Wife stand at attention

Chapter 319 Mixed Blood & Hybrid

Chapter 319 Mixed Blood & Hybrid (4)
"Puchi!" Shi Xiaocao burst into laughter, seeing Long Junyi's hands raised above his head, which was very in line with the devil's surrender posture, Shi Xiaocao walked up to the second young master, put one hand on the second young master's shoulder, and smiled Looking at Long Junyi: "Hey, are you Japanese or Chinese?"

Long Junyi continued to maintain his gesture of surrendering the devil, and replied without hesitation: "Chinese and Japanese mixed blood."

Shi Xiaocao blurted out: "Ah, so it's a bastard!"

Following Shi Xiaocao's mouth uttering the word bastard, a faint smile appeared on the face of the second young master.The left hand that was holding Long Junyi's collar loosened, and the right hand that was punching towards him also loosened.The second young master graciously shook his messy clothes due to his large movements, and naturally put his right hand around Shi Xiaocao's waist, "Baby, you are so right, he is A bastard!"

"Hey!" Long Junyi quit, he is a mixed race, not a bastard!
Mixed blood is a very noble status, okay?

Bastards are very lowly in body, okay?

Although he has lived in Japan for many years, he still has some understanding ability, okay?

He gritted his teeth and stared at the second young master with a smile on his face: "I'm a mixed race, not a bastard!"

The second young master and Shi Xiaocao looked at each other, and said in unison: "Is there any difference? Isn't it a hybrid?"


For these two words, Long Junyi felt even more horrified, it was even more inconceivable to him than a bastard.Hybridization, that is the movement between animals, okay?
"Then, Ran! I'll say it again, I'm a Chinese-Japanese hybrid, not a bastard or a hybrid!" Long Jun puffed up his cheeks and said to the second young master and Shi Xiaocao.

Shi Xiaocao glanced at him sideways, and said to Second Young Master, "Second Young Master, I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat?"

The second young master said very enslavingly: "Of course, how could it be possible to make my queen hungry? I just made the meal, and I waited for you to wake up and start eating. It's all what you like to eat."

Shi Xiaocao was so happy that she held up the second young master's cheeks happily, ignoring the existence of idlers and others, and kissed the second young master's lips fiercely: "Second young master, I'm really too sweet!" I like you, love you so much!"

The second young master was so happy that he couldn't find things, north and south.

Long Jun was dumbfounded, a different complex flashed across those jet-black eyes, but disappeared in just a split second.

"Salt water shrimp, braised pork, chicken wings, rapeseed, pickled fish soup. Wow, Second Young Master, they are all my favorite dishes. Did you make them?" Shi Xiaocao looked at the four dishes and one dish on the table in surprise. Tang turned to look at the second young master with suspicion.

This is in Japan, he actually made authentic Jingshi-style dishes, did he make them or order them for takeaway?
But, obviously, at this moment, Shi Xiaocao, who was screaming "cuckoo" from hunger, didn't care so much about whether the second young master made it himself or ordered takeaway.The only thing I want to do is to eat and eat, to honor my stomach.

He stretched out his hand, even lazy to take the chopsticks, and directly picked up a piece of braised pork with his index finger and thumb and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Ouch—" just as the meat was put into his mouth, there was a burst of acid reflux in his stomach.

When "poof", Xiaocao directly vomited out the braised net.

"What's the matter? Isn't it delicious?" Seeing her vomit, the second young master was impatient. While patting her on the back, he picked up a piece with chopsticks and put it in his mouth: "No, it's just This smell."

"Hmm..." Shi Xiaocao pinched her nose with one hand, and waved at the second young master with disgust on her face: "Take it away, take it away. Why do I feel that not only does it look bad, but even It smells weird too."

The second young master was very obedient, and picked up the plate of braised pork like a wife and slave.Picked up a bowl of sauerkraut fish soup and handed it to Shi Xiaocao: "Then have a bowl of soup first."

Shi Xiaocao shook her head, "Why did I suddenly lose any taste when I looked at these dishes?" Shi Xiaocao was puzzled, obviously these dishes were her usual favorites, why did they suddenly lose their taste? Do you feel like you have no desire just by looking at it?Obviously, in the past, she would definitely be able to eat three bowls of rice, but why does she have no appetite at all now?

Could it be that the climate is not acclimatized?

This was the first and only thought that popped into Shi Xiaocao's mind.

"Cuckoo!" There was another sound of protest from my stomach.

Shi Xiaocao looked helplessly at the plate of brine shrimp, and suddenly it seemed that he had seen sushi and sashimi in the kitchen next door just now.

A stream of saliva called slander suddenly flowed from the gastric juice.

She...seems...seems...a bit craving for sashimi!
what happened?
Why would she want to eat sashimi?
She never had a cold for this kind of raw and cold food, why did she suddenly want to eat it?

Swallowing her saliva abruptly, she said to the second young master cautiously: "Second young master, do we have sushi and sashimi at home?"

The second young master was shocked by her words, and looked at her with wide eyes without blinking.It took a long time to spit out a sentence: "Do you... want to eat?"

Shi Xiaocao nodded sharply: "Yeah!"

The Second Young Master shook his head mechanically: "No!"

"Cuckoo" is the sound of stomach growling again.

Shi Xiaocao looked at the second young master eagerly, and the second young master looked at her eagerly.

"Wait!" Long Jun said to the Second Young Master and Shi Xiaocao like a savior, then turned around and returned to his villa through the door. After 2 minutes, use a large tray to carry a full tray of sushi, sashimi and various seasonings on the table.

Seeing the mouth-watering, exquisite and delicious Chinese style sushi, Shi Xiaocao's appetite whetted his appetite.He unceremoniously sat down on the chair, and began to gorge on himself without any image at all.

Shi Xiaocao had never eaten sashimi, so she didn't know how to eat it or what seasoning to eat it with.In the past, it was definitely a little trickle.but now……

In general, sashimi is served with wasabi, hoisin soy sauce or vinegar.But, now... Shi Xiaocao directly picked up the sashimi with the chopsticks and dipped it into the... er... curry, and then just put it in his mouth, chewing deliciously.

Sashimi with curry?

The second young master and Long Junyi were dumbfounded at the same time.

Is there such a way to eat it?

Shi Xiaocao directly ignored the strange eyes of the two, and continued to take sushi in one hand and dip sashimi in curry with the other, eating with relish.

(End of this chapter)

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