Wife stand at attention

Chapter 316 The Lover's Injury

Chapter 316 Valentine's Day Injury (3)
Yang Liu closed the door, "Say what you have to say, no matter who you are, I don't think my sister and I want to have anything to do with you. We have our own lives, and you have your own lives. I don't feel any change. necessary."

Yesterday's meeting, what Li Ran said just now, plus when she left the cemetery, she saw his car drive in, plus now his appearance and understanding of her and Yang Yi.If she still doesn't know all about it, it would be too insulting to her IQ and identity.

Huo Tianliang pursed his lips and smiled, and looked at her with heavy eyes: "You are very smart."

Yang Liu gave him a sideways glance: "Thank you! If you have something to say, hurry up and fart! I don't have time to chat with you."

"Li Ran is right, you are her daughter, me and her daughter. But, don't get me wrong, I never thought of recognizing you, so..."

"Okay!" Yang Liu interrupted him directly, showing him a sneer of disdain: "Our family is only two sisters, there is no extra person. Please don't be sentimental. Also, our family doesn't welcome you very much, you You can leave now, thank you!" Yang Liu suppressed the anger in her heart, if he continued to stay, she couldn't guarantee whether she would make a move.

Regarding Yang Liu's reaction, Huo Tianliang seemed to be a little surprised.A hint of disappointment flashed across his face, he didn't know if it was because of Yang Liu's indifference or because of Yang Yi's absence.After taking a deep look at Yangliu, he turned and left.

Yang Liu threw herself heavily onto the sofa, burying her head under the pillow.

Ran's house.

When Ran Xi returned home, Taijun was preparing lunch with the third young master and Miaomiao.Ran Xi's appearance really startled them.

"Boss, why are you back?" The third young master asked inarticulately with food in his mouth.

"Xi, aren't you supposed to be taking wedding photos with your granddaughter-in-law today? Why did you come back so soon?" Taijun looked around, "Well, where is my precious granddaughter-in-law? Why didn't you come back with you? By the way , anyway, you asked for marriage, and your granddaughter-in-law agreed, and you took wedding photos today, so you can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get your certificate tomorrow, right? If you get it early, I can feel at ease soon, anyway, the wedding is not too long away." Granny Jun subconsciously blurted out.

Ran Xi sat down next to the third young master, "Where is the second child?"

The third young master looked at him with a horrified expression while eating his rice: "Brother, you must have quarreled with the kid, right? So you're out of your mind?"

"Slap!" A slap was slapped on the back of the third young master's head.

The third young master grinned in pain: "Then why are you asking the second brother? You have to go out with the kid for Valentine's Day, so the second brother must also go out with Xiaoyecao to live a two-person world. Baby, oh..."

Baby stared at her round eyes and nodded.

Taijun directly picked up a fish eyeball and stuffed it into his mouth: "It's not big or small, it's called sister-in-law, sister-in-law!"

"Ah puff!" The third young master spit out the fish eyes in his mouth on the table, as if the young master didn't do it.

"Then why are you still at home?" The boss began to eat gracefully, cast a sideways glance at the third young master, and said slowly.

The third young master looked at him dully, and pointed to the tip of his nose: "Boss, I don't even have a girlfriend, why do you ask me to go out?"

Boss is really, which pot is not open and which pot is lifted, he knows that he doesn't have a girlfriend, and let him go out on Valentine's Day, just to show that he has a woman.snort!

The third young master hummed in disbelief.

The old man calmed down: "Didn't that kid from the Mi family look for you?"

Third young master: "..."

Twisting his hands, his face was ashamed, and he looked like he was a child: "Boss, I have no adultery with Mi Xiaosan, it's not what you think!"

The baby sitting opposite shivered violently, almost spitting out the food in his mouth.

The Taijun next to Baby's hands also trembled, his chopsticks slipped off, and he stared at the third young master dumbfounded, unable to say a word.

"Taijun, you are the most annoying!" The third young master turned around, and almost threw the handkerchief in his hand like a flower.

Taijun petrified.

Hakone, Japan.

This is known as the hometown of hot springs, and hot springs can be seen everywhere here.

This is an apartment-style villa, a wooden single-storey villa with a garden full of cherry blossoms.Cherry blossoms surround the hot springs and cover the hot springs. The spring water is steaming, the branches are full of cherry blossoms, and the garden is full of fragrance.

When the breeze blows, there are bursts of floral fragrance, which is elegant in the nose, refreshing, intoxicating and comfortable.

This is the second young master's small villa in Japan, and he has never brought a woman here.Shi Xiaocao was the first and only one, even the Taijun had never been here.Of course, it's not that the second young master doesn't love Taijun and doesn't bring Taijun here for vacation.In fact, Taijun said that the romance under the cherry tree is naturally reserved for the other half, so her old man didn't come to join in the fun.The second young master felt that the Taijun's words were very reasonable, so on the first Valentine's Day after he fell in love with Shi Xiaocao, he hurriedly brought her to the romantic cherry blossom country.They can spend their first Valentine's Day in the warm hot spring under the romantic cherry tree.

The moment she heard the news, Shi Xiaocao didn't mention that embarrassment, that narcissism, that arrogance, that arrogance!Even the eyes have grown to the top of the head.Can you please?She was the first one... throwing the salute in her hands and jumping directly at the second young master, clinging to the second young master like an octopus, she almost threw the second young master down in the open air OO and XX in the hot spring pool.Of course, Shi Xiaocao Tongzi was tough when he was tough, but he was very reserved when he should be reserved.It's like when you first entered the small villa, when you saw such a romantic scene, you obviously wanted to wipe the second young master down, but you just forcibly suppressed the sperm that rose from the soles of your feet. go down.It's just that he hung on the second young master for nearly 10 minutes.

Well, women are naturally like this, and they can't be too proactive.


Shi Xiaocao, you're the only one who hasn't taken the initiative!
Why, my second young master likes my sister taking the initiative.

Shi Xiaocao was so righteous and strong.

At this moment, in Ruoda's hot spring pool, the second young master and Shi Xiaocao are enjoying the hot spring, listening to (cherry blossoms), admiring the cherry blossoms, and there will be a few petals fluttering down from time to time.In this situation, Shi Xiaocao couldn't even close the corners of his mouth that was called a Pidianpidianle.Of course, soaking in hot springs, and it's in my own villa, so I can't... slip... slip.With the temperament of the second young master and Shi Xiaocao, it is impossible for them to be more than one.

(End of this chapter)

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