Wife stand at attention

Chapter 323 Unsolvable Problems

Chapter 323 Unsolvable Problems (1)
What if there is one?
Because the whole person was walking in the street in a daze and didn't know why, so he didn't notice that the boss's silver Bugatti Veyron drove into the community at all.

When Ran Xi opened the door with the key and entered the house, the light in the house was on, but Yang Liu was not seen at all.On the coffee table in the living room, her mobile phone lay quietly, and the desk calendar was thrown on the sofa.

Ran Xi looked at the desk calendar thrown on the sand with some puzzlement, frowning slightly as if thinking about something.

Turning his head, what he looked at was Yang Yongxin's portrait on the wall. In the photo, Yang Yongxin smiled kindly.She bowed sincerely to the portrait, "Auntie, Ran Xi, Xiao Liutiao's fiancé."

There was the sound of a key opening the door.

Ran Xi turned and walked towards the door.

When Yang Liu opened the door and entered the room, a pair of shiny black leather shoes imprinted on her eyelids.It was Ran Xi's caring and burning eyes that looked up at her.

His heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously tucked the bag in his hand behind his back, subconsciously not wanting him to know that she was suspected of being pregnant.

"You...why are you here?" While closing the door, he stuffed the bag into the pocket of his clothes without a trace.

Ran Xi didn't speak, but watched her with torch-like eyes.

There was no smile on her face, but a touch of depression and depression.Her tone was a bit raw, and she was no longer as energetic as before.Her eyes were slightly red, as if she had just cried.

Ran Xi was suddenly startled by this word.

In his impression, his little wicker will never shed tears.She often hangs a sentence on her lips: shed blood and sweat but not tears.

"Have you had dinner yet?" His eyes glanced at the hand in the pocket indiscriminately. In fact, he had seen the bag in her hand since the moment she entered the room.It has the logo of the pharmacy printed on it.Naturally, he could clearly see her subconsciously tucking her behind her back and secretly putting her into her pocket.

"Coo coo coo", as soon as Ran Xi finished speaking, Yang Liu's stomach cooperated with the sound.

It seems that she hasn't eaten since noon.No wonder the stomach doesn't growl!
Showing a dry smile to him: "Then what, you know, I don't know how to cook."

Ran Xi turned around and walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator - it was empty.

"Go out and eat."

Yang Liu didn't intend to go out, but turned around and went into the kitchen, and took out a box of instant noodles in a bucket from the kitchen cabinet.Pick up the kettle that was set aside, it's empty!

Depend on!
Is it necessary to bully her like this?

He quietly took a pot to fetch water, turned on the gas stove, and cooked instant noodles.

Ran Xi sat on the sofa, watching her eat noodles in silence.

Ten minutes later, Yang Liu finished off a box of Laotan sauerkraut.

"Can you tell me now?" Ran Xi asked seriously.

Yang Liu raised his head and looked at him blankly: "What?" Looking at the wall clock on the wall, he said to him, "It's very late, you should go back early. You have to go to work yesterday, and I have to go back to the army .”

Ran Xi continued to sit on the sofa, without any intention of getting up: "I don't plan to go back tonight."

Yang Liu opened her eyes and dropped her jaw: "You... sleep here today?"

The corner of the boss's eyes slanted, and his chin twitched: "What's wrong? I even met my parents. What's wrong with staying overnight?"


Before that, there was nothing wrong with it.But...but...now...

In the end, Yang Liu didn't say anything, but responded "Oh" very obediently, then turned around and went into the bathroom to wash up.

Ran Xi was sitting on the sofa, stroking her chin with one hand, clasping her knees with the other hand, staring at the direction of the bathroom with her sharp eyes, thoughtful.

The 1.5-meter bed seemed so crowded at the moment.If Yang Liu was the only one sleeping on the bed, it would definitely be very lenient, but now there is an extra tall and big boss.Ever since, in an instant, the bed became smaller and narrower.

In fact, a bed of 1.5 meters is really not too small.But compared to the three-meter bed of the boss, it is quite small.

In the dead of night, there was a thin spring rain.

In the first morning after Valentine's Day, spring has entered.

The street lights outside the window were bright, but they were also dim lights.Through the thin curtains of that room, Yin shot into the room.

On the bed, Yang Liu curled up in Ran Xi's arms, her cheek pressed against his chest.His strong heartbeat was heard clearly in her ears.

His right hand was tightly wrapped around her waist, and he was sleeping very comfortably with his eyes closed.

Yang Liu opened his eyes and looked at him carefully.

At this moment, looking at the sharp outline of him who was sleeping soundly, he suddenly realized that this outline was really somewhat similar to Li Ran.

Li Ran's eyes looked familiar to her all the time, they turned out to be similar to his.Or it can be said that Li Ran's pair of peach blossom eyes can almost be said to be printed in the same mold as Ran Ning's pair of peach blossoms.

Gently, he took the hand around her waist, and he was still fast asleep.Shrinking, shrinking, shrinking out of the bed lightly.Sliding off the bed, stepped on a pair of slippers indiscriminately, not caring whether one was big or the other was small, and then tiptoed out of the room and into the bathroom.

When there was a sound of closing the bathroom door, Ran Xi who was sleeping with her eyes closed on the bed suddenly opened her eyes.Tilting his head slightly, he stared at the bathroom with the closed door for a moment.

In the bathroom, Yang Liu was squatting on the ground, looking at the pregnancy test stick.

In just a blink of an eye, two red bars suddenly appeared.

Yang Liu squatted on the ground, her eyes widened, she stared at the two red bars of the pregnancy test without blinking.


One can't be sure, and another one is taken out, until all seven pregnancy test sticks are tried, and when two red lines are displayed on each one, Yang Liu completely gives up.

It should have been a happy thing, but at this moment, she couldn't be happy at all.

What should she do?
Squatting with her knees hugged, looking at the pregnancy test sticks one by one, Xiao Liutiao struggled weakly.

In the end, he forcefully stuffed those pregnancy test sticks into the bag one by one. He wanted to throw the bag directly into the trash can, but stopped when he was about to throw it.She didn't want Ran Xi to see that she hadn't figured out what to do for a while.

He rolled up the bag carelessly and stuffed it into a corner of the cabinet. Let's talk about it when he leaves at dawn.Turning around and walking out of the bathroom, she didn't expect one of the pregnancy test sticks to lie quietly at the foot of the cabinet.

(End of this chapter)

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