Wife stand at attention

Chapter 346 The Big Belly Woman’s Moodiness

Chapter 346 The Big Belly Woman’s Moodiness (1)
Love words that are not sweet words are better than countless tender feelings.Yang Xiaoguai admitted that this was the best and most beautiful love story she felt.

One finger, intertwined with his, and showed a knowing smile to him: "You have helped me hold up the sky above my head. I don't think I can find a second one like you in my life." I am such a good person. Of course, I never thought of finding another one." Said to Master Kong with a face full of vows, and then showed him a faint smile, "Miao Miao said , Xiaocao and Liuliu are both pregnant, I am happy, and then I don’t know what happened, so I shed tears. I am really not unhappy, but I don’t know why, the tears just keep flowing.”

Cambridge already understood.She just thought of the child who had nothing to do with them.In fact, he was equally saddened by the loss of the child.Originally, she had already come out of that shadow, but at the moment when she heard that Xiaocao and Yangliu were both pregnant, the pain buried deep in her heart surged again at this moment come up.Originally, at this moment, they should have been looking forward to the arrival of the child, but...

Stretching out his long and powerful arms, he picked up Yang Xiaoguai who was sitting on the sofa, and then bent down, Kang Qiao sat on the sofa, hugged Yang Xiaoguai and sat on his lap.Looking at her earnestly and lovingly, he gently stroked her cheek with his thumb: "Little boy, I'm sorry."

"What does it have to do with you?"

"Because I didn't do my best, I caused you pain that cannot be healed."

"Okay, I won't talk about the past. Besides, I didn't blame you." How could you blame him?None of this was what he wanted to see.The toes of his feet rubbed against his fluffy little feet, and occasionally they would playfully pick up a handful of his leg hair with their toes, and then saw Master Kong take a breath and wring it out again. He lowered his eyebrows but didn't see him making a muffled sound.

Her slender green fingers drew circles on his chest intentionally or unintentionally, and her bright and clear apricot eyes looked at his eyes like twinkling stars, with a faint mist, exhaling Ru Lan said generally: "What has happened, none of us can change it. The only thing we can do is to prevent the same mistake from happening again. Of course, if there are unexpected gains, I will be more happy. "

His eyes stared at her like scorching torches, so he naturally understood what she meant by the unexpected harvest.The warm eyes were attached to her slightly cool lips, lingering and tossing and turning.

The hazy yet romantic light yellow crystal lights reflect a lingering beautiful reflection.The rockery outside the window, the sound of water gurgling.The curtains were closed at some point, and there was an extra couple on Ruoda's double bed.The bath towel was half hung on the coffee table, the pink coat was thrown on the sofa, and the flesh-colored B-cup was lying quietly at the end of the bed, facing the small triangle at the foot of the bed. The feeling of being so close but so far away.

The sheets were messed up, and the crystal light was switched off and on again.

Yang Xiaoguai's half-panted and half-annoyed voice floated in the room: "Turn off the lights." Then Master Kang said in a panting voice: "Turn off the lights, it's too dark."

Then there was a soft "snap", which seemed to be the sound of a palm hitting a shoulder, and then...

"I've said it all, I don't wear a small umbrella anymore, and it's not raining again."

And then……

"Ma'am, this is not rainproof, this is sunscreen."

Then there was another "pa", thinking about it with his toes, he knew that it was Mr. Kang who was slapped by Yang Xiaoguai.

Jingshi, Ran's family.

When the second young master was hugging Xiaocao, he slept very peacefully.

"Hoo", Xiaocao sat up straight like a carp while she was sleeping soundly.

"What's the matter, what's the matter? What happened?" The second young master looked sleepily at the woman who was supposed to be sleeping like a pig in his arms, but at this moment her eyes were wide open and she was very sober.The second young master is called a monk Zhang Er, and he can't figure it out.

But Shi Xiaocao turned around slightly, and showed a charming smile to the second young master, "Second...young...Master..." The ups and downs of his nose rang in the ears of the second young master.

The Second Young Master shuddered violently, and stared at the very flamboyant woman with terrified eyes.

She... Could it be... Thinking... What does that want?

What do you want, of course it is the most primitive and original XX and OO.

This was the second young master's first thought that popped into his mind when he saw the irritated smile on Shi Xiaocao's face.

So, as soon as this idea popped up, the second young master shook his head subconsciously, like a rattle, "Fuck, why don't you...be patient?" At this time, it's really not suitable.

Depend on!Who said that men are all masculine actions that use their lower body to think?Women sometimes think with their lower body, okay?Look, the woman in front of him is a living example at this moment!

"Forbearance?" Shi Xiaocao's apricot eyes bulged, "How can you bear this?"

The second young master's body froze for a moment, and the smile on his face just froze. He swallowed, stroked her flat stomach with one hand, and said with a flattering smile, "Of course I have to bear it." , even if it is for him, you have to endure it. You see, I can endure it, so you must be able to endure it. You have to believe in yourself!"

"Crack!" Shi Xiaocao patted the back of the Second Young Master's hand that was stroking her belly, put his hands on his waist, and said with a shrew look: "Even if I can bear it, he can't bear it either!" As he spoke, he pointed his finger at his stomach.

"Ah?" The second young master looked dull and dazed.

Shi Xiaocao clasped his neck with both hands, "I want to eat dumplings."

"Ah—" Second Young Master suddenly had the urge to strangle himself to death.

"I want to eat dumplings, Second Young Master."

"Suddenly", the second young master came to his senses quickly, and said to Shi Xiaocao, "Wait, I'll ask Aunt Gui to do it for you." After finishing speaking, he wanted to get up from the bed.

"Hey, hey!" Shi Xiaocao called out to him.

"what happened?"

Shi Xiaocao pointed to the wall clock hanging on the wall, "What time is it? It's so embarrassing to wake up Aunt Gui. The most important thing is that I want to eat what you made, and the best thing is shepherd's purse and pork stuffing." , and then the pork is the front leg meat. I don’t want hind leg meat or pork belly. One is too thin and the other is too fat. The front leg meat is just right, neither fat nor thin, and it is very fragrant.” Xiaocao Zhizi said That one was very impressive, but the second young master was stunned when he heard it.

In the middle of the night, where should he go to find shepherd's purse and foreleg meat?

(End of this chapter)

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