Wife stand at attention

341 Chapter 2 Self-righteous unbearable

341 Chapter 2 Self-righteous unbearable ([-])
Taijun raised his eyes to look at the boss, only to see that the boss smiled knowingly at her, and then made a thumbs up gesture to her.

The second young master also made a thumbs up gesture to the Taijun, and the last third young master did the same.

Li Ran looked at the document bag that fell on the ground, and hesitated a little.Finally, after hesitating for five seconds, she bent down to pick up the document bag that fell at her feet, and opened it.But after seeing the information in the file bag, his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. He looked at the A4 paper in his hand in horror and surprise, took two steps back, and shook his head again and again: "Impossible, how is it possible? Impossible Yes! Why is this so? Back then, I clearly heard the conversation between the father and son, and he said it himself. I am his own daughter. Why am I not related to you by blood? Why is she not related to me by blood? ? Yang Yongxin, where did you get that wild child? Why isn't she my daughter anymore?"

Suddenly, Li Ran tore off the few A4 papers in her hand, but rushed towards Yang Liu like crazy, "Yang Yongxin, you bitch! I trust you so much, but you Kill me in the end!"

It's just that her hand hadn't reached Yang Liu yet, when she was two fists away from Yang Liu, the third young master behind her stretched out her long legs, and then she saw Li Ran lying on Yang Liu like a dog eating shit. feet.

Yang Liu patted the military uniform on her body, stood in front of Li Ran and shook her legs in a very shapeless way, and an irresistible voice came out of her mouth: "I hate two things in this life, first Disrespect my mother! Second, insult my elder sister! Obviously, you have committed the first big taboo! If I hadn’t been wearing a military uniform, I would have cut you into pieces and fed them to military dogs! "

Shi Xiaocao stood up from the second young master and said bravely: "Liu Liu, you are wearing a military uniform, and I am not wearing a military uniform! Your mother is also my mother. Anyone who disrespects our mother will be killed without mercy! Okay, Don't worry, the girl will treat you well based on the principle that military families should not be violent! You are a bastard, you dare to come to the girl's house to make trouble, and you dare to disrespect my prince, you say you are not looking for death, Who is looking for death! Tell me, how do you want to die, the girl must have fulfilled your last wish!"

Shi Xiaocao showed a sinister but creepy smile on his face, and squatted down in front of Li Ran, looking down on her in a condescending manner.

"Daughter-in-law grandson." Taijun stood up from the sofa, squatted down in front of Li Ran solemnly, and said to Shi Xiaocao: "It's Chinese New Year, don't ruin your mood."

"Okay, Taijun." Shi Xiaocao smiled mischievously at Taijun, what Taijun said is naturally the most reasonable, and my family can't lose interest because of an outsider.

The Taijun stretched out his hand to help Liran who was in a state of embarrassment on the ground, and said earnestly, "Lili, believe it or not, my mother loves you the same. As long as you are willing, you will always be my daughter..."

Li Ran looked at her dully, but shook off Taijun's hand, "Haha..." Suddenly, she burst out laughing, with a ferocious smile full of terror, and then used her sinister expression Staring at Taijun with both eyes, "Daughter? If you really treat me as your own daughter, will you disagree with the matter between me and your son? From head to toe, you are just talking! If not If you object, I will not hear the conversation between their father and son, I will not run away from home, and I will not be raped or even give birth to a wild species! All of this is caused by you! You Now you are still here to say these things to me hypocritically? She Saihua, enough is enough, stop pretending to be a good person in front of your grandson, you are simply a sinister, sinister woman! You will die badly, you I will definitely die badly, and I will never forgive you in this life!" After showing a fierce look at the Taijun, he turned around and left Ran's house as if he wanted to kill her.

"Hey... Min is stubborn!" Taijun looked at the figure of Li Ran who came out of the door, and lamented, "I don't know anything about what happened back then. Besides, Zhan'er has always been a You belong to my younger sister, Xiao Jing has always been the only one he likes and loves!"

"Taijun, are you okay?" The third young master helped the Taijun who was squatting on the ground.

"It's okay, it's okay! She chose the road herself, so she can go on her own. I just have to be worthy of myself with a clear conscience!"

"Yeah!" Shi Xiaocao nodded, "Taijun is right, granddaughter-in-law supports you! We don't have to ruin our happiness for an outsider. Second young master, go to the kitchen to prepare the New Year's dinner, by the way, I'm still eating raw fish Slices and sushi! Oh, by the way, let's change the taste this time, let's eat Korean flavor instead of Japanese flavor!" It seems that Shi Xiaocao has a special liking for sushi and sashimi during this time.

The second young master was slightly stunned, and then he hooked his fingers at the boss: "Boss, my Xiaocao said that cooking is a man's bounden duty. For the sake of the two pregnant women in the family, why don't we brothers join hands?" Combat?"

The boss hugged the little wicker with his right hand, and put his left hand on the back of the sofa chair, then Erlang raised his legs, and looked at the second young master like an old man: "That's what your woman said, what's none of my business?"

Second Young Master: "..."

The third young master showed extraordinary brotherly loyalty at this critical moment. He patted the second young master on the shoulder and said generously: "Second brother, the boss will not fight with you, the third will fight with you!"

The second young master was so moved that he wept bitterly...

Of course...

The tears hadn't come out yet, but the third young master continued to say: "The most important thing is that the second brother gave me a big red envelope, you know, I was just scratched three cards by your little princess, and now I'm poor Jingle jingle..."

"Little sister Ran!" Shi Xiaocao greeted the third young master directly with punches and kicks plus countless explosions, "Girls and men's money, you dare to make up your mind!"

"Wow! Second sister-in-law, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore! Taijun help, boss help, kid help me... ah..." The third young master's cry for help spread throughout the villa.

A faint smile continued to appear on Taijun's face.

With a family and grandchildren, what more could she ask for.

Home, the most important thing is harmony and happiness, and filial piety.Now she doesn't lack anything, although she has some regrets about Li Ran's matter, but each has her own destiny, since she is obsessed with obsession, let her be.

Yang Liu kicked the boss's calf, "Can you tell me what happened? It seems that there are many things that I don't know about."

The boss rubbed her short hair: "In short, it doesn't affect us, what do you care about her so much? Also, the most important point is that she is not your biological mother, so you can let go of that My heart is hanging."

There was a pure smile on Little Willow's face: "I never doubted this."

(End of this chapter)

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