Wife stand at attention

Chapter 333 Drinking some dry vinegar is good for the body and mind

Chapter 333 Drinking some dry vinegar is good for the body and mind (4)
Tong Mushi's body froze slightly, but she still smiled at him: "Is it not good here? Why do you have to ride a horse?"

Long Junyi shrugged and stood up: "Just pretend I didn't say anything."

On the grass, Shi Xiaocao's riding skills improved by leaps and bounds.The second young master slowed down to follow her, keeping a certain distance from her.

"Ah—" Shi Xiaocao's loud cry spread throughout the racecourse.

The little brown horse that was running smoothly on the grass with Shi Xiaocao, suddenly fell down, and Shi Xiaocao on the horse's back was like a monk doing somersaults on the stage, doing three or four somersaults in succession Then rolled several times.

Following Shi Xiaocao's yell, not only the second young master who was sitting on the horse was startled, but even Long Junyi who was hugging and kissing Tong Mushi in the cabin was also dumbfounded.

"Xiaocao!" The second young master jumped off his horse and galloped towards Shi Xiaocao who was lying on the grass.

Inside the wooden house, Long Junyi was stunned for ten seconds, then came back to his senses, opened the glass window, jumped down, and ran towards Shi Xiaocao in the distance.

Only Tong Mushi had a weird sneer on the corner of her lips after seeing the actions of the second young master and Long Jun, and there was a trace of cruelty in the weirdness.

Shi Xiaocao was lying straight on the grass, her eyes were looking up at the blue sky without focus, she didn't blink or speak, she just breathed steadily and evenly.

"Xiaocao." The second young master called her anxiously.

"Ran, what's going on?" When Long Junyi ran over, Xiaocao glanced at the second young master, but frowned, "What smell? Why is it so smelly?" He said like a puppy sniffed his nose.

"Wow——" Suddenly, Shi Xiaocao yelled out violently, stretched out his hands suddenly, grabbed the second young master's neck, and kept shrinking into the second young master's arms: "Why do even horses bully me? , obviously rode well, why did he suddenly fall down like this? Not only did I fall off the horse, but I also rolled a few somersaults! Second young master, this is all your fault!"

"Well, my fault, my fault!" The second young master shouldered all the guilt with all his strength, and tightly hugged Shi Xiaocao, who was still in shock, "Is there any discomfort, let's go to the hospital. "After finishing speaking, he immediately picked up Shi Xiaocao with both hands, got up and walked towards the outside of the racecourse.

As the second young master got up and walked out, Long Junyi finally realized what kind of smell he smelled.

It was a big pile of horse shit, and it was the shit after a loose bowel movement.The brown pony was still lying on the ground, trying to stand up weakly, but before it could stand still, its legs gave way again and fell down.Along the way, there was a lot of its loose feces on the grass, and it was obvious that its loose legs were weak, so it fell headlong and fell.And Shi Xiaocao unfortunately rolled over from its thin shit.

That's why he smelled the stinky smell, which turned out to be horse feces.

In other words, Ran's body is also covered with...horse shit at the moment.

Long Junyi couldn't imagine that a person who was almost a clean freak was covered in horse shit...

A staff member came over and checked the little brown horse.

As soon as Long Jun raised his head, his eyes fell on the second floor of the cabin, where that petite figure was no longer there.The corner of his lips curled up in a self-deprecating arc.

Hospital near the racecourse.

Shi Xiaocao, covered in horse feces, is being examined in the emergency room.The second young master, who was also covered in horse shit, accompanied her anxiously.

The nurse looked at the second young master with strange eyes, with a weird smile on her lips.

This man looks so handsome, but he has a bad smell all over his body.

After the doctor did a comprehensive examination on Shi Xiaocao, he also turned to the second young master with a strange smile on his face.

When Shi Xiaocao raised her eyes, she lowered her head again. Well, although she really wanted to know her own situation, this is a Japanese hospital, and the second young master must have spoken Japanese with the doctor.She couldn't understand any Japanese except "Moshi Moxi".If you can't understand and don't understand, then simply stop listening and ask the second young master later.Furthermore, she didn't feel any discomfort or inappropriateness on her body, she just felt a bad smell.

"How is it? Is she okay?" The second young master asked the doctor.

The doctor shook his head, and after shaking, he handed a report directly to the second young master, and said with a smile, "Look for yourself!"

Shi Xiaocao raised her head suddenly.


Speaking Mandarin?

She can understand Mandarin!

Not the words after "Moshi Moshi" that she couldn't understand!
Blinking her eyes, she looked at the second young master and the doctor with disbelief.

The second young master held the report, and the more he looked at it, the wider his eyes widened.The more you look at the corners of the lips, the deeper the arc and the bigger the smile.There was a trace of joy that couldn't be hidden in the originally charming phoenix eyes.

what's the situation?
Shi Xiaocao didn't understand the reason for this smile.

The doctor smiled and patted the second young master's shoulder: "I said, you are really brave enough to ride a horse with a pregnant woman! But your kind is really powerful, so there is nothing wrong with that!"

Shi Xiaocao's mouth directly opened into an "O" shape, just a little bit, and his jaw fell off.


Is this pregnant woman referring to her?
The apricot eyes are wide open, and the doctor and the second young master are wandering back and forth for a moment.

I saw the second young master stuffing the report in his hand to his chest, bowing his hands to the doctor, tilting his chin, and twitching the corners of his eyes: "That is, my young master's seed, if it is so weak, it can be called my own." Is it the young master's seed?"

Shi Xiaocao: "..."

Second young master, can you not be so straightforward and narcissistic?
The doctor glanced at Shi Xiaocao with a different look, and smiled at the second young master who was in a mess: "Well, you're good! But, do you need me to lend you a bathroom? Your... horse shit... ..."

Horse shit?

Shi Xiaocao was shocked by these two words.

Lowering his eyes, he scanned his body fiercely.It was only then that she realized that her bright red horse outfit was covered with... lumps of... horse feces.The second young master's black and white horse outfit is also full of...horse feces!
No wonder, from the racecourse to the hospital, she felt a strange smell. It turned out to be...horse feces!
The second young master looked down at himself and then at Shi Xiaocao who looked disgusted with him, and smiled at the doctor: "Thank you, but I like this look!"

The doctor and nurse tongue-tied for an instant.

Shi Xiaocao was also messed up in the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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