Wife stand at attention

Chapter 311 You Are Not Tired, It Is Tired

Chapter 311 You Are Not Tired, It Is Tired (1)
As Yang Liu opened the door, Huo Kailiang inadvertently glanced inward, and then his deep eyes fell on Yang Liu.After a long while, he said unhurriedly: "Sorry, I think I made a mistake. You are..." Pointing to Yangliu, he pointed to the opened door.

Yang Liu pursed her lips and smiled: "Since I have the key to open the door, naturally this is my home."

Huo Tianliang's eyes sank for a moment, a complicated look flashed across his eyes, and he showed a mysterious smile to Yang Liu: "Of course. Then I won't disturb you to go home." After speaking, he glanced into the room again, hung up With a slight smile, he turned and left.

Regarding Huo Tianliang's smile and words, Yang Liu felt a little puzzled, but he didn't take it to heart.Walking up to Yang Yongxin's portrait, he clasped his hands together and bowed slightly: "Mom, I'm sorry, I haven't come back to see you for so long. Do you miss me? Then, needless to say, Comrade Yang Yi must have not come down to accompany you for a long time. Ouch , Poor mother, even a daughter has forgotten you, but don't worry, I definitely didn't mean to your daughter. Isn't it that I won't come back to accompany you? Don't worry, Comrade Yang Yi is living a happy life now, chief Comrade, your son-in-law is very nice to her. Well, well, you know, your daughter is an idiot in the kitchen, so I’m going upstairs to Comrade Yang Yi’s house to have dinner.” Just as he turned around and was about to walk towards the door, Turning around quickly to face Yang Yongxin again, "Oh, by the way, mom, don't worry, I'll come back to accompany you after dinner."

Outside the door, in the corridor, Huo Tianliang listened to what Yang Liu said in the house verbatim, with a meaningful arc raised on the corner of his lips, and his eyes were gloomy.Go down the stairs towards your off-road vehicle.

When Li Ran returned to the small villa, the small villa was quiet without the slightest sound.The off-road vehicle belonging to Huo Tianliang in the courtyard was not there, so it was needless to say that he hadn't come back yet.

Throwing the bag on the sofa, and was about to turn around and go up the stairs to the second floor, the phone rang.

Li Ran turned around and frowned slightly, the ringtone was not hers.Looking for the ringtone, her gaze finally landed on the cushion on the sofa, and when she removed the cushion, a strange mobile phone appeared in front of her.

The mobile phone is not hers, if it appears in this small villa, then it can only be Huo Tianliang's.Although this phone is not the one he usually uses, it must be his.

Wei Wei hesitated for a while, finally bent down and took Huo Tianliang's phone, the screen displayed: Baby.


Li Ran sneered!

A sneer of disdain flashed across those bright peach eyes.He used to call someone a baby in this way, but now this baby must refer to his current wife.

The thumb stroked back and forth on the side of the answer button on the phone, as if thinking about whether to answer the call or not.

The phone keeps ringing.

Ten seconds later, Li Ran took a deep breath and pressed the answer button with her thumb, but she just put the phone to her ear and didn't speak.

A woman's soft and crisp voice came from beside my ear: "Brother Liang, are you still here today?"

Li Ran hung up the phone without hesitation, because she was sure that the call was not from Huo Tianliang's wife.In other words, in Jingshi, besides her, he has other women!
A hint of resentment jumped out of her eyes, and she pressed her finger to delete this call record directly.After continuing to put the phone back on the cushion, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of the palm-sized piece of paper that had fallen at the foot of the coffee table.He bent down and picked it up, but when he saw the words on the piece of paper, his face turned pale instantly.

I saw written on the piece of paper: Yang Liu, female, 23 years old, soldier.

Mother: Yang Yongxin, deceased.

Father: Unknown.

Sister: Yang Yi.

This information is enough for Li Ran to know that Huo Tianliang has asked people to check Yang Yongxin's mother and daughter.Li Ran was a little flustered, her pale face was filled with panic, mixed with a little helplessness.

She clasped her hands tightly and paced back and forth in front of the coffee table.In his mind, he kept thinking about what Huo Tianliang was doing at the moment, and whether he had already gone to find the sisters of the Yang family.Did he know what happened back then.

Holding the piece of paper tightly in the palm of his hand, he didn't know what to do for a while.

The phone in her bag rang, which startled her a lot.

With trembling hands, he took out his mobile phone from his bag, and when he saw Huo Tianliang's number on the screen, he froze, not knowing whether to answer it or not.Three seconds later, he closed his eyes heavily, took another deep breath, and answered the phone: "Hello."

"Where is it?" In Huo Tianliang's ear, his voice was so cold that no one could hear any emotion.

"I just got home, so I didn't see you." Li Ran tried her best to stabilize herself and calm her voice.

"Hmm." After a hmm, he hung up the phone without saying anything.

Li Ran was holding the phone, somewhat unable to figure out his intentions.Sitting on the sofa, resting his forehead on one hand, racking his brains to figure out his thoughts and the purpose of calling.

Ten minutes later, she got up and stood up from the sofa, with a sinister and cold smile on her lips, and a confident smile in her eyes.Turn around and go up the stairs to the second floor.

After eating and drinking, Yang Liu tactfully left.Gu Meiyun naturally went back to her room opposite.

After Kang Qiao washed the dishes, he sat on the sofa and read the newspaper while the TV was tuned to the military channel.

After Comrade Xiao Yang brought him a cup of hot milk, he went into the bathroom to take a bath and go to bed.

Cambridge, who was reading the newspaper, suddenly heard Gu Meiyun's words, tomorrow is Valentine's Day.Maybe he should do something.

Putting down the newspaper in his hand, he stood up from the sofa and walked towards the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Comrade Xiao Yang had just stripped himself naked, and stood in the transparent glass bathroom with the air conditioner turned on and the lights on, warm hot water sprayed down from the shower head, and layers of mist floated up. .

The sound of "squeaking" water, coupled with the fact that the glass door was already obscured by the drifting water mist, and the shampoo just happened to be applied to the hair, Comrade Xiao Yang was humming a tune while crawling on his own s hair.Unaware that outside the glass room, a tall and burly man was leaning against the wall, his arms folded around his chest, and his narrow eyes were staring at her unblinkingly.

The thick water mist, the beauty bathing, was hazy and magical, through the misty glass, Yang Xiaoguai's graceful figure was imprinted on his eyelids faintly.Kang Qiao's eyes couldn't be moved away naturally, and his Adam's apple rolled subconsciously.The corners of her lips raised a slight arc, and she reached out and knocked lightly on the glass door.

Maybe it was because the sound of the water kept "squeaking", or maybe Yang Xiaoguai was too involved in washing, or maybe she didn't expect Master Kong to come in at all.In short, when Cambridge knocked on the glass, Yang Xiaoguai didn't react at all, and continued humming a ditty while drenched in warm water as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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