Wife stand at attention

Chapter 322 Are They Really Twins

Chapter 322 Are They Really Twins (3)
Yang Liuxin made a decision and dialed Yang Yi's number.


Kang Qiao was taking a shower in the bathroom, and Yang Xiaoguai was sitting cross-legged on the double bed in a nightgown, and was transferring the photos he took today to his hand, planning to fly to XSBN tomorrow.Master Kang arranged all the ten-day itinerary, and planned to take her around Yunnan in ten days.Kunming, XSBN, Jiangli, Shangri-La, Dali, and finally fly back to Jingshi.

Well, well, she was completely conquered by Lord Kang.Just today, she had enough fun.

The mobile phone on the bedside table rang, and his eyes continued to stare at the beautiful photo. He took the mobile phone slightly sideways, and squinted at the caller ID from the corner of his eye.


Well, you have a conscience.

This was Comrade Xiao Yang's first thought when he saw Yang Liu's call.

Your elder sister, it's the first time for me to travel far away, and you still know how to call to say hello.Well, it's not in vain. I thought I'd go back and give you a present.Well, for the sake of your filial piety, I will give you a big gift when I go back.

Obviously, Yang Xiaoguai, who was in a state of joy, didn't realize that he had used the wrong word at all.

Filial piety?

Cheerfully pressed the answer button: "Liu Liu, it's not bad, at least you still remember your elder sister and me. Well, it's been a long time, and it's not as heartless as before. I haven't heard from you for ten and a half months." Comrade Xiao Yang joked about Yang Liu on the other end of the phone.

Yang Liu, who was nestled on the sofa, pursed her lips and smiled wryly, sister, to be honest, if it weren't for so many things that happened today, I really wouldn't have thought of calling you.

"Sister, did you have a good time with brother-in-law?" For the first time, Yang Liu called Kangqiao brother-in-law in a serious manner, instead of calling the chief brother-in-law or chief chief with a playful face.

When Yang Yi heard her serious and serious voice, she paused slightly, as if she couldn't react and accept it all at once, "Liu Liu, what's wrong?"

Maybe the sisters really have the same heart, she can feel Yang Liu's unhappiness.

"I miss you." Yang Liu said casually, "You said that since you were young, except for the last time you went to City H, when did you travel so far when you grew up? Sister Ah, I'm really worried about you, what should you do if you accidentally lose one of them?"

"Ah, cut!" Yang Yi snorted coldly with disdain, "Don't worry, even if I can lose myself, the head of your family will not lose me. So, take care of yourself Put your heart back in your stomach."

"That's right, I even forgot that the chief's brother-in-law is by your side. Well, with the chief here, I can rest assured." Yang Liu responded, "Sister, do you think we are really twins?"

Yang Yi's heart skipped a beat, and she asked tentatively, "Liu Liu, what do you mean? What do you want to say?"

The corner of Yang Liu's lips raised a bit of bitterness, who is she?She is Willow with a keen sense of smell like a military dog.Although Yang Yi didn't say anything, she was just asking her, but it was enough for her to hear some problems.

Maybe the old lady already knew about it, that's why she asked this question.That's why my mother let her take care of her like that.

Sister, I really owe you a lot.

Taking a deep breath, she pretended to be relaxed and said: "Sister, look. Our mother is good in the kitchen, but she can cook good dishes. You are like my mother, so there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Let's talk about me, You see, I'm just a kitchen idiot. Even my mother said, I'm a foodie. Tell me, go out, it is absolutely impossible to tell the difference between east, west, north and south. You are absolutely no match for me. Yes, then I can tell the difference clearly. Sister, in fact, sometimes I am really skeptical, do you think we really came out of the same belly? We are not alike at all. "

"Who made the rule that it has to look exactly the same when it came out of my mother's stomach? I sue you, Liu Liu, if you dare to say that you and I were not born by your mother, be careful that your mother will find you in the middle of the night. !” Yang Yi said threateningly.

"Okay, okay, if you don't say it, don't say it, anyway..." Suddenly, when Yang Liu's eyes were fixed on the calendar on the coffee table, he froze.Throwing away the pillow she was holding in her hand, she took the desk calendar, and the more she looked at it, her eyes widened, "Sister, I won't tell you anymore, I have something urgent, so I hang up first!"

Before Yang Yi could react, she hung up the phone, stood up from the sofa, picked up the key on the coffee table with one hand, and rushed out of the room like a fly.

On the big bed in the hotel, Comrade Xiao Yang's mobile phone was still stuck to his ear, but he only heard the busy sound.

It took three seconds to react in a daze, threw the phone directly on the bedside, continued to look at the photos as usual, and muttered: "What the hell is Liuliu doing, I was surprised. Is it possible to get along with me?" Has the brother-in-law-to-be quarreled? Or is it her menstrual period? That’s not right, her menstrual period passed last month long ago, and this month’s hasn’t come yet..."

"Why didn't you come?" Kang Qiao asked Yang Xiaoguai who was lying on the big bed and talking to himself, wearing a bath towel and wiping his wet hair with both hands.

Yang Xiaoguai glanced at him sideways, continued to sort out the photos in his hand, and replied casually: "I said I didn't have my period." After finishing speaking, he continued to prop up his legs nonchalantly, facing the hand.

Kang Qiao froze for a moment, and then rushed towards the bed, broke Yang Xiaoguai and looked at her very seriously: "Yang Xiaoguai, don't tell me... are you pregnant?"

Yang Xiaoguai: "..."

"No!" Just as Yang Xiaoguai was about to open his mouth, Master Kang suddenly reacted as if he had been shocked by an electric shock, "I remember that your relatives came here at the beginning of the month, and your time for next month hasn't arrived yet. And , This officer is prepared for every action."

Yang Xiaoguai stretched out his foot and kicked him directly: "Master Kang, you were not prepared for what you did last night!"

Lord Kang: "..."

Looks like last night really... no...

This is impulsiveness, I hope I won't win the lottery once.

Yang Liu rushed into the big pharmacy closest to the community.

"Miss, I need to..."

"Pregnancy test stick." Before the staff finished asking, Yang Liu expressed his intentions directly.

"This way." The staff took her straight to a certain area, "This..."

one two three four five six seven.

Yang Liu directly took one of each brand, and threw the seven pregnancy test sticks in front of the cashier counter.

The cashier swipes the long code.

After paying the money, I took the bag containing seven pregnancy test sticks with some trepidation.

She was really dazed, and she didn't even notice when her aunt didn't come last month.It has been more than [-] days, and soon this month's holiday will come.She didn't even react at all.

(End of this chapter)

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