Wife stand at attention

Chapter 320 Are They Really Twins

Chapter 320 Are They Really Twins (1)
"Why are you looking at me like this?" Shi Xiaocao said to the second young master inarticulately: "Second young master, actually sushi and sashimi are quite delicious. By the way, when I go back, when I want to eat , can you make it for me? Also, thank you, miscellaneous... uh, mixed race!" I wanted to say hybrid, but how should I say, this sushi and sashimi are also made by other people.She has used the fruits of her labor to comfort her stomach, so no matter what, she has to give her face.Well, this is called taking people with short hands and eating people with soft mouths.

Long Junyi stretched out his right hand to Shi Xiaocao: "Long Junyi, your man's good friend."

Shi Xiaocao hit his palm directly with his left hand: "Shi Xiaocao. By the way," as if he suddenly thought of something, he turned to the second young master and asked, "Why, our villa has a door leading to his villa?"

The second young master stretched out his hands and climbed his head, with a remorseful expression on his face.If I had known that he would bring her here today, I would never have opened that door there. "I'll seal that door tomorrow!" He said through gritted teeth.

Needless to say, just like Xiaocao came back just now, the bastard took all the advantages.If the door is not sealed, will he still be Ran Xu?Is he still the Second Young Master?

Long Junyi looked at him with a half-smile: "Ran, you're not so stingy, are you? I didn't do anything to her..."

"If you dare to do anything to her, can you still sit here? There is no bones left." The second young master growled angrily.

"Really?" Long Junyi looked at him with a half-believing smile.

"You can try it!" The second young master stared at him angrily.

"Second young master, what you said is right." Shi Xiaocao nodded to the second young master while eating sushi, "How can I get in touch with other people? Although we don't come here very often, that can't make others It's cheaper for us to go. So, this door still has to be sealed. Well, Second Young Master, I support you!" While speaking, she patted Second Young Master's shoulder very loyally to show her unconditional support for him.

An unknown dimness flashed across Long Junyi's eyes, and he pursed his lips and smiled at the Second Young Master and Shi Xiaocao: "Then I won't bother you two, I'll go back first. Ran, let's make an appointment when you're free." After finishing speaking, Turn around and leave.

The Second Young Master stood up from the chair and followed Long Junyi towards the door: "Why are you here today?"

Regarding Long Junyi's appearance, the Second Young Master was still a little wary.He flew to Hakone with Shi Xiaocao today, and no one except his family knew about it. How could Long Junyi appear here at this time?
Although his relationship with Long Junyi is indeed good, but when it is about Shi Xiaocao, he will not relax a bit.

Long Junyi grinned and looked at Ran Xu: "Ran, what are you worried about? What do you think I am here for? Today is Valentine's Day, why do you think I am here?" There was a trace of melancholy in Junyi's eyes, as if it reminded him of something sad.

Ran Xu didn't say anything, but patted him on the shoulder: "Sorry."

Long Junyi shrugged indifferently, "Let's go, I wish you an unforgettable Valentine's Day. Of course, I will tell you secretly, in fact, your female figure is really good..."

"Long Junyi, you are courting death!"

As soon as the Second Young Master's words came out of his mouth, Long Junyi had already disappeared.

When the second young master turned around and walked to Shi Xiaocao's side, Shi Xiaocao had already finished off all the sushi and sashimi that Long Junyi had brought, and there was nothing left.At this moment, she was leaning back on the chair with great enjoyment, stroking her bulging belly like a frog's belly, and filling her stomach with great satisfaction.

"Are you full?" The second young master looked at her with a smile.

Shi Xiaocao nodded: "Yes, I'm full. I'm not usually full."

"Then go outside and put on some clothes, and take you out to play."

"Where are you going?" Rubbing her bulging belly, she seemed a little reluctant to move.

"Visit Hakone at night. Or do you like to spend Valentine's Day alone with me?" The second young master looked at Shi Xiaocao with a smirk on his face. A burst of itching.

Depend on!
You are a brain full of sperm!How can you be so energetic?You have to eat several meals a day, Second Young Master!

Shi Xiaocao gave him a hard look, got up and went into the room to get the clothes.

The second young master pursed his lips and smiled slightly.

The big red sports car drove slowly on the flat mountain road.The mountain roads have a lot of bends, some of which are even ninety-degree turns.The bright red sports car, the dark night sky, and the winding mountain road, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't quite match.

While driving away, Long Junyi skillfully dialed a mobile phone number.After only two rings, it was picked up over there.

"Junyi." It was a very gentle female voice, so soft that water could drip out, full of affection.

Long Junyi didn't speak, just holding the steering wheel with one hand and holding the phone to his ear with the other.His breathing was even and gentle, and it was transmitted to the other party's ear through the mobile phone.

"What's the matter, why didn't you speak?" Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, the woman's soft voice came to his ears again, "Where are you? I'm here to find you."

"I just came out of the villa and was driving down the mountain." Long Junyi's tone was flat with a hint of expectation, as if he was a little nervous about the woman on the other end of the phone.

The woman on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and after five seconds, the shallow voice came again: "Really? Then...be careful when driving, the mountain road down from the villa has a lot of curves."

Long Junyi took a deep breath: "Thank you for your concern. I really don't know if it's right or wrong."

"Junyi, I'm sorry. It's my fault, I shouldn't make it difficult for you. If...forget it, you better not get involved, I really don't want anything to happen to you." The woman's voice was a little choked, as if she was very embarrassed "Junyi, I miss you." Her voice was very soft, almost seizing Long Junyi's heart.

With the sound of "Junyi, I miss you", Long Junyi's face showed a touch of joyful excitement.The hand holding the mobile phone tightened slightly, and the foot stepping on the accelerator subconsciously aggravated a little, "I miss you too. Wait for me, I'll be there in a while."

"Well, don't drive fast, I'll wait for you at home."

As soon as Long Jun hung up the phone, the smile on his lips slowly spread away, and his eyes were full of joy and anticipation.The big red sports car galloped on the mountain road at high speed, and the lights illuminated the road ahead.

Jingshi, Ran's house, study room.

Ran Xi sat in front of the computer, flipping through the data of the past year.

Next to the computer, there was a family photo of them. Taijun was sitting in front, and the third brother stood side by side behind Taijun.Smiles covered everyone's cheeks.

His eyes stopped on the family portrait, and the unwicker faces flashed in his mind, sometimes with a serious expression, and sometimes with a playful smile.

(End of this chapter)

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