Wife stand at attention

Chapter 307 Who Are You Looking For

Chapter 307 Who Are You Looking For (1)
When the light was red, Mr. Kang stopped.Shenrui's eyes stared straight at her from head to toe, and finally her eyes with special meaning stopped at a certain place of Yang Xiaoguai, that is, B is now developing towards C— At that place, he raised a meaningful smirk, folded his arms around his chest, stroked his chin with one hand, and said like a ruffian: "Madam's growth has always been the credit of this officer."

If Yang Xiaoguai still can't understand the expression in Hong Guoguo's naked eyes and tone of voice, isn't it because he has been trained by Mr. Kang for so long and watched so many 4A movies for nothing?
So, he stretched out his hands, twisted Master Kong's stiff arm, and stared at him: "The light is green, drive!" After speaking, he tightened his windbreaker and glanced at his C—, uh, it seems... It seems...it has indeed grown a lot.

Well, he has indeed contributed a lot to his acquired growth!

The weekend is approaching the end of the year again, and there are many people.

The heating is turned on quite high, and the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the supermarket is at least ten degrees or more.Yang Xiaoguai took off his windbreaker and hung it on the armrest of the shopping cart, and Cambridge also took off his coat.Kang Qiao pushed the shopping cart with one hand, put his arm around Yang Xiaoguai's waist with the other, and asked, "What should I buy first?"

Yang Xiaoguai raised her head slightly, smiled and shrugged, "I don't know, let's go shopping first."

Kang Qiao nodded: "Okay, madam is the biggest, madam has the final say! I am your coolie today, what do you say, what should I do!"

Food area.

Yang Yi took a barrel of corn oil and put it into the shopping cart, and continued to push the cart with Cambridge.

Ye Anran was pushing the shopping cart towards the cashier. Ruo Da's shopping cart was half piled up, but when he passed the food area, he caught a glimpse of Cambridge who was walking forward with Yang Yi pushing the shopping cart.He had already crossed this area, but he pulled the shopping cart back and stared at Cambridge without blinking.

In fact, Kang Qiao does not look like Kang Shuo, but Ye Anran recognized Kang Qiao at a glance, and recognized him as the son of Kang Shuo and Gu Meiyun.

All of a sudden, various scenes from the past flashed in her mind, just like a movie, unfolding one scene after another. What happened 30 years ago filled her mind as if it happened yesterday.

Ye Anran gripped the shopping cart tightly with both hands, even her knuckles turned white.Her face was also pale, and her eyes were full of anger and hatred. She hated Cambridge so much that she blocked the exit of the corridor.

Kang Qiao and Yang Yi were pushing the car just as they were about to turn from this aisle to another aisle, but they saw that she had no intention of moving at all, and there was an inexplicable hatred in her eyes.

"Excuse me, madam, please step down." Yang Yi said with a smile.

Following Yang Yi's voice, Ye Anran finally came back to his senses, and unnaturally withdrew his eyes from staring at Cambridge, and showed them an uncomfortable smile: "Sorry, I'm blocking you." I moved my shopping cart back, but my eyes moved from Kang Qiao to Yang Yi, with a look of inquiry.

Kang Qiao was a little displeased with Ye Anran's eyes.His sharp eyes looked at Ye An like a falcon, and then he continued to move forward with his arms around Yang Yi.

"Master Kang, did you realize that the way she looked at you was a little strange?" Yang Yi turned her head to look at Ye Anran who was still standing there, but found that her eyes continued to look towards them, "Hey, She's still looking at you now. Master Kang, can you tell your wife what's going on?"

Kang Qiao smiled and looked at her sideways, "Why don't you ask?"

Yang Xiaoguai glanced at him sideways, took a bag of hand-peeled pecans and put them in the shopping cart, and threw a bag of walnuts into it.

Milk powder area.

Yang Yi is choosing the milk powder to buy.

It is Yang Xiaoguai's habit to have a glass of milk before going to bed, so much so that even Cambridge has formed this habit now.

The milk powder area faces baby products.

Yang Yi picked out a can of milk powder and put it in the shopping cart, but when she looked up, she met Ye Anran who was looking at them.The moment the eyes met, Ye Anran was a little panicked, and his eyes were a little uncertain.In a panic, she pretended to look at a piece of children's clothing.

Yang Yi was about to tear the hem of Cambridge's clothes, only to realize that at some point, Cambridge was no longer by her side.

He turned around and looked around, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Yang Xiaoguai pushed the cart forward, walked up to Ye Anran, smiled and said politely: "Madam, what a coincidence?"

Ye Anran put down the children's clothes in his hands, looked at Yang Yi's smile, and showed a dry smile: "Yes, what a coincidence. Why didn't I see Cambridge..."

As soon as the word Kang Qiao came out, Ye Anran immediately fell silent, turned around and pushed the shopping cart to leave.

"Madam, do you know us?" Yang Yi quickly followed.

Ye Anran seemed a little flustered and frightened, and quickened his pace, "I don't know you!"

"But I think you look familiar!" Yang Yi stopped and said to Ye Anran who was running away.

Ye Anran stopped, her whole body froze, and five seconds later she said to Yang Yi without turning her head: "You misidentified the person, I don't know Kang Shuo, and I don't know Gu Meiyun either. I have nothing to do with them! Don't follow me anymore, I will call the police!" After speaking, he pushed the car and hurried forward, but seemed to have no direction or goal, just like a frightened deer, bumping around.

Suddenly a powerful arm appeared around her waist. She raised her head and looked into Kang Qiao's eyes, "I think she must have something to do with the Kang family! She knows you, her mother, and..." I don't know how to call it Kang Shuo, so he directly omitted the title, anyway, Master Kang knew who she was talking about.

"En!" Cambridge nodded.

"Ah?" Yang Yi looked at him puzzled, "You know?"

Kang Qiao rubbed the top of her hair and said with a smile, "What does your man do?"

"People's Liberation Army!" Yang Xiaoguai blurted out.

Well, this title and this profession make her proud.

Master Kang's eyes twitched and his brows raised: "So, don't underestimate the combat and reconnaissance capabilities of the People's Liberation Army!"

Yang Xiaoguai: "..."

Uncle of the People's Liberation Army, what is the relationship between combat power and reconnaissance power and this matter?Does your boss have to act like this?It's very short of smoking, okay?

Well, she admitted that Mr. Kang's combat and reconnaissance capabilities are indeed not covered.As the saying goes, marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog, then if you marry Master Kang, you have to adapt to his narcissism and desperation!He said it was related, so it was related!
Pointing at the shopping cart, she said in a queen-like commanding tone, "Push it to the cashier and line up first." It seemed that she still had one thing that she didn't buy, and it was still necessary.With Mr. Kang fighting so unremittingly during this period of time, that thing has already been used up.

(End of this chapter)

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