Wife stand at attention

Chapter 309 Who Are You Looking For

Chapter 309 Who Are You Looking For (3)
Suddenly, Yang Xiaoguai's face turned wine red again, even to the base of his neck.Before Yang Xiaoguai came back to his senses, Cambridge took a small umbrella from the shelf as if nothing had happened, and threw it into the shopping cart calmly.

With the end of Kang Qiao's very chic action like shooting a basketball, it happened to be Comrade Xiao Yang's turn to check out.At this time, Comrade Xiao Yang happened to be flushed and shy.The cashier glanced at Comrade Xiao Yang with spring eyes, then at Cambridge standing next to her, and finally his eyes fell on the small blue box in the shopping cart, and after showing an inexplicable smile at Yang Yi, he acted as if nothing had happened. brush barcode.

Comrade Xiao Yang glared at her, looking at her and smiling at her.Why don't you just buy a full set of condoms, you don't need to look at me with such inexplicable eyes, and laugh at me with inexplicable smiles!

I bought a lot of things, and I filled two shopping bags.Kang Qiao was carrying [-] packs of corn oil in one hand and two shopping bags in the other, while Comrade Xiao Yang followed behind him empty-handed.

Of course, it wasn't that Comrade Xiao Yang didn't help him mention it, it was because Mr. Kang didn't want his wife to suffer.Besides, it's only a short distance to the parking lot, and the sum of all the things on hand will not exceed thirty catties at most.For him, it's a piece of cake.

Ye Anran was holding a shopping bag in his hand, standing at the entrance of the supermarket, his eyes were looking straight ahead without focus. Five minutes later, I reached out and flagged down a taxi.

"Go to Qingcheng Bieyuan." Sitting on the back seat, he said to the taxi driver in front of him.

The taxi driver is a straightforward man over fifty years old with half-white hair.When he heard the words "Qingcheng Bieyuan", he looked at Ye Anran with strange eyes, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but finally said nothing, stepped on the accelerator, and headed towards Qingcheng Bieyuan.

In this society, there are many people without social morality and professional ethics.

Qingcheng Bieyuan is well-known as the "Second Wife Garden" in Jingshi. Who else can go to that place besides the mistress who is adopted by others?However, I have never heard of taking a taxi to go there. Generally, those who live there have their own cars.Of course, being a mistress is not a good thing to be exposed to the public. Who wants to let people know that they are a mistress who is taken care of by others?Therefore, even if the car is worse, I would rather drive by myself.

This woman doesn't look too young anymore, at least she must be over forty, right?Although the dress is quite glamorous, but...

The uncle driver shook his head helplessly.

Well, don't worry about other people's business.As long as you are worthy of your conscience and have a clear conscience.

A black off-road vehicle followed the taxi all the way.

Half an hour later, the taxi stopped downstairs in Qingcheng Bieyuan.

"Ma'am, we're here." The driver uncle turned his head and said to Ye Anran in the back seat.

Ye Anran, who was in a daze, came back to his senses, and didn't intend to get out of the car immediately, rolled down the window, poked out half of his head and looked up at the tall building, slightly lost in thought.

Three minutes later, Ye Anran withdrew her upward gaze, took out a 3-denomination dollar from her wallet, and handed it to the driver in front: "Master, thank you! No need to look for it!"

The driver stared blankly at the 100 dollar bill, but didn't dare to reach out to pick it up.Looking at her with half-belief and panic eyes, "Madam, can you change RMB?"


Isn't this cheating?

Who knows if it's true or not?
Besides, he behaved in a safe and self-conscious manner, and never wanted anything that wasn't his own.The fare is only 62. This 100 US dollars is more than 600 in RMB. He will not take this hard-earned money!
It was only then that Ye Anran realized that what she was holding was actually US dollars.Showing an apologetic smile to the driver, he took out another [-] RMB note: "Sorry, I just came back from abroad and I haven't gotten used to it for a while. No need to look for it."

The driver still found 38 yuan for her.

Ye Anran got out of the car with her shopping bag and stood in front of the transparent glass door, once again at a loss.For a moment, she couldn't remember which floor her house was on.

When Kang Shuo drove by, he happened to see Ye Anran standing in front of the building, looking up at the roof.Because Ye Anran's back was facing him, Kang Shuo couldn't see her clearly, only saw her back.Kang Shuo didn't care, and drove out of Qingcheng Bieyuan.It happened that the car window was rolled down, and at this moment, Ye Anran turned around suddenly.Thus, Ye Ran'an clearly saw Kang Shuo's face, a face that she could never forget in her life.Although 32 years later, he is no longer as young as he used to be, but now his face is more old, and there are more traces of time.But she recognized Kang Shuo at a glance.

Scenes from that year once again flashed through her mind as quickly as a movie shot.

"Shuo, don't treat me like this, what I did wrong, you tell me, I'll change!"

"What you do, no matter how you change it, it's useless! I won't like you, let's break up!"

"No, I won't break up! I have it, I have your child, I won't break up!"

"One thousand here is enough for you to have an abortion. I don't want to see you again! Don't appear in front of me again!"

Ten hundred-yuan bills were ruthlessly thrown at her face, and then Kang Shuo turned around and left without a trace of nostalgia.

She caressed her lower abdomen, limp on the ground.

That year, the day before Valentine's Day, it was as cold as today.But what was colder was her heart, like the ice cellar, it was so cold that it made her shiver.

This day this year is still the day before Valentine's Day, the sky is still so cold, and her heart is still drenched in ice water.

In his eyes, she saw a strangeness and understood a coldness.He saw her as she saw him.However, he didn't recognize her.

Ye Anran's body shivered involuntarily, just like the one 32 years ago, the bone-chilling chill entered her heart.

The car window was slowly rolled up, and as the car window slowly went up, Kang Shuo's eyes slanted towards her intentionally or unintentionally.Finally, at the moment when the window was completely closed, his car drove out of Qingcheng Bieyuan.

The shopping bag slipped from Ye Anran's hand, and the contents of the bag fell out in disarray, all over the floor.

Suddenly, I remembered which floor and block I was on.Bending down mechanically, he picked up the things on the ground and put them into the shopping bag, picked up the bag and walked towards the door with heavy steps, pressed the elevator, waited for the elevator, entered the elevator, and closed the elevator.

When Huo Tianliang returned to the small villa, Li Ran was not there.Huo Tianliang looked around the living room and sat down on the sofa.Turn your right leg up to your left leg, and open the file bag.

(End of this chapter)

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