Wife stand at attention

Chapter 348 Chapter Recalling Those Years

Chapter 348 Memories of Those Years (1)
Standing outside the door was Kang Shuo who deliberately dressed himself up.The half-gray hair was dyed black by him, combed very neatly, and the beard on the chin was also shaved clean.He was dressed in a black suit, but those slightly old and lifeless eyes betrayed him.

Seeing Yang Yi in the room, Kang Shuo had an uncomfortable smile on his face, and put his hands hanging on his sides into the pockets of his suit, as if he was looking for someone Support point: "Xiao Yang...I..."

The moment Yang Yi saw Kang Shuo, she was filled with resentment, which made her think of the lost child.The right hand was tightly holding the doorknob, while the left hand was subconsciously clenched into a fist. You could even clearly see the muscles on the back of the hand, and her fingertips were a little white.Looking at Kang Shuo standing outside the door expressionlessly, he asked calmly, "What's the matter?" He bent down, picked up the documents that fell on the floor, and continued to look at him coldly.

Kang Shuo pursed his lips. Yang Yi's reaction was within his expectations. He slightly raised his left leg and wanted to take a step forward. He tentatively said to Yang Yi, "Can I go in? Dad... I have something to think about." talk to you."

Yang Yi stood by the door, but she didn't intend to move her body to let him in, but continued to look at him with indifferent eyes like an enemy: "Sorry, I have to go out, I'm afraid I don't have time to talk to you. You What's the matter, let's talk about it later." After finishing speaking, he took the shoes on the shoe cabinet, bent over and changed them on his own, and completely ignored Kang Shuo who was standing at the door with an embarrassed expression on his face.After changing the shoes, he took the key on the countertop of the shoe cabinet, went out, closed the door, locked the door, turned around and walked towards the stairs, not taking Kang Shuo seriously at all.

"Xiao Yang..." Kang Shuo quickly caught up with Yang Yi, and continued to call her name without giving up, "It's only 2 minutes, can you listen to what Dad has to say?"

Yang Yi just walked to the turning of the stairs, stopped and turned to look directly at him: "What do you want to say?"

Seeing Yang Yi stop, Kang Shuo had a slightly relieved smile on his face.Standing opposite to Yang Yi, two steps away, staring silently at Yang Yi.

Yang Yi took two steps back to put a certain distance between him and him.

Seeing her action, Kang Shuo's face flashed a trace of disappointment, "Xiao Yang, Dad came here today just to say 'I'm sorry' to you, it's all Dad's fault, that's why you lost your child I lost my grandson myself. But believe me, Dad really didn’t mean it, I never thought of being rude to you. You are Yong Xin’s daughter and Cambridge’s wife, so it’s like mine Like half a daughter..."

"Okay!" Yang Yi interrupted him, looking at him with disdain, "I understand what you mean, if there is nothing else, please go back." After speaking, she turned and went down the stairs.

"Xiao Yang!" Kang Shuo caught up with her again, "Listen to me. I know everything about the company. I have no other intentions. I just want to do my part for the company and help you get through this together. This difficulty. You..."

Yang Yi turned around and looked at him with a half-smile, "Mr. Kang, isn't it what you and Kang Jian expected for the company to come to where it is today?"

A complex expression flashed across Kang Shuo's face, and he said helplessly: "I... really didn't know that Kang Jian would do this, if I knew, I would definitely not agree."

"Heh!" Yang Yi sneered, "Then thank you for your kindness. I'm very busy and don't have time to greet you. Please do what you want."

"Squeak—" A black off-road vehicle stopped in front of Yang Yi and Kang Shuo.

The car door opened, Huo Tianliang got out of the car, his deep eyes scanned back and forth between Yang Yi and Kang Shuo, finally fell on Kang Shuo, and stretched out his right hand towards him: "Mr. Kang, hello! Huo Tianliang."

Kang Shuo was slightly puzzled by Huo Tianliang's stretching out his hand. In his impression, he didn't remember such a person.But out of politeness, he extended his right hand towards him, "Kang Shuo."

Compared to Huo Tianliang, Kang Shuo was a little older, and his age was almost the same next year. At most, Kang Shuo was only five or six years older than Huo Tianliang.But looking at it now, it seems that Kang Shuo is fully older than Huo Tianliang in his teens or twenties.

Huo Tianliang showed an unpredictable smile, "I know, the former head of the Kang Corporation."

There was a trace of narrowness and embarrassment across Kang Shuo's face, but he showed a proper smile to Huo Tianliang: "I don't know why Mr. Huo is looking for me?"

Yang Yi was not in the mood to pay attention to the chatter between the two, glanced at them, turned around with the documents in her hand and wanted to leave the community.However, at the moment when she turned around to leave, Huo Tianliang said, "Yang Yi, wait!"

Yang Yi stopped and turned around, looking at Huo Tianliang with a puzzled expression, who is he?Why do you know yourself?

Pointing to the tip of his nose, he asked blankly, "You... looking for me?"

Huo Tianliang nodded, turned around and looked at her, "There are some things, I think you should know." Pointing to the SUV with the door open, "Wait for me in the car."

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry right now, I think..."

"I've already settled the matter with Gu Meiyun. So, I don't think you should be in a hurry now." Looking meaningfully at the folder in Yang Yi's hand, "As for the document in your hand, it probably won't be needed now. "

Yang Yi looked at him in surprise, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, and took out his mobile phone to call Gu Meiyun.

"Hello, Xiao Yang." Gu Meiyun's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mom, have you settled everything over there?"

"Ah, yes! I was just about to call you, and there's no need to send the papers."

"Oh, then..." Yang Yi suddenly didn't know what to say.

"I still have some details to discuss here. If you have something to do now, come back later."

"Okay then." Yang Yi hung up the phone and turned to look at Huo Tianliang, only to see him smiling at her, pointing to the off-road vehicle with the door open again, "Wait for me in the car."

Yang Yi hesitated for a moment, but still got into the car.Huo Tianliang closed the car door, turned to Kang Shuo, "Mr. Kang, is it convenient for me to say a few words?"

Kang Shuo made a please gesture to him.

Yang Yi was sitting in the passenger seat, and through the windshield, she could clearly see the two men talking ten meters ahead.I don't know what Huo Tianliang said, but he saw that Kang Shuo's face was very ugly, and he could even use the four words "face ashen ashes" to describe him, and then he saw Kang Shuo leave in a desperate manner.When passing the off-road vehicle, he poked inside with complicated and weird eyes.Then, with heavy and lengthy steps, he left as if stumbling.He looked like an old man whose blood had been drained, completely lifeless.

(End of this chapter)

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