Wife stand at attention

342 Chapter 3 Self-righteous unbearable

342 Chapter 3 Self-righteous unbearable ([-])
The boss pursed his lips, smiled without saying a word.

really not?I don't know who retreated like an ostrich some time ago.Of course, it is enough to know it well, why bother to break it.

It's just that there is another document that he didn't take out.

Xiao Liutiao is not Li Ran's daughter, but Yang Yi has a blood relationship with Li Ran, and at the same time has a blood relationship with Xiao Liutiao.In other words, Yang Yi is Li Ran's daughter, not born to Yang's mother.However, the two sisters were born to the same father.

Of course, as long as he knows about this matter, there is no need to let more people know about it, so why bother me?Especially the sisterhood between Yang Yi and Yang Liu, he didn't want this to affect their sisterhood.

The warmth continues to permeate, the love continues to grow, and the joy continues to pass.

When Li Ran returned to the small villa, she found a silver Mercedes-Benz car that she had never seen before parked in the small courtyard of the villa. It was brand new as if it had just been bought.There wasn't even a lot of dust on the wheels, and the windshield was even clearer without a speck of dust.

He pursed his lips coldly and indifferently, glanced sideways at the brand new Mercedes-Benz, and walked towards the door of the small villa with his bag on his shoulders.

The door of the villa was half open. When she went out, Huo Tianliang was not there. She always thought that he had returned to her home in H city.Today is New Year's Eve, and he is a model husband and father in the eyes of the world. How could he spend the New Year with her, a shady mistress, and leave behind his delicate wife and children at home?

However, the Mercedes-Benz in the congregation and the half-open door made her feel puzzled.Could it be that he hasn't returned yet?

Why doesn't he go back?Want to stay here?

Whether he goes back or stays, she doesn't care, and doesn't want to.

Pushing open the half-open door, she stepped in, but when she saw the elegantly dressed woman sitting on the sofa, Li Ran was nailed to the threshold like a nail.

Fang Yueting was sitting on the single sofa facing the gate of the villa. She was very elegant and only sat on one-third of the sofa. Her slender legs were close together and slightly slanted. She was wearing a suitable sky blue chiffon skirt and a coat. A moon-white thin windbreaker, eight centimeters high round-toed blue shoes, inlaid with sparkling crystal diamonds.There was a cup of steaming coffee in her hand, but the cup used to make the coffee, Li Ran recognized that it was not the cup in her home.

Li Ran sneered in her heart.

It turned out that it wasn't Huo Tianliang, but his wife.

what is this?
The original wife came to the door to scold the mistress?
The moment Fang Yueting saw Li Ran, she didn't feel any displeasure, and she didn't even show any other expressions on her face, she still kept her noble and elegant smile.He picked up the coffee in his hand, put it on the corner of his lips and took a sip elegantly, then put the saucer on the coffee table in front of him, and said to Li Ran who was stiff at the door: "Ms. Li really asked me to wait. Why not Come in? This is your home, so don't blame me for coming uninvited."

Li Ran came back to her senses, and showed an elegant smile to Fang Yueting, "Why, Mrs. Huo's patronage of the humble house has brought a lot of honor to my face."

Although these years, she has been living the life of a mistress who has not seen the light, but no matter what, Li Ran grew up in a wealthy family and can be regarded as a daughter of a famous family. How could she have seen fewer scenes than Fang Yueting?
Pretending to be elegant and noble, how could she be no different than Fang Yueting.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Huo, Mrs. Laohuo made coffee by herself. If Mrs. Huo had said hello before she came, I wouldn't be so rude, would I?" Li Ran put the bag in her hand on the double sofa, He also sat down on the sofa, leaning halfway on the back of the sofa chair, smiling at Fang Yueting who was on the opposite side.

Naturally, Fang Yueting is not so easy to bully, she is used to seeing all kinds of big scenes, dealing with all kinds of high-ranking officials' wives, she has naturally developed a whole body of skills, not to mention she is from a famous family.Slightly straightened his body, took the small spoon on the plate, stirred it in the coffee cup, narrowed his bright eyes slightly, and said unceremoniously to Li Ran: "Since Ms. Li has said so, if I don't give you a chance, it will show that I don't give you face, and it will be my fault. Then Ms. Laurie will help me make another cup of coffee. After waiting for so long, the coffee is also cold. When the coffee is cold, it will naturally lose its original taste. I wonder if Ms. Li has a habit of drinking coffee? If not, naturally I don’t know what the original taste of coffee is. So, do you think it's Ms. Li?"

Although Fang Yueting was talking about coffee with Li Ran on the surface, she was talking about Li Ran insinuatingly.

Li Ran pursed her lips and smiled at her, as if she didn't understand the meaning of Fang Yueting's words, she simply stood up from the sofa, "What kind of coffee does Mrs. Huo want? Blue Mountain? Latte? Or Mocha? Or cappuccino? Sour or sweet or bitter?"

Fang Yueting smiled quietly and listened to every word Li Ran said, still maintaining her charming and elegant smile on her face: "It turns out that Ms. Li runs a coffee shop? No wonder there is a strange smell all over her body A mixed flavor."

Li Ran's face froze slightly, turning pale with embarrassment.

"Mrs. Huo has something to say, so there's no need to turn the corner."

Fang Yueting still smiled and stood up from the sofa, patted the hem of her skirt at the same time, looked at Li Ran with a look of inscrutable but faint anger: "I always like to talk Bent, why don't you know?" Walking on a small step, he raised his head slightly and looked around the villa, with a hint of sarcasm in the corners of his lips and eyes, "Isn't this villa a good one? But yes, what kind of What kind of house a person deserves is determined. Like Ms. Li, I think this villa is good enough for you. I just don’t know if you will wake up with a guilty conscience when you fall asleep at night? Yes Yes, I heard that there is a tall building in Jingshi called 'Qingcheng Bieyuan', does Ms. Li know about it? Oh, I'm sorry, look, I'm confused again." Fang Yueting patted her own photo lightly. Browmen, "Ms. Li should of course know it too, so you can be regarded as traveling with them, but I can understand that 'Qingcheng Bieyuan' is naturally not suitable for all people with this status, it also depends on Level. Then, does it mean that Ms. Li's level is not enough?" Fang Yueting continued to glance at Li Ran with her elegant smile.

Li Ran's slightly raised right foot was retracted, her peach blossom eyes stared straight at Fang Yueting who was standing in front of her, she said a few words of sarcasm but still had that self-regarding and elegant smile on her face, her peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, Looking at Fang Yueting with a smile that was not a smile, "Does Mrs. Huo feel that her house is very comfortable? I wonder how Mrs. Huo would feel if she lived in this small villa?"

(End of this chapter)

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