Wife stand at attention

Chapter 317 Mixed Blood & Hybrid

Chapter 317 Mixed Blood & Hybrid (2)
Shi Xiaocao woke up from hunger.

When he opened his eyes, the shadow of the Second Young Master was no longer on the bed, only a dim wall lamp was lit in the room, and only a thin layer of white silk curtains were drawn on the mahogany windows.It was quiet outside the window, and occasionally there were a few crisp sounds of water splashing.

Sitting up from the bed, there was another "cuckling" sound from the disappointing stomach.

At the end of the bed was an orange T-shirt of the second young master casually.I was too lazy to get my own clothes from the closet, so I bent down and took the second young master's T-shirt from the end of the bed and put it on.Anyway, there are only her and the second young master in the small villa. When she is lazy, Xiaocao even wears the Bra lazily, and directly puts a small triangle on a T-shirt of the second young master.But the second young master's T-shirt obviously covered her perfect buttocks.The water pink cherry blossom-shaped crystal chandelier above her eyelids, and slanted down are two pots of prickly pears of similar shape and size placed on the window sill.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu" wanted to look around carefully again, but didn't want to protest again.

He stroked his stomach in the infinite protest, okay, okay, food is the paramount importance of the people, appreciation is a small thing, but eating is a big thing.It is estimated that the second young master must be preparing dinner for her at this time. She has fed him well, so he should also prepare dinner for her.

Stepping out of the room in fluffy slippers.

As soon as he walked out of the room, there was a burst of fragrance.

Shi Xiaocao pursed her lips and smiled, um, she really knows the Second Young Master very well, and the Second Young Master really knows her too well.Knowing that she was hungry, I prepared dinner for her in the kitchen.

The cat raised its waist, and walked towards a certain direction where the fragrance came out lightly.Although it's my first time here, I don't know where the kitchen is.But Shi Xiaocao has always been very sensitive to the kitchen. Shi Xiaocao, who is famous for her dog nose, will never find the wrong kitchen even if she finds the wrong WC.

So, following his own feeling, he walked lightly towards a certain direction.

As she guessed, the kitchen was in that direction, and there was a tall man standing in the kitchen, wearing a white tracksuit and an apron.Bending slightly, holding something in his hand, he seems to be cooking something to eat.A scent that she had never smelled before wafted out of the kitchen, and it hooked out a certain desire called insectivority in Shi Xiaocao's body.

Second young master, you are really kind.Well, meeting you was my good luck when I was Xiaocao Sanshengxiu.Don't worry, Shi Xiaocao promises that I will recognize you in this life and the next life.Well, after I go back, I will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with you immediately to get the certificate.

Shi Xiaocao, Shi Xiaocao, you are really promising, you sold yourself with just such a meal?And get the certificate immediately, hey...

Woman, when you get dizzy, you really can't tell the difference between east, west, north and south.

He tiptoed into the kitchen, wrapped his hands around his waist, and rubbed his small face lightly on his back, "Second young master, what can I do deliciously? I'm hungry. It's dying, can I eat it?"

The man's body froze for a moment, and after that, a hand around his waist was forcefully separated.

Shi Xiaocao didn't understand ING, she didn't let her hug her, and broke her hand so hard, damn it!
My sister just said that I will get the certificate with you immediately when I go back, you bastard, if you give you some sunshine, you will be brilliant, right?
So, with his hands on his hips, his apricot eyes widened, and he looked like a shrew: "You... wow! Who are you?" Looking at her in disbelief, he turned around and faced her. He thought it was the second young master. But it turned out to be a man who was a complete stranger.

"Who are you?" A pink apron was tied around the man's waist, his arms were wrapped around his waist, and he leaned against the counter. His black and white eyes stared straight at Shi Xiaocao, and the corners of his lips With a slight thorn in his mouth.


stab me?

Shi Xiaocao was angry!

Your nanny, this is my house, you come in uninvited, how dare you ask me who I am?My sister won't let you know who my sister is today, so I'm not Shi Xiaocao!
Suddenly, Shi Xiaocao grabbed the man's collar with lightning speed, tiptoed slightly, and pointed his fist at the tip of the man's nose: "Say, who are you?"

The man's slender fingers shook the little hand holding his collar, and a coquettish and ruffian smile continued to hang on his face: "Miss, there is a saying that a gentleman speaks but does not move. Should he sit down when he has something to say?" Let's talk about it? What's more, this is my home..."

"Ah bah!" Shi Xiaocao took a sip of saliva facing his face: "Your grandfather, who are you kidding? This is your home? This is my home, and, I told you, I just like to move." Mouth and hands, I am not a gentleman but a woman. No matter what kind of gentleman you are, you are still a ruffian!"

Shi Xiaocao became rude, since she was with the second young master, Shi Xiaocao has been developing into the ranks of ladies, and she seldom swears.But now, this man once again burst out the unrestrained anger of the younger sister in her body.

The man's figure is about the same as the second young master, no wonder Xiaocao mistook him for the second young master when he was only leaning on the back.Furthermore, she and the second young master came here for Valentine's Day, so it was naturally a two-person world. Who would have thought that a third party would appear in a place that only belonged to the two of them.

Obviously, at this moment, anger occupied most of Shi Xiaocao's thoughts, and she didn't have too many thoughts to think that she was only wearing a T-shirt of the second young master at the moment, and she didn't even wear Bra. Wear long trousers.With such a large movement of hers, so...

The buttocks under the t-shirt...the muscles are fully exposed, and the inside of the t-shirt...which rises and falls with her breathing...well...delicate, it's even more wonderful.You can even vaguely see the two blooming cherry blossoms.

Of course...

Shi Xiaocao didn't notice how alluring she was at the moment, and she could even be described as affectionate.Or it would be more appropriate to say throwing yourself into a hug.

The corner of the man's lips raised a faint smile, and he glanced intentionally or unintentionally at Shi Xiaocao's skin exposed outside the T-shirt, and slowly glanced down from his neck.

"Damn it!" Seeing his gangster-like eyes, Shi Xiaocao was furious, he swept his legs and then hit his hands, before the man could react, he was already thrown to the ground.Shi Xiaocao knelt down on one knee, pressing his wrist on his throat, full of desire to smash his corpse.

"Your grandfather's, tell me, where did you come from, and what do you mean by coming to my house?" The left elbow pressed his throat, and the right hand made a buttonhole movement towards him.

"Miss, please, what is your house? This is my house, okay?" The man raised his hands high, making a gesture of surrender, "You broke into my house for no reason, okay?"

"Your house?" Shi Xiaocao didn't quite believe his words, and continued to hold his throat while quickly scanning the room with his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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