Wife stand at attention

Chapter 303 Too Many Accidents

Chapter 303 Too Many Accidents (3)
"Heh!" Ke Lei sneered again: "Don't worry, Xuanxuan won't be without a father, don't worry about it!"

Kang Mei froze, and looked at him in disbelief: "What do you mean?"

Ke Lei squinted at her: "Literally, the lawyer will contact you!" After speaking, he turned and walked towards the stairs.

"Ke Lei, let me tell you, I won't get a divorce! I'm not Zeng Chanhui, I'm not that easy to deal with, I definitely won't get a divorce!" Kang Mei yelled heartbreakingly.

Ke Lei shrugged needlessly, "Then let me tell you, I am really divorced from this marriage!"

Ten minutes later, Ke Lei carried a suitcase and drove away in his own car without even looking at Kang Mei.

While holding the steering wheel, Ke Lei took out his mobile phone and pressed a number skillfully.

"Hello." A woman's voice came from over there, with anticipation and joy mixed with tenderness.

"Is Xuanxuan obedient?" Ke Lei's voice was very gentle, like a man in love.

"Be obedient, call me mom today."

"Thank you for your hard work! Don't worry, we will be able to reunite as a family in a short time."

"We're waiting for you."

Ke Lei hung up the phone, still smiling constantly on his face, faintly revealing sweet happiness.When turning a corner, through the rearview mirror, a very familiar BMW was following behind him, keeping a distance of ten meters from him.There was a gloomy sneer on his face, he took the mobile phone that had just been placed on the passenger seat, and dialed Li Qingxue's mobile phone, before Li Qingxue could speak, Ke Lei said, "What are you doing?" ?”

"Miss you." Li Qingxue's half-true voice was full of coquettish anger.

"Miss me? Did we separate this morning?" Ke Lei's voice was also teasing.

"Can't I miss you after we part in the morning?"

"Okay! Then come out, see you at the old place, I have good news for you."

"What good news?"

Ke Lei glanced at the BMW in the rearview mirror, with a strange smile on his lips, and said to Li Qingxue, "I'll tell you when we meet. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Okay, I'll come out now."

Ke Lei took up the cable, casually threw the phone on the passenger seat, and then squinted at the rearview mirror.The BMW still kept a distance of ten meters from him.The sneer on the corner of her lips became stronger, Kang Mei, you are so stupid and hopeless, since you want to know, then do as you wish!Li Qingxue, you asked for it even more. Do you think no one knows about you?who do you think You Are?Can you play with so many people in the palm of your hand?Do you really think that I, Ke Lei, are a bastard?Willing to wear so many green hats?No woman can make you more humble, and can serve the Kang family father and son at the same time!If it wasn't for the blood relationship between you and Kang Jian, you probably wouldn't let Kang Jian go!With a public toilet like yours, you think I, Ke Lei, will fall in love with you!You really think too highly of yourself!Since you are willing to be ridden by others, and you are willing to be a shield to block arrows, why wouldn't I use you to block it?You asked for it, don't blame me!

Ke Lei pursed a weird smile all the way, and drove in one direction with a purpose.

Qingcheng Bieyuan.

After Li Qingxue put on her make-up, she stepped on ten-centimeter-high stilettos, picked up the bag on the sofa, and the car keys on the coffee table and walked out the door.Just before turning around and walking to the door, the mobile phone in the bag rang.Li Qingxue subconsciously felt that the call must be from Ke Lei, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips, she stopped and took out the phone from her bag, but when she saw the caller ID, the smile on her lips froze. Stopped, there was a gloomy look in his eyes, and he hung up the phone without hesitation.

Kang Shuo!

The call at this time is probably because of what Fang Ying said that day?He wouldn't be really stupid to think that she was really his daughter, would he?
so what?what are you going to doYou slept with your own daughter, and you still have the nerve to call?Maybe you still want to say: Qingxue, you are actually my daughter!Kang Shuo, you are so shameless!

Isn't it?Are you stupid to think that I still want you a penniless old man?

Kang Shuo, I, Li Qingxue, hate the members of your Kang family the most in my life, whether it is Kang Qiao or the dead old woman, or Kang Jian, or Kang Mei, or even you and Fang Ying, it is your Kang Shuo. My family has ruined my whole life, and I won't make it easy for you!

You are waiting!

Li Qingxue clenched her fists resentfully, turned and went out.Pressed the elevator and waited for the elevator to arrive.

The phone rang again, and it was still Kang Shuo's call.Li Qingxue still hung up without hesitation.

"Ding—" The elevator door opened.

When she saw Kang Shuo in the elevator, Li Qingxue was stunned!When Kang Shuo in the elevator saw Li Qingxue outside the elevator, he was also startled. After being startled, there was a flash of joy in his eyes, and he looked at Li Qing outside the elevator with very complicated eyes. Xue, an excited and trembling voice sounded: "Xue...Xue'er? You...why are you here?" Pressing the elevator door with one hand, she poked her head out of the elevator and glanced at Li Qingxue's unit: "You... Live here?" Suddenly, as if thinking of something, she looked at her with panicked and worried eyes: "Here...here is..." He hesitated, but he was embarrassed to say "" Mistress Court" three words.

Li Qingxue pursed her lips coldly, and squinted at him lukewarmly: "This is Qingcheng Bieyuan, which is the second wife garden that you can't say! Why, isn't uncle also in this elevator? No Did you raise another mistress here? Oh, no, it should be called the third mistress, and your aunt is your mistress, so you will be the third mistress according to the order in which you are raised here!"

Kang Shuo's face was a bit ugly, it could even be said to be livid and pale.Firstly, it was because he slept with Li Qingxue, and secondly, Fang Ying told him that Li Qingxue was his daughter.Although he had always wanted to talk to her about this matter when he called her before, but he met her so casually, and the embarrassment climbed up from the bottom of his feet in an instant.He... actually slept with his own daughter!

After his face turned pale, it turned red. Coupled with the slight wrinkles on his face, at this moment, his entire face looked like a monkey's butt.

"Xue'er, I...no!" Apart from no, Kang Shuo really couldn't find any words for a while.

"No?" Li Qingxue looked at him with a half-smile: "Nothing?"

"I don't have a mistress!" Whether it's a daughter or a former woman, he doesn't want Li Qingxue to misunderstand him.

Li Qingxue stepped into the elevator, and Kang Shuo let go of the hand holding the elevator door.Li Qingxue took two steps back after pressing the door close button, retreated to a corner far away from him, and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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