Wife stand at attention

Chapter 324 Unsolvable Problems

Chapter 324 Unsolvable Problems (2)
As soon as he entered his room, there was a "snap", and the wall lamp turned on.

Yang Liumeng was frightened.

Ran Xi sat up from the bed, and looked at her who seemed to be in a panic with sleepy eyes, "What's wrong? You don't turn on the light when you go to the bathroom?"

Yang Liu came back to his senses, "I... afraid of disturbing you."

Ran Xi got off the bed and showed her a warm smile: "When did my little wicker become so considerate? Well, there is progress, keep working hard!" After finishing speaking, she took the nightgown that was placed on the bedside table , take a step...

"Where are you going?" The boss yelled as if he was guilty and walked to the door of the room, as if he was afraid that he would see those pregnancy test sticks.

Yang Liu felt a little guilty, really a little guilty.

The boss stopped, turned around and looked at her with a smile: "Xiao Liutiao, what else can I do besides going to the toilet at this time?"

"Oh." Yang Liu's face was still slightly worried, her eyes flickered with hesitation, took a deep breath, and said to herself, I hid it well, he won't see it, and he won't do it either. Such a boring thing.Showing an unnatural smile at him, she climbed onto the bed: "The big things in life still have to be solved."

The boss gave her a meaningful look, turned and walked out of the room.

The little wicker shrank into the bed like an ostrich.


Ran Xi stood with her chest crossed at the door frame, her eagle-like eyes looked around the small bathroom, and finally her torch-like gaze locked on the thin pregnancy test stick at the foot of the cabinet.

Bending down, she picked up the pregnancy test stick that was left in the corner of the cabinet. When she saw the two red bars on it, a smile that could not be ignored was raised on the corner of Ran Xi's lips.

Clenching both palms, he stuffed the thin pregnancy test stick into the pocket of the nightgown, turned around and returned to the room as if nothing had happened.

room, bed.

Yang Liu, who was really too sleepy, finally couldn't resist Zhou Gong's shaking hands and fell asleep.

Looking at Yang Liu who was still sleeping soundly with a hint of worry, Ran Xi stretched out her hand and hugged her into her arms.

On the first day of spring, there were scattered snowflakes in the sky.

Yangliu's biological clock was out of balance for the first time on this day.

When she opened her eyes and woke up, the sky was already bright, snowflakes were falling outside the window, there was no figure of the boss in the room, but bursts of fragrance wafted in from the crack of the door and straight into her nose.

Sniffing like a military dog, relying on Yangliu who has vividly displayed the word "foodie" over the years, she immediately smelled her favorite crab roe steamed buns with a cup of fragrant milk tea for breakfast.

With a "sigh", she slid off the bed, changed into her pajamas, and stepped out of the room like a shooting star.

In the living room, beside the dining table, Ran Xi was neatly arranging the bowls and chopsticks. Seeing the silly Yang Liu appearing in the living room, she gave her a pampering smile: "Go wash up, come over and have breakfast, after eating Send you to the army."

Yang Liu was still standing at the door of the room stupidly, looking at him in disbelief, as if she didn't miss her eyes very much.

Seeing her stupid look that didn't respond for a long time, the boss who set the dishes and chopsticks stepped up to her side, and rubbed her short hair gently and lovingly, "Why are you so stupid early in the morning? If you don't wash up, you'll get a crab roe bag for a while." It doesn’t taste good when it’s cold.”

Yang Liu took a dull look at him, and then took a dull look at the things on the table... two baskets of steamed buns, a bowl of porridge, a cup of milk tea, steamed dumplings, sliced ​​with a butter knife, and milk...you can say this The breakfast made her dizzy and overwhelmed.

This... isn't it a little too rich?
She and Comrade Yang Yi had always had a simple breakfast, and in the army, it was even simpler.Suddenly, she had so many choices, she really couldn't adapt.

In the end, for breakfast, Yang Liu finished off two whole baskets of steamed buns with crab roe and a bowl of white porridge.Maybe it's because I'm really hungry, or maybe it's not for myself but for the child in my stomach.In short, Yang Liu decided, no matter what, from this moment on, even if he is an ostrich, he can't tire the child in his stomach.

The Bugatti Veyron is on its way to the troops.

Along the way, Yang Liu fell silent again.

Ran Xi was driving the car, turned her head slightly to look at the silent Yang Liu, "Little Liu Tiao, do you have something to say to me?"

"Ah?" The little wicker in the imaginary world turned his head blankly, looking at the boss in a daze, "what did you say?"

The boss glanced at her lower abdomen intentionally or unintentionally, and pursed his lips with a smile: "After returning to the army, don't work as hard as before, and cancel the morning jog every morning, and then move here to live with me from today .I'll pick you up in the afternoon."

Maybe she wanted to find a better time to tell him, and wanted to surprise him.In this case, follow her.

Yang Liu opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she just stared at him blankly and didn't say anything.

Perhaps, in fact, he already knew.

So, she can't stay here anymore.

I'm sorry, Ran Xi, I can't be with you.

She smiled knowingly at him: "Oh."

Half an hour later, the car arrived at the gate of the military area.

"Go back, I can go in by myself." Yang Liu turned and said to Ran Xi.

"Sit well." The car continued to drive in. When passing the guard station, Ran Xi rolled down the window and showed his ID to the guard on duty.Of course, the guard on duty also saw Yang Liu in military uniform sitting in the passenger seat.

The car was released and drove into the military area.

Chief's office.

Yang Liu stood respectfully and squarely in front of the chief, and at the moment the chief was looking at a report, a (transfer application) that Yang Liu had just handed in, applying to the regiment headquarters to transfer her, and she still had to be transferred to Lijing City Far Northwest Territories.

"Crack!" The chief directly put Yang Liu's (transfer report) on the table, and looked at her with a gloomy face: "Nonsense!"

Yang Liu reflexively gave a military salute to the chief: "Report to the chief, I didn't mess around. I typed out this report after careful consideration, and I ask the chief for approval! As a soldier, I have the obligation and responsibility to serve the motherland. The frontier defense should take responsibility!"

"Shhh", the chief stood up from the chair, staring straight at Yang Liu standing in front of him: "Comrade Yang Liu, you mean that I have not fulfilled this responsibility and responsibility?"

"Report to the chief, I don't mean that! I just want to do my duty! I implore the chief to be the first batch!"

The chief pointed at Yang Liu, "I tell you, Yang Liu, I won't approve this report! Get out!"

Yang Liu saluted the chief again: "Report to the chief, you can't destroy the fighting power of a soldier with ideals and aspirations!"

(End of this chapter)

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