Wife stand at attention

Chapter 349 Chapter Recalling Those Years

Chapter 349 Memories of Those Years (2)
Yang Yi was a little curious, what did Huo Tianliang say to Kang Shuo to make him look like this?Why did Huo Tianliang seek her?She never knew this man.

The car door was opened, Huo Tianliang sat in the driver's seat, and then the car door closed.Turning slightly sideways, he looked at Yang Yi carefully.

Yang Yi felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by him, and subconsciously twisted her body, "Mr. Huo, what do you want from me? I... don't seem to know you."

Huo Tianliang pursed his lips and smiled, instead of answering Yang Yi's question immediately, he just started the car and drove out of the community.

Yang Yi stared blankly at the greening of the residential area moving back to both sides out of the window, and turned to Huo Tianliang, "Can you tell me what's going on now? I think I should have the right to know, otherwise please stop the car." !"

Huo Tianliang looked at her with a sideways smile, at this moment Yang Yi felt that there was something called kindness in the smile on his face.


Yang Yi was shocked by the two words that jumped out of her mind.

She actually said the word love to a strange middle-aged man whom she met for the first time!He even got into his car unsuspecting!
Yang Yi, what's wrong with you?Is my brain flooded or is it a coincidence?

The smile on Huo Tianliang's face got bigger, the car continued to drive forward, and he said to Yang Yi in the passenger seat: "My name is Huo Tianliang, and I'm your father. If you can't accept it all of a sudden, you can call me Huo Tianliang first." uncle."

"Father?" Yang Yi's eyes widened, she looked at him without blinking, her mouth opened into a big "O" shape, her face and eyes were full of unbelievable expressions.

He... This man said he was her father?

If the word dad was thrown at her like a grenade, she was immediately overwhelmed and unable to respond.

Huo Tianliang nodded, and continued to show her a slight smile: "Yes! I am your biological father, and I will take you home now. You will like that home. Yue Ting is a very reasonable woman, she knows I have a daughter, and after being such an old daughter, although I was shocked, she expressed that she can understand and accept it. Chenchen has always hoped that she has a sister. Although I don’t know your existence yet, I think you get along well. It will be very harmonious and happy. Also, the most important point must be made clear to you. Don't worry, you are not an illegitimate daughter. Your mother and I were officially married with a certificate, but we divorced for some reason So, you don't have to worry about your identity, Yue Ting also said that she will treat you as her own..."

"Stop!" Huo Tianliang was still explaining the situation in his home to Yang Yi, but he heard Yang Yi's calm and resolute voice.

Huo Tianliang continued to hold the steering wheel with both hands, and turned to look at Yang Yi with a puzzled expression: "What did you say?"

"Stop!" Yang Yi slammed on the car door while unfastening her seat belt, and shouted at Huo Tianliang, "I told you to stop!"

Huo Tianliang glanced at the buildings on both sides outside the window, and said to Yang Yi, "Parking is not allowed here..."

"I told you to stop!" Yang Yi yelled at him again, she didn't feel any joy on her face because Huo Tianliang said that he was her father, that his wife and son could completely accept her existence, Instead, there was a sudden disgust and rejection towards Huo Tianliang.When she finished yelling at Huo Tianliang, the seat belt was already unbuckled, and she reached out to open the door, as if "If you don't stop, I'll jump out of the car myself".

Seeing this, Huo Tianliang was shocked, he didn't care whether the car could be parked here, he stepped on the brake and stopped.

Yang Yi quickly opened the car door, got out of the car as fast as she could, and ran away.

Cemetery, in front of Yang Yongxin's tomb.

Yang Yi sat sideways in front of the tomb, half leaning on the tombstone.On the tombstone, Yang Yongxin in the photo is all smiles.

From before the tomb to now, Yang Yi didn't say a word, she just leaned sideways in front of Yang Yongxin's tomb, leaning against her like a daughter in her mother's arms.

She couldn't digest Huo Tianliang's words, nor could she accept them.In fact, Huo Tianliang should be looking for Liuliu instead of her today.Liu Liu is his and mother's daughter, she is not.She was just a product of Huo Tianliang's rape of Li Ran. If Huo Tianliang knew her identity, how could he still show his father's kindness to her?
A Yang Yongxin's diary and two birth certificates, can't she understand the exchanged identities between her and Liu Liu?
All along, she felt that Liuliu was the daughter Liran gave birth to after being raped by Huo Tianliang.Therefore, she tried her best to do the responsibilities and obligations that a sister should do.She guarded this secret carefully, not letting Liu Liu know.Because she knew that with Liu Liu's temperament, if she knew that she was raped and gave birth, it would definitely be unacceptable.However, in the end, she was the product of that rape.But the man came to her cheekily with what he thought was a very fatherly face and told her that he welcomed her home.His wife and son also welcome her home, and even treat her like a family.

Do you find it funny?

Yang Yijue's, she is a joke, a big joke.Before Huo Tianliang appeared, she had never thought about this issue, and she had never faced up to her identity.However, the appearance of this man broke her current life.She had to face up to her own identity, but it was just an unexpected product after rape.

If her mother hadn't loved her like her own daughter since she was a child, and even said that she and Liu Liu were twins, she wouldn't be the Yang Yi she is today.

I'm sorry, Liu Liu.Not only did I take away half of your maternal love, I also took away your identity.If you knew, you would hate me to death.

All of a sudden, Yang Yi felt that she was really ashamed to see Yang Liu.

The sky is a bit dark, originally today's weather is cloudy.Although it is spring, it is still a bit cold.The wind blew, and the two small cypress trees in front of the tomb made a soft rustling sound.

King—Dong room.

As soon as Huo Tianliang returned to the room, Fang Yueting immediately stood up from the sofa and looked around behind him impatiently, as if she was looking for something.

Huo Tianliang took off his coat and threw it on Ruo Da's double bed, "Don't look, she didn't come back with me."

Fang Yueting had an expression as if a stone had fallen, and asked Huo Tianliang, "Why didn't you come back with you?"

Huo Tianliang fell onto the big bed, lying in a big shape, his eyes staring at the ceiling: "Yue Ting, if it wasn't for... about Li Ran, would you agree to me taking her home?"

Fang Yueting's body froze for a moment, and a complicated expression crossed her face, as if she was unwilling but had to bow her head.Biting her lower lip, she sat down beside Huo Tianliang with a faint haze in her eyes, and looked at Huo Tianliang who was lying on her back with some disappointment: "I have been married to you for 15 years, and I never thought One day you will have women outside behind my back. I always thought that I found a man who loves me wholeheartedly and can trust me for life. You have always been my pride, and I am also proud of you, whether it is you Your identity or your love for me, both allow me to straighten my waist and chest in front of others."

(End of this chapter)

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