's eyes.He took the mobile phone that was in the pocket of his clothes and dialed a mobile number skillfully.Before the person on the other side of the phone could speak, he spoke first, "Do you have a backup of the information you sent over just now?"


"Well, you send an electronic version to my email, and I will give you double copies for the fee."

"Chief Jin, it's just an electronic document, why..."

"I say, you do it!" Lao Jin directly interrupted the other party's call, his tone was very serious.

"Okay, I will do what Section Chief Jin says, and you will receive the email in half an hour!"

Lao Jin hung up the phone, and fiddled with the phone with his right hand, his eyes were deep and bottomless, and the corners of his lips curled into a meaningful arc.If Huo Tianliang can come forward to investigate and he doesn't want people to know that he is the one who wants to investigate this person, then this person must not be a simple person.Maybe he has an unusual relationship with Huo Tianliang.

Although his relationship with Huo Tianliang is acceptable, people always have to reserve a way out for themselves.Huo Tianliang is a well-known figure in the political circles of City H, but he is only a small section chief in Jing City, and he never thought of staying in Jing City forever.So if he wanted to return to City H, Huo Tianliang had a great opportunity.

Lao Jin took a heavy look at the billiard table that Huo Tianliang had just now, the "11" ball was still lying quietly on the table.As far as Huo Tianliang was watching the ball just now, he already saw a look in his eyes called "seeing things and thinking about people".This person is naturally the object of his investigation.

Old Jin Shenrui's eyes stayed on the ball for 30 seconds, and finally retracted.He took the coat that was put aside, turned around and opened the door to leave the recreation room.

Qingcheng Bieyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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