Wife stand at attention

340 Chapter 1 Self-righteous unbearable

340 Chapter 1 Self-righteous unbearable ([-])
Spreading his hands towards Li Ran, "Yes, why don't you continue talking? We are all waiting to hear."

Regarding the reaction of the boss and Yang Liu, Li Ran hesitated for a moment. It seemed that their reaction was a little unexpected to her. When she opened her mouth to say something, she heard the voice of the old lady: "Lili, if you Today I sincerely go home to see me, an old woman, and we welcome you when you come back to reunite with your family for a new year. But..." Taijun's face darkened, his eyes became sharp instantly, and he looked directly at Li Ran, "But if you're just here to cause damage, then let me tell you, no one in this family welcomes you. A mother-daughter relationship should have ended 25 years ago!"

Li Ran's peach blossom eyes, which were very similar to those of the third young master, narrowed her eyes slightly, revealing a faint smile, and said to the prince indifferently: "My lord, didn't you call to ask me to come back?" Why, now that I’m back, you show that you don’t welcome me again? How can a person be so back-and-forth, without promise? Anyway, I also gave birth to the only granddaughter for your Ran family, right? Look, again Wouldn't she be the daughter-in-law of your Ran family? I have infinite merit!" After speaking, she took a meaningful look at Yang Liu who was sitting next to the boss, and showed a strange smile again.

Yang Liu stood up from the sofa in a "swipe", strode to Li Ran's side, straightened her back, and said to her with a strange expression in a half-smile: "The granddaughter you mentioned Are you referring to me? Do you think I will be stupid enough to believe what you say? Do you think what you say can overwhelm my mother? You say I am your daughter, and I am your daughter? Don’t you think it’s funny? There are so many people in this world who are mentally disturbed like you and often imagine that others are their daughters. If you have difficulties, as a soldier, I have always served the purpose of serving human hair. I can help you go to the People’s Liberation Army Hospital for an appointment. A psychiatric military doctor, also in line with the purpose of serving the people, will give you spiritual guidance for free. Or, I think the people of the Ran family will also see that you were their adopted daughter, and they will generously help you contact the city six plus one. You can choose between the two."

"Wow, Liuliu, what you said is amazing! My baby and I regard you as our idol!" Shi Xiaocao clapped her hands straight at Yangliu, almost jumping up on the spot to show her respect for Yangliu. admired.

The third young master also gave her a thumbs up.

There was a look of relief on the boss's face.

The second young master continued to look at Li Ran with his arms crossed and his chest expressionless.

Taijun shook his head helplessly, and looked directly at Liran: "Lili, I feel that I have never treated you badly, and I have always loved you like my own daughter since I was a child. No matter what reason you left home back then, Today, only if you really want to go back to this home, I will still love you as before. Xi was born under your watch, no matter whether Liu Liu is your daughter or not, she is the daughter-in-law of my Ran family, this is No one can change it. If she is really your daughter, how can you have the heart to abandon your own daughter? You were abandoned by your parents when you were a baby, why did you repeat their mistakes? You not only abandoned her, But you hurt her badly. She and Xi are not related by blood, but you have to say that they are cousins ​​by blood? Lili, as a human being, you must not forget your roots and go too far! "

"Hehe!" Li Ran sneered, looked at Taijun with a smirk, and pointed her thumb at the tip of her nose, "Forgetting my roots? Too much? How can I have a crush on you and your Ran family? "

"Your grandpa, you have to explain clearly to the young master!" The third young master glared at Li Ran angrily!

Li Ran directly ignored the furious third young master, glanced at everyone present, and finally her eyes continued to fall on Taijun: "Then let me tell you now, she is my daughter. The daughter born after being raped is the daughter of your Ran family blood! Do you want to know why? Can you still not understand? Because I was born by your man with another woman outside, and I am not unknown to my parents orphan, I am your man's own daughter!"

"Crack!" The crutch in Taijun's hand fell to the ground, and he stared at Li Ran incredulously.

how is this possible?Impossible, how is it possible!
How could the old man do something sorry for her?

At this moment, the only thing echoing in the old lady's mind is: I was born to another woman outside by your man, I am not an orphan whose parents are unknown, I am your man's biological daughter!As a result, she didn't hear what Li Ran said clearly at all. She said that Yang Liu was born after she was raped after she left Ran's house.

At this moment, for Li Ran to say such a thing, it is undoubtedly like a bomb to the old matriarch.She believed in her man all her life, and never doubted that the abandoned baby he brought back back then would be his own daughter.

Everyone present, except the boss, was shocked by Li Ran's words and did not respond.

Yang Liu couldn't digest it at all for a while. Is she a product of rape?
"Lili, what... are you talking about?" Taijun pointed at Lixu tremblingly and asked.


The second young master, the third young master and Xiaocao called her in unison.

Taijun waved his hands at them, motioning them to stop talking, staring straight at Li Ran, "Say it again!"

Li Ran pursed her lips and smiled, "Say it twice, even countless times, I am your man's biological daughter! And she is my biological daughter, do you think it is possible for the two of them?" Looking at Taijun, But the finger points to the willow.

"Then why don't I let you read a copy of the information." Finally, sitting on the sofa, the boss with a deep expression put down his crossed legs, stood up from the sofa, and held the car keys beside him in front of the third young master. Throwing: "Little San, go to the car and get that document, and let our so-called dear 'aunt' see it with her own eyes."

The third young master took the car keys thrown by the boss, and after showing a look of admiration to the boss and an angry look at Li Ran, he turned and walked towards the door.

In less than 2 minutes, the third young master saw an unopened document bag in his hand, and he handed it to the boss: "Brother, is this it?"

The boss pointed at Li Ran directly, and motioned for the third young master to give her the document: "Take a look, I believe you will be very interested!"

In a daze, Li Ran stretched out her hand to pick up the documents in the third young master's hand, but she didn't want the third young master to let go of her hand before she could reach it, and the document bag just fell to the ground along her fingers.Then I saw the third young master shrugging his shoulders with an innocent smile on his face, "I'm sorry, "Auntie" in name, if you want to know what's in the bag, then I have to trouble you to pick it up yourself. I'm not interested. Besides, even if I am interested, I don't need to look at the contents, my brother can tell us. So... um..." After finishing speaking, he shrugged again and sat down next to Taijun He came down, patted Taijun on the back, and coaxed Taijun like a child: "Taijun, we have to trust our own people, not outsiders. Well, there is nothing wrong with trusting the third grandson! Even if If you don't believe in the third grandson, you have to trust the boss too, right? Look at the expression on the boss's face, it doesn't look like we're losing, it's like sending people flying thousands of miles into the swamp."

(End of this chapter)

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