Wife stand at attention

Chapter 308 Who Are You Looking For

Chapter 308 Who Are You Looking For (2)
Well, her skin is very thin, not thick enough to go to the pharmacy to buy it, so she can't say it.But the supermarket is different, you don’t even need to ask, just take it directly from the shelf.After a while, I just threw it in the car. Anyway, it was Master Kong who lined up to pay, so it's none of her business.

Kang Qiao looked at her in bewilderment, and asked after three seconds, "What are you still taking? I'll get it."

A faint blush climbed onto Yang Xiaoguai's cheeks, she lowered her head slightly, twisted it, and said confidently: "Lady's supplies, do you know what to get?"

Kang Qiao pursed his lips and smiled, looked at her with wicked eyes, pushed the shopping cart with one hand, put his arm around her waist with the other, and said calmly: "It's not that I haven't bought it before, I'm not afraid to wear diapers." I bought it for you, do you still care about this? Why are you twisting?"


As the three words "diapers" spit out from his mouth, Yang Xiaoguai's face became even redder, and even hotter!That's hot enough to boil eggs!I can even feel a few strange eyes cast towards her from all around!

She is an adult!

An adult, but uses diapers!

what does this mean?
Although the fact is that he can't tell the difference between sanitary napkins and diapers, if this sounds to others, it won't mean that, okay?
Yang Xiaoguai is in tears!That is called a giant tear!
Mr. Kang, don't take you to toss and mislead people like this, okay!

Is that the diaper I use?Is it what I use?You bought the wrong one, okay, okay!

He raised his foot and stomped hard on his foot.Of course, the strength of the step was just right, twisted his buttocks, rolled his eyes and pushed the shopping cart straight to the cashier.

I am ashamed and lost at home, so how can I buy a small umbrella Durex.

The queue is very long, and almost all the people are in the whole car.It's approaching the end of the year, and it's time to prepare New Year's goods.

Even if all the cash registers are open, there is a queue of at least ten people at each cash register.

No way, line up, wait.

Faintly, she always felt a pair of eyes staring at her.

Subconsciously, Yang Xiaoguai turned his head and looked around for the look in his eyes, but there was nothing.

Yang Yi frowned, could it be that she was nervous?Because Master Kong's joke just made her nervous?
"What's the matter?" Seeing her looking around looking for something, Cambridge asked.Asking, while scanning the surroundings with the same eyes, not far away, the gaze shot from Ye Anran's eyes in the crowd was finally locked by the falcon-like Cambridge.

Kang Qiao frowned slightly.

Yang Yi shrugged needlessly, "Maybe I'm oversensitive."

Cambridge patted her on the shoulder: "You line up first, I'll make a phone call."

Yang Yi nodded: "Oh."

Anyway, the team is so long, it won't be her turn in a while.

Kang Qiao's eyes glanced at Ye Anran's direction, and he walked towards a fixed direction.

Women's section.

With his mobile phone in his left hand, Kang Qiao was talking on the phone, standing in front of the women's products section, picking out sanitary napkins.

"Brother Qiao, I'm here, where are you?"

"You go directly to the cashier at No. 39, she is still in line."

"Okay, got it. I'll let you know if I have any news."


"Brother Qiao, you'll be offended if you say this. Brother doesn't like to hear it."

"That's fine, next time I'll treat you to a drink or two, don't you see me?"

"Two glasses are enough, at least two bottles are needed."

"Okay, you have the final say."

"Well, Brother Qiao, I saw her, so that's it."

Kang Qiao hung up the phone, the corners of his lips curled into a curved arc, he stuffed his hands into his trouser pockets, took two packs of sanitary napkins of the brand that Yang Xiaoguai usually used and two packs of panty liners, and turned towards the cashier direction.

A young couple was pushing a shopping cart to the women's products section, and saw this tall and handsome man come to pick up women's products alone.

The woman said in a very envious tone: "A good man, a good man, he even buys sanitary napkins for his own woman. Hey, when can you buy them for me?" She took a picture of the man who was by her side, Jiaochen road.

Unconvinced, the man reached out and took a few bags and threw them into the shopping cart: "Aren't I shopping with you?"

The woman pursed her lips and smiled.

When Cambridge returned to the cash register, there were two or three people in front of Yang Xiaoguai, and there was already a long line behind him.

Throw the two packs of sanitary napkins and two packs of panty liners into the shopping cart.

Seeing this, Yang Xiaoguai was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Looking at Master Kong in disbelief, he swallowed sharply.

Mr. Kang, I still have my bread and biscuits at home, besides, my relatives just left a week ago.Why is your boss buying so much?
Master Kang stared at her imposingly: "Didn't you say you wanted to buy it?"

Yang Xiaoguai: "..."

Mr. Kang, I don't want to buy bread, I want to buy a small umbrella, okay?

You have used up all the small umbrellas at home, okay?

Yang Xiaoguai burst into tears, and after the tears passed, his eyes looked at his nose, and his nose looked at his heart, directly ignoring Mr. Kang.

Another person paid and left, moving forward.

Suddenly, Yang Xiaoguai's eyes were attracted by a certain small package added to the goods beside the cash register.Without blinking, he stared at the two rows of small square boxes with different packages on the small shelf.

What, is the little umbrella placed here?Why didn't she find it every time she came to the supermarket?Or did they just move here recently?

Comrade Xiao Yang, it's not that the supermarket moved the small umbrella here recently, but it's because it's been in this place for a long time.If you haven't seen it, it's because you never cared and didn't want to care about whether this issue is good or not.

Yang Xiaoguai actually wanted to reach out to get a box, but there are so many people here, there are so many people queuing up, there are so many eyes of men, women and children staring at her in unison. Yang Xiaoguai, how dare you do such things in public?

Ever since, Comrade Xiao Yang's eyes stayed on the row of shelves for ten seconds, and then moved away as if nothing had happened.However, her self-aware eyes had nothing special, but in Kang Qiao's eyes, she became a god of longing with countless heart-shaped bubbles.

Following her consciously averting her eyes as if nothing had happened, the corners of Kang Qiao's lips raised a slight arc that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.The torch-like eyes cast a meaningful glance at Yang Xiaoguai, who was present with the old god, and he hung his head in her ear and said a word in a voice that only she could hear.

(End of this chapter)

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