Wife stand at attention

Chapter 302 Too Many Accidents

Chapter 302 Too Many Accidents (2)
Li Qingxue was sitting on a wicker chair on the terrace wearing only a white nightgown, a cup of Blue Mountain coffee and a sandwich were placed on the white jade table.Her charming eyes looked far ahead, she picked up the coffee on the table with her slender hands, and shook the spoon in the other hand.

The cell phone in the house rang.

Li Qingxue turned her body slightly, her eyes turned towards the cell phone in the room, and the corners of her lips curled up in a strange arc.The phone kept ringing, but she didn't intend to get up, and just let the phone keep ringing.It's like comparing endurance with the hands on the phone to see who is more patient.

Finally, the phone stopped.

The curve of Li Qingxue's lips became even more curved. She coldly glanced at the mobile phone on the tea table in the room, and took a sip of coffee.

Then, the phone rang again, and it seemed that the caller thought the same thing.

Li Qingxue continued to remain unmoved, and even slowly leaned over to lie down on the wicker chair.Squinting her eyes slightly, she let the warm sunlight shine on her body, and she enjoyed the warmth at this moment very much.

The phone rang and stopped, stopped and rang again.

Finally, after repeating the cycle five or six times, Li Qingxue opened her eyes, stood up from the wicker chair unhurriedly, turned and walked into the room.He took the mobile phone on the coffee table and squinted at the caller ID on it. The six missed calls were all from Kangmei.

This mobile phone number is only known to Ke Lei, and it was used by her when she had an affair with Ke Lei over the years.Never, she never told the third person.Now that Kang Mei can call this number, it naturally means that Kang Mei has seen the connection between her and Ke Lei.She's been waiting for this moment!
Li Qingxue held the mobile phone in her right hand, but she didn't intend to answer the call at all.Finally, after ringing for N long time, the bell stopped again.Five seconds later, a text message came in.

When you click to read the information, you don't have to think about the text message sent by Kangmei.

Text message content: I am Kang Mei, Ke Lei's wife.

Li Qingxue sneered, and sent back a message: Then, what do you want to tell me?
Kang Mei: I want you to leave Ke Lei!

Li Qingxue: Ms. Kang, you don't realize this problem, should you go to your man?Are you looking for me?You can't even look down on your own man, you can't control it, but you still have the face to tell me to leave?I don't know if I tell Lei what you said today, what do you think will happen to him?
The phone rang again immediately.Naturally, Kangmei called.

This time, Li Qingxue answered the phone without any hesitation, but she didn't speak, and just put the phone to her ear.Of course, without her having to speak first, Kang Mei's sharp knife-like voice reached her ears: "Say, what are you going to do before you leave Ke Lei?"

Li Qingxue sneered: "Miss Kang, I think I have made my words very clear. The decision on this issue is not in my hands. You can ask Ke Lei directly."

Hearing Li Qingxue's voice, Kang Mei was slightly taken aback, why did this voice sound so familiar?

Li Qingxue continued to add fuel to the flames and said: "However, even if you ask, it is useless! Do you think you are still the lady of the Kang family? You have no money and no power. What do you have to bring Ke Lei back to the house?" By your side? Oh, by the way, I forgot one thing, didn’t you snatch him from someone else? Don’t you know? A man never makes a mistake just once. Can If you commit a crime once, you will commit it a second time, so don’t feel that I owe you and snatch Ke Lei from you. I just took away things that don’t belong to you.”

Kang Mei's face turned green from anger, and before she had time to answer, Li Qingxue's sneering voice continued to reach her ears: "Kang Mei, you are so naive and cute! Don't you know what a man's nature is? Do you think you have the face to accuse me here? Don't you know what your family is like? Fang Ying is an old shameless slut who steals men, and you are also a little bitch who steals men! There is nothing wrong with the saying that like a mother, like a daughter! No matter what you do to me, I will return everything to you in the same way! Don't worry, I will not only steal your man, but also Take away your son, and then you will have nothing! This is what you owe me!"

"You..." Kang Mei was stunned, and she didn't know how to react for a while, "Who are you... exactly? What do we owe you?"

"Oh!" Li Qingxue sneered: "Who am I? Ask Fang Ying, she will tell you! Let me tell you one more thing, Ke Lei was never yours, but I gave it to you! These Years, you earned it! Now is the time for you to pay it back!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Ke's small villa.

Kang Mei held the mobile phone in her hand, she was stunned for a long time and did not respond to what Li Qingxue meant.

There was the sound of the door opening.

Ke Lei opened the door and entered with a tired face.

Kang Mei put away the expression on her face in an instant, and smiled at him, "Lei, are you back? I'm going to prepare breakfast for you. You can take a shower first, and you can eat when you come down..." After finishing speaking, she turned around Head towards the kitchen.

"No need!" Ke Lei said coldly, "I just came back to get some clothes, and I'll go out right away. Besides, are the things you cook edible? Have you ever been in the kitchen once in these years? You Can you tell the difference between salt and sugar? Can you tell the difference between vinegar and soy sauce? So, no need.”

Kang Mei's steps froze, and the smile on her face also froze. She turned around stiffly, with tears in her eyes: "You haven't been back for five days, why..."

"From today onwards, I will not come back again! As a compensation to you, this villa belongs to you. I think I should be more generous than the Kang family. At least this villa is worth several million , unlike the Kang family, who didn’t leave you a penny!" Ke Lei looked at Kang Mei coldly, and said without the slightest affection, and it could even be said to be very mocking.

Tears rolled down Kang Mei's cheeks drop by drop, "You...was it just for money when you were with me?"

Ke Lei pursed his lips in disdain: "Do you think I'm with you because I like you?"

Kang Mei shook her head, shaking her head vigorously, as she shook her head, the tears were thrown out one by one like beans: "No! You didn't say that before, you mean that you will be with me only if you love me Yes, you said that Zeng Chanhui had nothing but money in her eyes, and you said that I was considerate of you, and that understanding your heart gave you a feeling you had never experienced before. Don’t you remember these words? I remember, I remember all of them Lei, don't be like this, okay? I really love you. The Kang family didn't give me money. We have our own company, and I have some private money. Don't you have your own company now? The same It can bring you a lot of clients. Kang’s company is now only an empty shell. What’s the use of us coming? All the clients have already been taken away by my brother. As long as you join forces with my brother’s company, Our days are still the same as before! Lei, don't leave me, okay? We have Xuanxuan, Xuanxuan, are you willing to let him not have a father..."

(End of this chapter)

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