Wife stand at attention

Chapter 321 Are They Really Twins

Chapter 321 Are They Really Twins (2)
It won't be long before there will be two more people in their photo.

Small wicker and small grass.Or maybe it won't be long, and there will be a few more people.

He closed the folder, gently clasped the table with one hand, and took the phone with the other, intending to call Xiao Liutiao.

From going out in the morning to now, I haven't seen her call. Could it be that things are done quickly?

Just as he was about to call Yangliu, his phone rang, showing that Xiaoliutiao was calling.

When looking at the three words "Little Wicker" on the screen of the mobile phone, the corner of the boss's lips raised a smile that cannot be ignored.Press the answer button with your thumb, and a mellow voice rang out: "Is the matter settled?"

Yang Liu huddled on her big bed, tightly holding the phone with her right hand and putting it next to her ear, listening to his familiar mellow and gentle voice, two lines of pearls rolled down from the corner of her eyes involuntarily.

How many years has she shed tears?

In my memory, the last time I cried was when my mother passed away six years ago.

When she was in the military academy, she never shed a single tear during the devilish training in front of her.She has always adhered to the principle of shedding blood, sweat and not tears.But at this moment, she is so helpless, as if she has lost her purpose and motivation in life, she is like a duckweed floating aimlessly with the waves, unable to grasp a center of gravity.

She didn't know what to say to him, let alone how to speak.

She has always been strong, but at this moment, she is weak and timid.She couldn't imagine, what should she do next?
"Little Liutiao, what's the matter? Why don't you talk? Is the matter very difficult?" Seeing her silent for a long time, the boss became anxious, "Where are you? I'll come to find you." He said, standing up from the chair , want to go out.

"No, it's okay." Yang Liu tried his best to control the pain in his heart, suppressing himself, not letting him feel that there was something wrong with her, "I'm at home, just want to call you, today I... ...doesn't it spoil your interest?"

It was a good Valentine's Day, and I happily planned to take wedding photos, but it turned out like this?

He must be very disappointed and sad.

In fact, why is she not?

My heart still throbbed with pain.

"Are you really okay?" Ran Xi stopped when she walked to the door, and asked half-believingly. She always felt that there was something wrong with the little wicker, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Hehe!" Yang Liu chuckled, pretending to be relaxed and said, "You hope I have something to do?"

Ran Xi took the coat from the back of the chair beside her, and strode towards the door.While walking, he flirted with Xiao Liutiao: "Well, I really hope you have something to do, so that I can make a name for myself."

"Ran Xi..." Yang Liu called his name cautiously and reluctantly.

"Well, what do you want from Little Wicker, I'm listening." This was the first time for him, and when he heard her calling his name, he felt a surge of emotion.Of course, if she removes the previous surname and only calls him Xi, he will be even more excited.

"Why did you choose me, why did you treat me so well, and why do you like me?" Before today, she had never thought about these questions.But now, suddenly, these questions rushed out of her mind.

Ran Xi laughed softly, but she answered the most direct and practical answer: "Little Liu Tiao, you have to be responsible for your hooliganism. You raped me. Besides relying on you, what else can I do?" what to do?"

Little Wicker: "..."

"Then if one day, you don't have to rely on me, what will you do?" If what Li Ran and that man said is true, then there is absolutely no way between them.

"Then how about you relying on me?" The boss continued to play rogue ING without changing his expression, "I am very generous, and I don't mind if you rely on me."

The Bugatti Veyron drove out of Ran's villa, while the boss switched to Bluetooth and continued flirting with Little Wicker.

Regarding Ran Xi's answer, after Yang Liu shook his head speechlessly, he smiled wryly.

Ran Xi, if possible, I also want to rely on you like this.But, can it?
"It's late, you should go to bed early, I have to return to the team early tomorrow." Ran Xi, forgive me, just be an ostrich.I really can't face it, if we are really cousins...

So forgive me.

"Back to the army tomorrow, remember to submit the marriage report." Ran Xi said very seriously, "You have already put on the proposal ring. I don't want my second child to catch up with me. Report a batch and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register. "

Taijun is already preparing for the wedding, and the wedding is only a few days away, so he naturally wants to tie her up.

Yang Liu froze.

Should she submit the marriage report?

"Okay." Against her will, she said something that made her heart ache.

Tomorrow, Ran Xi, you may not see me after tomorrow.

"Hang up, good night."

Ran Xi held the steering wheel in her hands, and stared straight ahead with her sharp eyes.

He was sure that there must be something wrong with Little Wicker.Although she has been acting fine, no matter the tone of her words or the feeling in her heart, he is very sure that something is wrong with Little Wicker.

He took the phone and dialed a number.

"Oh, Mr. Ran, why do you miss me..." A man's voice came from the phone, laughing and laughing.

"Stop talking nonsense, help me find out who has called Yang Liu this afternoon." Ran Xi directly interrupted the laughing voice on the other end of the phone, and ordered vigorously.

"Your woman?" Tian Kun was slightly taken aback, "Boss, who is going to die, who is attracted to your woman? But then again, your woman is so tough, is it common for people to touch you? Boss ..."

Ran Xi hung up the phone directly.

Tian Kun held the mobile phone and was talking vigorously, but only heard the busy tone of "beep".Staring blankly at the phone in his hand, it took him a while to come back to his senses.After regaining consciousness, he was furious, "Wow! Don't take you like this, I'm still finished talking, your boss is fine, just hang up the phone! Come on! You are the boss, you have the final say, you hang up on me, I can only accept it." He said to the phone resentfully, "Who has found the boss's woman this afternoon? Well, let's start work, who made you my food and clothing parent?"

Yang family.

Yang Liu was leaning on the back of the bed, holding the phone in his right hand, turning it over and over again.His eyes looked directly at the two concentrics on the wall, and the blue enchantress was still inserted obliquely between the two concentrics.The overlapping concentric hearts and the blue enchantress piercing the heart with an arrow all show Ran Xi's affection for her.

Yang Yi's smiling face suddenly flashed in my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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