Wife stand at attention

Chapter 334 Double Happiness Comes to the Stupid Woman

Chapter 334 Double Happiness Comes to the Stupid Woman (1)
Second young master, do you know what you are talking about?What do you mean you like this?What you are wearing is horse shit, horse shit, not clear water, clear water.You think it smells like I hate it!

But before the messy Shi Xiaocao could react, the second young master bent over again, picked up the dazed Shi Xiaocao, and strode towards the outside of the hospital.

Shi Xiaocao, who was ashamed to face anyone because of the stench of horse excrement all over his body, finally buried his face in the second young master's chest.

No face to see people, no face to see people.

Small wooden villas, hot springs, and cherry blossoms in the garden.

Shi Xiaocao looked at all this reluctantly, held the second young master's big palm with both hands, and looked back at this romantic and very beautiful everything step by step.Like that, a woman from a good family who is about to be pushed into the dust and fire pit is dragged alive by unscrupulous bullies.

Alright, alright, the Second Young Master is indeed a man of action.Originally booked a flight ticket for tomorrow, but after learning that she was pregnant, immediately, without hesitation, rebooked today's flight back to Jingshi, and it was the earliest flight.As soon as the two of them came out of the hospital, they only spent half an hour soaking in the hot spring to get rid of the smell of horse manure when they returned to the small villa, and then they had to rush to the airport.In this way, there is only less than an hour left.

The second young master, the Yin family haven't finished enjoying the romance under the cherry tree yet!You will die if you let the girl enjoy it for another day, you will die!

However, after thinking about it, in the past 22 years of my life, the most embarrassing thing is today.Not to mention somersaulting and rolling from the horse's back, he was also stained with horse feces and entered the hospital.

Well, the romance under the cherry blossom tree is really not suitable for Xiaocao when she was young.She is more suitable for a native of Jingshi.

Jingshi Airport.

Taijun stretched his neck and waited at the pick-up area, looking forward to looking for Shi Xiaocao and the second young master.The third young master and Miao Miao's baby are naturally one on the left and one on the right, like the two guardians, accompanying the Taijun.

Don't ask why the Taijun appeared at the airport pick-up area. Naturally, the second young master immediately announced the good news to the Taijun as soon as he learned that his woman was pregnant.

Ever since, Taijun couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, his eyes narrowed into a straight line.Within two days, the two granddaughter-in-laws had good news, so could they sleep with laughter?
Well, now there is only the third grandson left. If the third grandson can also bring a girlfriend home, then the old woman would be really happy.

"Grandma Taijun, why haven't you seen Daddy and Mommy yet?" Baby Miao Miao also stretched her neck to look for her own mommy at the exit where people come and go.

Grandma Taijun said that Mummy has a younger brother in her stomach, and she will be an older sister in the future, and her aunt also has a younger brother in her stomach.

She likes it, it's great to have two younger brothers all of a sudden!
Baby Miaomiao had just finished speaking, and not far away, Xiaocao appeared in front of the three of them with the second young master in his arms.

"Mommy, Mommy!" Baby Miaomiao excitedly shouted at Shi Xiaocao.

"Hey, baby granddaughter-in-law, I really want to kill the prince." The prince also embraced Shi Xiaocao in a very exaggerated way.Of course, that Hong Guoguo's almost drooling gaze fell directly on Shi Xiaocao's still flat belly.He directly squeezed the second young master at the side, and ignored him coldly.

Of course, at this time, the baby granddaughter-in-law and the baby golden egg in the belly are more important than the grandson.

The third young master put his hand on the second young master's shoulder very sympathetically: "Second brother, congratulations, you have also been downgraded while being promoted. Now our family is very lively, and there are two more pregnant women."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssesses', the prince who was focusing on Shi Xiaocao suddenly turned his head, and his eyes stopped on the third young master, looking at the third young master who was shaking all over, trembling, timidly. Asked: "Taijun, then, don't think about me."

Taijun grinned: "Third grandson, Taijun is optimistic about you. Xi and Xu are both finalized, don't worry, Taijun will not treat you badly!"

The third young master trembled and trembled, trembling, and hid behind the second young master, "Then, the Taijun will not take you like this, your third grandson and I are still students, you can't force marriage. The most important thing for you now is to keep an eye on him." The wedding of the eldest and the second. If my sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law have protruding stomachs, they will not be beautiful in wedding dresses. How can our Ran family’s bride not be beautiful? It must be unprecedented. So, Majesty, let's distinguish between the primary and the secondary." The third young master, in a hurry, even called out "big sister-in-law and second sister-in-law" this time, which was unprecedented.

Following the third young master's "Second sister-in-law" and the word "wedding", the Taijun narrowed his eyes, pursed his lips and smiled, took Shi Xiaocao's hand with one hand, and Miao Miao's baby with the other, facing the three The young master said: "Third grandson, drive."

The third young master nodded like a third grandson, and bowed his head: "Yes, I will serve the people."

In two days, there were two more pregnant women in the family, and the Taijun was so happy from ear to ear.Along the way, it was all grinning and snickering.

The extended Rolls-Royce drove into Ran's villa, and the two rows of palm trees made a soft "rustling" sound as the spring breeze blew by.

Shi Xiaocao got off the Rolls-Royce with the arms of the second young master and the Taijun like an old Buddha.

Shi Xiaocao was terrified.

Isn't it just pregnant?As for protecting her like an old Buddha?Didn't it mean that Liuliu is also pregnant?Why didn't I see her figure?
"Taijun, where is Liuliu?" Looking around, but still did not see Yangliu, Shi Xiaocao turned to ask Taijun.

Taijun took the hot milk from Aunt Gui and passed it in front of Shi Xiaocao: "Come on, daughter-in-law, drink a glass of milk to moisten your throat. Liu Liu, the boss sent her to the army in the morning, and I will pick her up later." return."

"Cough!" Xiaocao choked violently when she took a mouthful of milk.

It's not fair, it's not fair!Why can Liuliu return to the army when she is also pregnant?She has become the forbidden Lafayette?

Shi Xiaocao called tears.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Taijun and the second young master asked anxiously in unison, and the second young master patted her on the back: "Be careful, don't be like a racecourse anymore..." suddenly realized that his tongue was fast, The second young master immediately shut up.

But, obviously, it was too late.How can someone as shrewd as a prince fail to hear the words of the second young master?So, a sharp eye shot at the second young master: "Second brother, don't tell me that you took my precious granddaughter-in-law and the great-grandson golden egg in your stomach to ride a horse at the racecourse!"

The second young master was sweating profusely in an instant.

It's terrible, it's terrible, the Taijun is showing off his power.

Shi Xiaocao shook her head fiercely, "Well, no, no! Taijun, really no! We just went to the racecourse, but we didn't ride the horse, let alone fall off the horse..."

(End of this chapter)

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