Wife stand at attention

Chapter 310 Who Are You Looking For

Chapter 310 Who Are You Looking For (4)
As he thought, there were not many materials in the file bag, four A4 sheets and three photos.

The more Huo Tianliang looked, the worse his complexion became, and a layer of indignation appeared in his eyes.

it is good!very good!

Li Ran, you have the guts!For so many years, you have played me around!If I don't cripple you, my fucking name won't be Huo Tianliang!

A flash of murderous intent flashed across Huo Tianliang's eyes, and he tore the four pieces of A4 paper into pieces.The three photos were spread side by side on the coffee table, staring at the people in the photos like an angry lion.In the photo, Yang Yi and Yang Liu sisters are standing side by side, smiling like a spring breeze.Cambridge is majestic in a camouflage military uniform, and Boss Ran in a suit is cold and serious.On the back of Kang Qiao's photo is written: Yang Yi's husband.On the back of Ran Xi's photo is written: Yang Liu's boyfriend.

Two minutes later, Huo Tianliang put away the three photos, stuffed the A2 paper that he had torn into shreds into the file bag, took the coat that was put aside, got up and walked towards the door.

A piece of paper the size of a palm was quietly lying on the foot of the coffee table, but Huo Tianliang didn't notice it at all.

The black BMW off-road vehicle drove out of the small villa, raising a pipe of exhaust fumes.

It was nearly four o'clock in the afternoon when Kang Qiao and Yang Yi returned home after shopping for groceries.

In the kitchen, Yang Yi sorted out the vegetables bought in the market and the things bought in the supermarket.When he took out the condom in the blue package, it happened that Kang Qiao changed into home clothes and stepped on slippers and walked into the kitchen.

Master Kang leaned imposingly on the kitchen door frame, half leaning half leaning on his face with a ruffian-like smile, looking at Yang Xiaoguai with a half-smile.

His smiling but ruffian-like expression seemed so twitching in Yang Xiaoguai's eyes, he gave him a hard look, and threw the box in his hand towards him: "You solve!"

Kang Qiao took the box thrown by Yang Xiaoguai steadily, and said to her with an even more wry smile: "Madam, if I solve it by myself, I won't need this thing."

Yang Xiaoguai: "..."


Since there is nothing to say, let's bury our heads and classify them.I'm sorry, but I can't hide from you?
This is the purpose that Yang Xiaoguai has always pursued.Oh, it should be said that it is the purpose pursued by Master Kong.When she first met this man, she felt extremely cold.After a long time, it made her feel confused.

"Go to the opposite side and see, does mom need any help? I'm going to prepare dinner." Yang Yi said to Cambridge, who was still standing by the door.

Cambridge dropped the box in his hand, took two steps forward, took a sip on her red lips, and nodded: "Yes."

I took the box and walked out of the kitchen to the room. After 30 seconds, I folded it out of the room again, without the condom in my hand.

Nonsense, can you walk around with this thing in your hand?

In the kitchen, Yang Yi was still busy. There was a sound of opening the door, and then there was a knock on the door from the opposite side.

Kang Qiao stood outside the door waiting for Gu Meiyun to open the door.

When Gu Meiyun came to open the door, she was still holding a document in her hand. When she saw Cambridge standing outside the door, she was slightly taken aback, and then she pursed her lips and smiled: "Why did you come back so early? You don't go with Xiao Yang on weekends Watch a movie?"

Kang Qiao glanced at the document in her hand, and pointed at Yang Yi in the kitchen with his thumb: "Is there anything I can do for you? How is the company?"

Gu Meiyun smiled very relieved: "I'll talk about it when I come in, I'll show you a document."

Kang Qiao smoothly closed the door of his house, and followed Gu Meiyun into the opposite room.

After Gu Meiyun handed the document to Cambridge, she turned around and poured water for him.Cambridge sat on the sofa, looking at the document in his hand very seriously, without any expression on his face.

Passing a cup of warm water through Cambridge, seeing the unsurprised expression on Kang Qiao's face, and within a minute he put the document on the coffee table in front of the sofa.Gu Meiyun sat down on the single sofa opposite him, "From your expression, I can see that you already knew about this?"

Cambridge nodded: "Yeah."

Gu Meiyun was surprised and at the same time showed a gratified smile: "Then do you object?"

Kang Qiaojing looked at her and asked without answering, "Why should I object?"

Gu Meiyun smiled: "That's good. I don't want to take the initiative to deal with others, but I also don't want people to ride on my neck and do whatever they want. Since they won't let go, let them bite themselves!"

"You can decide for yourself about the company. Anyway, I never thought of coming back to take over." Kang Qiao stood up from the sofa, looked at Gu Meiyun and said, "Don't tire yourself out, come over and have dinner together later. I'll go first."

Although he still didn't hear a word "Mom" from his mouth, at least now the relationship between their mother and son has become much closer, and he has cared about her now.Gu Meiyun listened to Kang Qiao's words, her heart was filled with sweet joy, she nodded: "Tomorrow's Valentine's Day, spend good time with Xiao Yang."

Kang Qiao smiled and nodded, then turned and went out.

When Yangliu's jeep stopped at the entrance of the corridor, Huo Tianliang's off-road vehicle had just stopped for a while, and Huo Tianliang happened to be walking up the stairs to the second floor.Yang Liu got out of the car and walked towards the stairs while dialing Yang Yi's cell phone.It can almost be said to be walking in tandem.

When Yang Yi picked up the phone, Yang Liu just walked to the corridor on the second floor, and a man was standing at the door of their house ringing the doorbell.

"Hello, Liuliu."

"Sister, are you on the second floor or the fifth floor?" Yang Liu glanced at the man who rang the doorbell and asked Yang Yi.

"Fifth floor."

"Okay, I'll come up later, I'll hang up beforehand." Before Yang Yi could speak, Yang Liu hung up the phone resolutely, and the person had already reached the door, "Sir, who are you looking for?"

Huo Tianliang turned around.

Huo Tianliang scanned Yang Liu with heavy eyes, and sized her up from head to toe.

A military uniform, short hair, a hat in one hand, a mobile phone in the other, and a pair of military boots.A pair of eyes are very similar to Yang Yongxin's, especially those clear but burning eyes.Unfortunately, she is not Yang Yongxin and his daughter.

While Huo Tianliang was looking at Yang Liu, Yang Liu was also looking at him.

This man was nearly fifty years old, and there was an inaccessible resistance all over his body, as if he was resisting her from the inside out.


Resist her?
Did something go wrong?
It's the first time they've met, okay? They don't know each other at all, okay? You resist!It's fine if my sister doesn't resist you, but if you want you to resist me!
While taking out the key, Yang Liu looked at Huo Tianliang: "Sir, who are you looking for?" After speaking, she took the key and opened the door.

(End of this chapter)

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