Wife stand at attention

Chapter 335 Double Happiness Comes to the Stupid Woman

Chapter 335 Double Happiness Comes to the Stupid Woman (2)
Well, Shi Xiaocao also shut up.

What does it mean not to recruit yourself, what does it mean to be a guilty conscience, that's what Shi Xiaocao and the second young master are.

Taijun poked the second young master's forehead with his finger: "I don't know the severity!"

The second young master raised his hands above his head, acting like a devil: "Taijun, grandson knows his mistake!"

"Pfft!" Shi Xiaocao laughed, "Second Young Master, who is it that you can't learn from, like that bastard to be a devil?"

Second young master...

There was laughter.

The Kang Corporation was acquired by King-Dong, and King-Dong signed a contract with Kang Jian's newly established company and became a full partner.

Gu Meiyun walked out of Kang's gate on foot.

Several secretaries looked at Gu Meiyun's back with regretful faces, always feeling that she was so lonely.

"Ms. Gu..." One of the secretaries called Gu Meiyun, but didn't know what to say.

Gu Meiyun waved her hand at her, glanced at several secretaries with different divisions of labor, and raised a smile: "Work hard, the company will not treat you badly." After finishing speaking, she turned and entered the elevator.

Several secretaries watched her enter the elevator, the elevator door closed, they looked at each other but were helpless.

When Gu Meiyun was walking out of the company, she happened to meet Kang Shuo.

Kang Shuo stared at her bitterly, with a taunt in his hatred: "Are you satisfied? The company has finally been defeated by you?" He raised his eyes and looked up at the eight-story building, but starting today This place is no longer the Kang Corporation.Gu Meiyun finally lost all his life's efforts.

Gu Meiyun squinted at him coldly: "The company belongs to my family, I am happy!" After finishing speaking, she turned and left without looking back, and walked towards her car.

Kang Shuo couldn't figure it out, King-Dong has always focused on food and entertainment, and has never been involved in lighting. Why did he suddenly intend to acquire Kang?

Kang's villa.

When Kang Shuo returned to the villa, he was watching Fang Ying walk out of the gate carrying a suitcase.Seeing Kang Shuo, Fang Ying didn't even glance at him from the corner of her eyes, and walked towards her BMW with her suitcase.

"Where are you going?" Kang Shuo asked calmly before she closed the car door.

Fang Ying gave him a sneer and said, "Are you still staying here to accompany you through hardships? Kang Shuo, what else do you have besides this villa? You can't even help your own daughter's accident. What else can I do? I have been with you for 30 years, and what have I gained in the end? I still have no name or share! Don’t worry, from today on, I will disdain everything about you.” Closing the car door, Start the car and drive out of the gate of the villa, leaving only the exhaust of Kang Shuo.

Kang Shuo sat down on the stone bench somewhat dejectedly.

If the villa is big, it is empty.

On the second day after Kang Mei was detained, Ke Lei asked the lawyer to get a copy (divorce agreement) for her to sign.Looking stupidly at the (divorce agreement) before her eyes, Kang Mei suddenly smiled.What else could she do but sign?She will be charged with intentional wounding, and what awaits her is a life behind bars.


Kang Shuo stood in front of Li Qingxue's hospital bed with an old and dejected face.

Li Qingxue still had a needle stuck in the back of her hand, and she was on an IV drip. She looked at Kang Shuo standing in front of her expressionlessly: "What's the matter?"

Kang Shuo looked at her very complicatedly, opened his mouth hesitantly, and finally said cheekily: "Xue'er, for Uncle's sake... can I not sue Meimei? No matter what, you... all It's a sister. Just treat it as your older sister and let me let you be my younger sister? Although you are not my daughter, my uncle promises that he will treat you as his own..."

"Born by yourself?" Li Qingxue snorted coldly: "You think I'm strange? How many times have you said this sentence? How many years have you said this? Have you done it? Sister? She is stabbing me with a knife. Did she ever think that I was my sister?"

"Do you think she can still have the consciousness of a normal person in that situation?" Kang Shuo said with a face full of pain, "Anyway, it's still your fault first, why do you have to have sex with her man?" What about it? So far, what have you got? Since you were injured until now, has he visited you? He has already filed for divorce from Meimei. "

Two lines of tears rolled down the corners of her eyes, Li Qingxue showed a trace of remorse on her face, but said to Kang Shuo with an expressionless face: "You owe me this!"

"It's your mother who owes you, not Meimei." Kang Shuo walked to Li Qingxue's bedside, looked at her, reached out and took a piece of tissue to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Li Qingxue slapped his hand off, and stared at him bitterly: "Don't you owe me? Is there anyone in your Kang family who doesn't owe me?"

Yes, everyone in the Kang family owes her that.

"Kang Shuo, don't put on a big and meaningless expression. You are the most shameless and most despicable person in the whole Kang family! You are full of benevolence and righteousness, and your face is full of kindness and benevolence. In fact, you are dirtier than anyone else! Obviously You have a family, a room, a wife and children, but you just go out and have sex! You talk about me as a daughter, but you can have sex with me! You even have sex with your daughter-in-law, and you have lost yourself His own grandson is mad at his mother! Kang Shuo, in this world, no one is more shameless than you! What's the use of your old face? No wonder Kang Qiao didn't even look at you No wonder Gu Meiyun wants to divorce you! Even your own biological mother won’t help you! I think Fang Ying won’t stay and suffer with you now, right? Where’s Kang Jian? He must never call you again Did you say 'Dad'? Why? Everyone is the same, because you have no money!" Pointing at the door of the ward with the hand without a syringe, "Get out! I don't want to see you! I don't want to see you Kang Anyone in the family!"

Kang Shuo's face was a little distorted, and a painful struggle flashed in his eyes, and he said softly to Li Qingxue: "Xue'er, why bother?" After speaking, he took another deep look at Li Qingxue on the hospital bed , turned and left the ward.

Li Qingxue looked up at the bottle hanging on the back of her hand, tears welled up from the corners of her eyes.

Kang Shuo was right. It has been ten days since she was injured and entered the hospital. Ke Lei never even called her, let alone came to the hospital to see her.

It turned out that she was the stupidest one.

It turned out that she was always the one being played with.

Ye Shanming is, Kang Shuo is, and Ke Lei is also.

This world is very fair, she played Cambridge, but in the end, she was played by others.She gave Kang Qiao a knife, but she ended up with a kidney.Look, how fair!

Ha ha!

Li Qingxue sneered.

All of a sudden, he pulled out the needle stuck in the back of his hand, ignored the fact that he only had a hospital gown on his body, and ignored the faint pain coming from the wound, took the mobile phone that was put aside, and walked unsteadily out of the ward.

(End of this chapter)

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