Wife stand at attention

Chapter 332 Drinking some dry vinegar is good for the body and mind

Chapter 332 Drinking some dry vinegar is good for the body and mind (3)
The second young master suddenly stood up, condescendingly looking down at the very delicious Shi Xiaocao, with his right hand holding his chest and his left hand resting his chin, his long and narrow phoenix eyes were unblinkingly following Shi Xiaocao, watching Shi Xiaocao Grass felt uncomfortable all over.

"Second young master, why do you look at your woman like this? I don't know you anymore, do you think I'm more beautiful now?" Shi Xiaocao Zhizi's cheeks have always been unusually thick, even if he brags about himself, he never goes Go low.

"Are you... full?" The second young master's extremely magnetic voice sounded like Youyang's cello.

Shi Xiaocao was no longer obsessed with it, even though her stomach was still only [-]% full, she kept nodding her head, "Full, full!"

The second young master pursed his lips and revealed a magnificent smile, and stretched out his right hand to her: "Then let's go?"

Shi Xiaocao raised her head in a daze: "Where are you going?"

The charming smile rose again, slightly bent down and lowered his head, and exhaled on Shi Xiaocao's cheek: "In order to prove that this young master is infinitely powerful, so... this young master decided to speed up his pace of planting!"

Shi Xiaocao: "..."

Sweating and the cold wind howling.

"Second young master, the girl has to ride a horse tomorrow..."

The second young master replied: "Don't worry, the young master will take you to ride a horse now."

Shi Xiaocao: "..."

Second young master, what the nanny said about riding a horse is not this horse riding, okay?
"I want to go to the racecourse to get a white horse, Second Young Master, you can't make a difference..."

"Let's put it this way, riding a horse and planting seeds are not mutually exclusive. If I have had enough riding, I will teach you naturally."

Shi Xiaocao: "..."

Is there anything wrong with playing the piano with a cow?
The next day, a private racecourse.

In early spring, although it is not yet the season of warm spring and flowers blooming, it is still sunny and sunny.

This is a private racecourse, which is generally not open to the opposite side.Of course, the second young master is one of the owners of the racecourse.

Today is the last day of the Second Young Master and Shi Xiaocao in Hakone, and tomorrow morning they will fly to Jing City.When you are away from home, the Taijun has confessed that you can have fun playing, but you must go home for the New Year.Of course, this is what Shi Xiaocao and the second young master themselves meant.

At this moment, the Second Young Master is leading Shi Xiaocao on a pure white handsome horse, galloping across the green grass.

The second young master really did what he said, he had enough riding and naturally took Shi Xiaocao to the racecourse.

The warm sun hangs high above the head, and the gentle wind blows across the cheeks. On this green grassland, I ride a good horse with my man.Xiao Cao Zhizi's little heart, he jumped away like a deer.

The second young master wore black and white horse riding clothes, matched with Shi Xiaocao's rose red horse riding clothes, and rode on a pure white handsome horse.No matter how you look at it, how can you call it a beautiful landscape.

"Second Young Master, Second Young Master, I have been riding with me for so long, can I ride by myself?" Shi Xiaocao yearned very much for riding a horse and galloping on a piece of green grass alone.It's like some time ago, in the second young master's costume drama, watching the second young master Yingzi in white clothes galloping on the white horse galloping across the endless prairie.Of course, the most important point is that there is another woman standing beside the second young master, but that woman is not her Shi Xiaocao.Although it’s all about acting, the second young master of her family is not a Yin who can make fake plays, but Su, if at this moment, she can walk side by side with the second young master on this green grass, what a wonderful moment it would be, oh yeah!
Xiaocao, Xiaocao, in fact, you don't realize it. At this moment, is it more beautiful and romantic for you and the second young master Cai to ride a handsome horse?

Xiaoyou, he just wants to go hand in hand with the second young master.Why root number two is okay, but my sister is not?


Shi Xiaocao, in fact, this is a sign of jealousy?

Shi Xiaocao replied: The ancestors said that drinking some dry vinegar at an appropriate time is good for physical and mental health.

The second young master said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Shi Xiaocao, can you do it?"

Shi Xiaocao was furious, and directly slapped the second young master with a fist: "Second young master, give away your word 'what'! You look down on your woman and you look down on yourself, understand?"

The second young master smiled, smiling like a spring breeze blowing on the surface of the lake, and asked.Bring the grass back from the farthest end of the grass.

The second young master picked a pony for Shi Xiaocao, and patiently taught her how to ride a horse. Shi Xiaocao learned it very seriously like a good student.

The horses in the racecourse are basically trained, and generally it is not too difficult to ride. In addition, Shi Xiaocao is easy to teach, and there is a teacher like the second young master.Naturally, in just a short while, Shi Xiaocao was able to ride the pony slowly.

"Wow, Second Young Master, you really deserve to be Second Young Master. Even the horse listens to you like this. Look, I can ride slowly by myself!" Shi Xiaocao excitedly said to the horse riding behind her. The second young master shouted.

The second young master smiled, and the corners of his eyes were affectionate.

There is a small wooden house on the second floor of the racecourse.

In front of the glass window, Long Junyi stood upright in front of the window, looking at the man and woman who were laughing and arguing on the racetrack. He was dressed in sky blue casual clothes, tall and handsome, but there was a gleam in the corner of his eyes. With a gloomy look in his eyes.

A pair of slender arms hung around the broad waist, and a soft body gently pressed against his thick back, rubbing lightly once and for all.

The broad palm covered those slender and soft hands like jade, wrapping it tightly.Long Junyi didn't turn around, and a deep yet soft voice sounded: "Why are you here?"

Tong Mushi slowly moved from behind him to in front of him, because of her height, even though she was wearing fifteen centimeter shoes, they still only reached Long Junyi's chest.Standing on tiptoe slightly, her hands climbed from his waist to his neck, and she showed a shy smile to him: "I miss you, so I'm here. Why, don't want to see me? That's good." Alright, I'm leaving." After saying that, he pretended to turn around and wanted to leave.

Long Jun pulled lightly one by one, and Tong Mushi spun, and fell steadily into his arms, looking up at him at a sixty-degree angle.

Throwing a seductive wink at him, holding his arm tightly with one hand, and climbing on his chest like an ant climbing a tree with the other.

The big palm clasped her little hand that was climbing on him to light the fire: "What do you want me to do?"

"Shhh—" Tong Mushi made a silent movement towards him, "I just want to be with you."

A bitter smile appeared on Long Junyi's face: "Really?"

Tong Mushi nodded: "Of course, do you believe me?"

Long Junyi's eyes moved from her to the window, and stopped on the two people on the grass: "Then... how about we go ride a horse?"

(End of this chapter)

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