Wife stand at attention

Chapter 339 Uninvited Guest

Chapter 339 Uninvited Guest (3)
The little princess Miao Miao was overjoyed, and took the card to Shi Xiaocao, and handed one of the cards to Shi Xiaocao as if offering a treasure: "Mommy, happy new year! This is Miao Miao!" Miao's New Year's red envelope for my younger brother."

Third young master: "..."

Such a change of hands becomes her red envelope for her younger brother?Just now it was clearly stated that he gave the red envelope!

Sure enough, one mountain is shorter than the other, but the short one is the most delicate.

Shi Xiaocao squatted down, reached out to take Miao Miao's filial piety card, and said "baa", and printed a loving kiss on the baby's pink and tender cheek: "Well, my baby is really happy!" Be good, it’s worthy of Mommy’s love for you for so many years.” After that, he threw a look at the third young master with “Small sample, fight with me, cut…”, stuffed the card into his pocket, and took his hand out of the pocket again. At the time, there was already an extra red envelope, and I handed it to the baby: "Then, Mommy will also give you a red envelope, and I wish you a happy new year too!"

The baby leaned forward and pressed a kiss on Shi Xiaocao's cheek: "Thank you, Mommy!"

Then again, the second young master also had a red envelope in his hands, of course, in the end it was naturally held in the hands of the little princess.

There was the sound of a car in the yard.

After a while, I saw the boss walking in with Yang Liu in his arms.

"Auntie, Gong Xi Fa Cai..."

"Bring the red envelope!" Before Miaomiao finished speaking, Yang Liu's red envelope had already been handed to Baby.

Baoer accepted it very rudely, and then handed the card that was scraped from the third young master to Yang Liu: "Auntie, this is a red envelope from Baby, I wish Auntie, Uncle and Baby a Happy New Year .”

Ran Xi and Yang Liu were slightly taken aback, staring blankly at the bank card in Miaomiao's hand.

Finally, the aggrieved and depressed third young master couldn't sit still, picked up the pillow on the sofa, and rolled directly on the sofa, wailing.

"Oh, little princess, I don't want you to be such a cheater, I don't want you to be so deceitful, it's obviously the red envelope given by the young master, and it's you who gave it as soon as it changed hands. Oh...boss, second brother, I want the red envelope too ..."

The answer was directly the contempt of the four people's eight-eyed Hongguoguo, and Miao Miao's very kind comfort: "Third Uncle, don't cry, at worst, you will share half of the red envelope with you."

The third young master is ossified...

Taijun's big palm landed directly on the third young master's ass: "Third grandson, you have grown up, and you actually want the little princess's red envelope."

The third grandson was so aggrieved that the sky didn't work and the earth didn't respond.

God, why is it always him who gets hurt!
The little princess jumped up and went to Taijun, took out the card given by the third young master from her pocket, and handed it to Taijun: "Grandma Taijun, happy new year, this is a red envelope from Miaomiao, I wish you a happy new year! Grandma is in good health, and her life is longer than Nanshan."

Taijun cheerfully took the card from Miaomiao, and then took out a bulging red envelope from his pocket: "Then Grandma Taijun also gave the little princess a red envelope, I wish the little princess grow taller and be happy Grow up! You will always be our most precious little princess!"

"Thank you Taijun and grandma! Miao Miao loves you!" Baby wrapped his arms around Taijun's neck and offered another kiss.

The third young master continued to roll around, for Mao, for Mao, obviously all three cards came out of his pocket, and in the blink of an eye, all of them became her filial piety?
Well, adults don't remember children's faults!
"Hey, they're all here! It seems that the children and grandchildren are around their knees, and the family enjoys it. It's a lot of fun." A strange voice came from the door.

Li Ran was holding a small brown handbag and a brown windbreaker in her hand. She was standing at the gate with a half-smile, and she scanned everyone in the room one by one with her pair of peach eyes, and finally turned her eyes to On Yang Liu's body.After revealing a creepy and sly smile, he walked towards the crowd.

Everyone's eyes were looking at Li Ran in unison, Ran Xi's originally clear eyes flashed a gloomy look, and she narrowed her eyes slightly, looking directly at Li Ran as if dangerous and probing.

The Second Young Master and Shi Xiaocao looked at her with puzzled eyes because they didn't know about Li Ran.

The moment the third young master saw Li Ran, what flashed through his mind was the way she looked at her father with the eyes of a girl in love, and she just shook subconsciously, and a layer of erection was erected on her arms. Thin pimples, but the eyes are like the big ones, showing a slightly dangerous signal.

The moment Taijun saw Liran, he was slightly taken aback, and then he showed a loving smile, "Lili, it's good to come back. Today is the Chinese New Year, and it happens to be a family reunion."

"Reunion?" Li Ran pursed her lips at Taijun with a fake smile, but walked towards Yang Liu, stood in front of Yang Liu and Ran Xi, and looked at Ran Xi.

The second young master and Shi Xiaocao moved to Taijun's side, and the second young master asked softly, "Taijun, who is she?"

Instead of the Taijun, he answered that it was the third young master. The third young master cast a sidelong glance at Li Ran, and said to the second young master in a very soft voice: "The aunt who has no blood relationship with us is the Taijun and old Linggong. Adopted while alive, but the white-eyed wolf is not familiar with it."


Both the Second Young Master and Shi Xiaocao were stunned by this unexpected visitor who was called "aunt" and what the Third Young Master said.

Li Ran showed another weird smile at Ran Xi, and suddenly stretched out her hand to pull the dazed willow to the Taijun, and said coldly: "My dear mother, do you feel that she is very tall? like me?"

The boss took a step forward, put his arms around the willow beside her, and said to Aunt Gui, "Aunt Gui, take Miao Miao upstairs."

Aunt Gui took Miaomiao's hand, "Little princess, it's Chinese New Year, Grandma Gui will accompany you to pick out the most beautiful clothes. Let's go upstairs."

Miao Miao turned her head to look at Shi Xiaocao, and saw Shi Xiaocao nodded to her, pursing her lips and smiling.

"Oh." Miao Miao nodded, but when she nodded, she looked at Li Ran with a look of dislike, and then went up to the second floor with Aunt Gui.

Ran Xi sat on the sofa, raised her legs, folded her hands on her knees, and stared directly at Li Ran with her cold eyes, "Say, keep talking!"

The Taijun obviously also saw that Li Ran's arrival today had no good intentions at all, and it could even be said that he came to Ran's house with a mentality of revenge.


Taijun's old but shrewd eyes stared straight at Li Ran without blinking, she couldn't figure it out, what could the Ran family have for her to take revenge?She was raised by Ran's family. Since she was a child, she regarded her as her own. Could it be because of this moment?

Yang Liu sat down comfortably next to the boss, raised her head slightly, imitated the boss's way and raised her legs, with a cold arrogance that seemed to be a smile but not a smile on her face.The upturned legs and the smile on her face were so incongruous with the military uniform on her body, yet they caught the eye so much.

(End of this chapter)

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