Wife stand at attention

Chapter 345: Really Two

Chapter 345: Really Two (3)
"Oh!" Yang Xiaoguai covered her mouth with her hands in amazement. Although she covered her mouth with her hands, she could still clearly see that her mouth had opened into an "O" shape.

Covering his mouth with one hand, he stretched out his index finger and middle finger to Miao Miao in the video with the other hand, and said in an inarticulate voice with his eyes wide open: "Two...two? Xiaocao and Liuliu are...both Got it?"

Miao Miao nodded straightly, but when she nodded, she saw an extra cheek in the video, who else could there be besides the third young master?
The third young master smiled coquettishly at her, but he uttered a very idiotic, retarded and imbecile opening line: "Hi, Yang Xiaoyi, long time no see, how are you doing in another country?"

Yang Xiaoguai: "..."

"Brother, I'm telling you, I miss you so much, come back quickly!" While speaking, he made a gesture of stretching his arms and hugging Comrade Xiao Yang.

But Yang Xiaoguai asked timidly: "Really...really two?"

The third young master was slightly taken aback, although he and Yang Xiaoyi met through a screen, far away, but very close.But close, but far away.However, he could clearly see a sense of loss on her face, with a slight sadness and faint pain in the loss.

Naturally, he knew where this loss, this sadness, and this pain came from.

For a moment, the third young master didn't know how to comfort Yang Xiaoyi who was opposite the camera. Of course he knew, she naturally thought of her own child who had never had a chance.He opened his mouth, wanting to say something to comfort her, but what came out of his mouth was: "Hey, Yang Xiaoyi, didn't the kid tell you?"

The third young master hated himself a little bit for being stupid. This is no consolation, it's clearly a stimulus.

Obviously he can feel her pain, why is he still so stupid?
Yang Xiaoyi, I really didn't do it on purpose.

"Yang Xiaoyi, when will you... come back? I miss you a lot, you can't have the opposite sex and be inhumane. By the way, by the way, I will tell you a very interesting thing. A crazy woman came to my house and said The kid is her daughter, she said she was my aunt, and said that the kid and my eldest brother are blood cousins. Damn! Will we believe this kind of idiot plus three levels? Are we three brothers just for display? ?Then the boss hit back and beat her to pieces. And then, don’t worry, the kid is certainly not my cousin, but my future sister-in-law. Is it funny? Isn’t it funny?" Third young master Trying to change the topic, trying to erase the pain in Yang Xiaoyi's heart.

Listening to the third young master's words, Yang Yi's face changed slightly for a moment, as if she understood what the third young master made a joke.She pursed her lips and smiled at the third young master, and said as if nothing had happened: "Hey, Liu Liu is a kitchen idiot and a foodie, isn't it particularly difficult to take care of? Also, she is used to running five kilometers every morning, so she must not do it now." Run away again. Finally, your stupid joke is not funny at all."

The third young master snapped his fingers and said reassuringly: "Don't worry about this, the boss and the Taijun are staring at her. Of course, Aunt Gui is also staring at her. By the way, you haven't Answer me, when will you be back?"


The third young master showed a strange smile to Comrade Xiao Yang in a very reasonable way: "Well, I won't bother you and Uncle Liberation Army, that's all, Ann." After finishing speaking, he cut off the video directly.

Yang Xiaoguai hugged her handbag and sat on the sofa in a daze, looking at the hazy frosted glass with her eyes in a daze.Master Kang's model-like figure was dimly printed on the glass.

Yang Xiaoguai looked a little dazed, but also a little lost.

In fact, just before the release of Cai Miaomiao's video, she looked at Master Kong in the frosted glass with a hooligan thought.But at this moment, she wasn't in the mood to appreciate his model-like figure, let alone his hooligan behavior.A feeling called bitterness rose from the bottom of her heart.

In fact, she should be happy, Liuliu and Xiaocao both have babies, she should be happy for them.But why can't she be happy, even a little compassionate?Have a feeling of emptiness in your heart?It was as if something had been lost from the depths of her heart.

The fingers holding the handcart rubbed the surface of the handbag again and again, but her bright eyes were covered with a layer of light gray, as if something covered her pupils, and her eyes became a little hazy.The other hand couldn't help caressing his flat stomach.

Once, a baby of her and Master Kong was also conceived here.

Once, she was really looking forward to the arrival of this child.

It's just that she hasn't had time to feel his existence and be delighted by his existence, but he is far away from her.

In fact, she is not the only one who is sad?
Who can blame all this?In fact, she hated the person who made her lose her child.But……

Suddenly, there was a cool feeling on his face, and he stretched out his hand to caress his cheek, but found that the palm of his hand was wet.

Did she... cry?

She shouldn't be crying, she should be happy.But why, the drop from the corner of the eye rolled down like uncontrollable?He reached out to wipe the tears off his face, but he didn't want to wipe more and more. It felt like the tears flowed faster and more.

Finally, she gave up wiping, and the two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks.

With only a white bath towel around his waist, Cambridge walked out of the bathroom with his arms bare, holding a dry towel in his hand and was wiping his wet buttocks.

However, as soon as he walked out of the bathroom, the one who caught his eyelids was Yang Xiaoguai who was sitting on the sofa holding his hands and weeping.

Following the tears on Yang Xiaoguai's face, Kang Qiao's heart ached.Throwing the towel in his hand onto the salute frame beside him, he walked towards Yang Yi in three steps at a time, "What's wrong?"

He squatted halfway in front of her, looked up at her, gently wiped away the two lines of tears on her cheeks with his slightly rough thumb, and looked at her with tenderness and worry.

"Ah?" Yang Yi was in a daze, she didn't seem to notice Cambridge's approach, she pursed her lips and smiled at him, "It's all right."

He took the hand on her lap and put it on the side coffee table, and took her hands warmly.Her hands were a little cold, but she still stared at him with scorching eyes, and a voice as mellow as pure wine rang in her ears: "Yang Xiaoguai, you are not an actor, you are my wife, and I want to praise you." Take care of the wife who loves you forever in the palm of your hand. Therefore, you don’t need to hide anything in front of me. I don’t want you to hide the unhappy things in your heart alone. I hope you will express all your emotions in your heart face, let me know your joys, sorrows and joys, share with you and solve them together. I am your man, and I will support you. If I can’t even do this, I still have the qualifications To be your man?"

(End of this chapter)

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