Wife stand at attention

Chapter 318 Mixed Blood & Hybrid

Chapter 318 Mixed Blood & Hybrid (3)
I don't know if I don't scan, this scan is really a shock.


The layout here doesn't seem to be the one in the small hall of the villa when the Second Young Master brought her here.Could it be that she really went to the wrong place, entered someone else's house, and... beat up the owner's house?

how can that be possible?She obviously slept in the room between herself and the second young master, and she smelled the scent coming from the kitchen and found the direction to find it. It seems that she didn't walk a few steps, so why did she become someone else's? at home?what's the situation?Then she now...


Finally, Shi Xiaocao came back to her senses, but when she came back to her senses, she found that the posture between her and the man was so...uh...ambiguous.

Yes, it is ambiguous.

The man was lying on his back on the ground with his arms raised above his head.And she was half-kneeling beside him, with her left hand pressed against his neck and her right hand pressed against his chest, her whole body could be said to be almost half pressed against him.What makes people want to cry is that at this moment, she is only wearing a T-shirt of the second young master, and she doesn't even wear a bra inside the T-shirt, only a small black triangle.

This posture, this movement no matter how you look at it, it seems that she is dissatisfied with desire, and wants to throw him down and eat him like a hungry wolf.

God, she definitely didn't mean that, okay!She has one heart for the second young master, okay?

Shi Xiaocao's brain short-circuited ING...


Shi Xiaocao stood up abruptly, and subconsciously reached out to pull the T-shirt on her body, trying to stretch it to cover her looming buttocks.But the more she pulls, the more she protrudes her perfect B in front of the man.

"That... I... I'm sorry..." Shi Xiaocao said with some embarrassment, and even couldn't stand up.

The man got up from the ground, patted the clothes on his body, and showed a clear smile to Shi Xiaocao, pointed to the clothes on Shi Xiaocao with his slender fingers, and then pointed to the door opened by her, " that……"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Shi Xiaocao raised her hands to her forehead, bowed slightly to him, and returned to the same way when she was going back and forth in a hurry.

Shame, shame too!
I was ashamed and lost to my grandma's house.Oh, no, it should be said that it was embarrassing and lost to the little Japanese family.

But it seems that this man is not a little Japanese, right?Can speak such fluent Mandarin, it should not be a little Japan.Hey, it's a shame, it's still a shame.I have no face to see people.Second young master, you are all a magic horse villa, why do you communicate with other people's family?This is a lot of harm to your own woman!

Xiaocao is called a resentment, directly blaming the second young master.

Seeing Shi Xiaocao running away in a panic, the man raised an unpredictable deep smile at the corner of his lips, and an invisible complexity flashed across Ming Rui's eyes.

When the second young master came back with the ingredients, Shi Xiaocao was nowhere to be seen.While changing his shoes, he glanced in the direction of the room, revealing a gentle and pampering smile.

From the looks of it, he hadn't woken up yet.

The bag is full of ingredients for Chinese dishes, and I know she must not like the sushi and sashimi here.So while she was sleeping, the second young master went out to a nearby supermarket to buy some ingredients for Chinese dishes to fill her stomach.

The second young master is actually a master in the kitchen, and under normal circumstances, the second young master has the attitude of a gentleman far away from the kitchen.So, this time he cooks himself and only smiles for the Pomeranians.

Three times, five times and two times, a few dishes that Shi Xiaocao likes are beautifully served.

Carrying plates one by one, she walked out of the kitchen to the living room, but when she saw Shi Xiaocao rushing, she came in panic from the door that communicated with the next door, and went directly to the room.

The second young master froze for a moment.

How did Xiaocao come back from that direction?
And she was only wearing his T-shirt, her beautiful white legs like jade were exposed.there……

The second young master suddenly woke up.

Forgot to tell her about it.This small villa is connected with Long Junyi's.That door leads to Long Junyi's small villa next door.In order to make it easier for him to talk about work with Long Junyi, he purposely opened a door between the two small villas.And under normal circumstances, that door is not locked.He never thought that he would bring a woman he wanted to marry for a lifetime to come here for vacation, so he didn't think about it at all.but now……

Obviously, the unknowing Xiaocao went to Long Junyi's villa through that door.

And she's dressed like this!

Well, that kid should not be here at this meeting.This is the second young master's self-comforting idea.Even now, if he dares to do anything to Xiaocao, not to mention friends, brothers will still be destroyed!

Putting down the plate in his hand, he walked towards the room.

The door connected to Long Junyi's villa was pushed open again, and Long Junyi appeared in front of the Second Young Master in a refreshing suit.

The moment Long Junyi saw the second young master, he was slightly taken aback.After being stunned, he showed a friendly smile at him, and strode towards the second young master: "Hey, Ran, why are you here? Then the woman just now was you..."

"Long Junyi, what did you do to her?" Long Junyi hadn't finished speaking, the second young master was furious, without saying a word, he threw his fist directly.

Long Junyi totally didn't expect that the moment he met Ran Xu, before he had finished speaking, Ran Xu directly gave him a fist.He took two steps back, a trace of nose stains oozing from his nostrils.

Reaching out to wipe away the blood under the tip of his nose, "Hey, Ran, what are you crazy about? How did I offend you?"

The second young master swung his fist and swung it towards him again.

Long Jun dodged one by one, avoiding the second young master's attack, and habitually raised his hands above his head again, with an expression of surrender: "Then, Ran. It's not your behavior for a gentleman to use his mouth but not his hands."

The second young master stared at him fiercely, grabbed his collar with one hand: "Why are you here?"

Long Junyi looked at him blankly: "Then, Ran. I was grabbed by the collar by your woman just now, and now you are grabbing me by the collar. Did she learn from you, or did you learn from her? Why are you all doing this? Do you like pulling people's collars?"

The second young master continued to grab his collar with his left hand, and aimed at him with his right hand.This action is exactly the same as Xiaocao's action against Long Junyi just now.A pair of peach blossom eyes stared straight at him: "You haven't answered my question yet."


"Second Young Master, what are you doing?" Long Junyi began to speak, and Shi Xiaocao's voice came from behind Second Young Master.

Turning around, I saw that Shi Xiaocao had already changed into her own home clothes, and was looking at the second young master who was holding Long Junyi by the collar with one hand and punching him with the other, and that he was doing it with a raised hand. Long Junyi in surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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