Wife stand at attention

Chapter 350 Chapter Recalling Those Years

Chapter 350 Memories of Those Years (3)
"Do you know? How did I feel when I knew you had a woman outside?" Fang Yueting raised her head slightly, her eyes staring straight at the ceiling above her head, as if she was trying very hard not to let the The moistness flowed out of the corners of her eyes, more like suppressing a certain kind of painful burn, "That feeling is that the sky is smashed, and the ground is jumped. But facing the huge crack that was opened, I can't struggle." , I must try my best to mend the huge cracked seam without any traces of mending. I was so sad that I couldn't sleep all night. As soon as I closed my eyes, all the It's a picture of you with another woman. I have never experienced such pain since I was a child."

"However, this is not the most painful thing. What is more painful is that you told me that you once had a marriage and even had a daughter. Ha ha!" Fang Yueting sneered dryly, "This daughter is not from outside your marriage. It is a product, so I have to accept it. Yes, I can accept it, and I must accept it. I can even accept that you have a daughter outside. What else can I not accept? In fact, I can also accept your other daughter Yes, really, I really don't mind at all that suddenly there are two more people in my family who have nothing to do with me. Because all of this is my own choice."

Although Fang Yueting raised her head, the two lines of tears still slid down the corners of her eyes, falling one by two on the white sheet.

Huo Tianliang sat up tiredly, and looked at her with guilt, "I never thought of recognizing Li Ran's daughter. You know, I am sincere to you, and I never deliberately concealed it from you." The matter between me and Yong Xin, I just couldn't find a suitable opportunity to talk about it. Besides, when I divorced her, I didn't even know that she was pregnant with a child. As for Li Ran, it was just a drunk The next mistake..."

"Mistake?" Fang Yueting looked at him with a half-smile, "Can a mistake last for more than [-] years? If it's just a mistake, will you give her a small villa?"

Huo Tianliang held his cheeks with both palms and rubbed them fiercely, "Maybe this is the common problem of all men, and I also committed the common problem of this man. But believe it or not, I never let go of her." Feelings, let alone love."

Fang Yueting turned sideways, and looked at him unblinkingly with tears in her eyes: "So... what about Yang Yongxin? Did you put a lot of emotion into it?"

Huo Tianliang nodded, "Yes! I don't deny this! I admit that I really love her very much, so much that I once thought that she was the one I would hold hands with for the rest of my life, so much that I promised her that I want to give her a life like a queen, spend her whole life, and only love her."

Fang Yueting's eyes widened, her mouth opened wide, and everyone looked at him in disbelief.Some couldn't believe the words came out of his mouth.

For the rest of her life, she was the only one who loved her!
What about her?

Huo Tianliang glanced at Fang Yueting who was in astonishment, and continued on his own: "If she hadn't told me that she had been raped, placed under house arrest and even conceived a child for that man, I think I could really do it." promise to her."

"I really want to tell myself, don't care about that part of her past, it's not what she wanted, she was forced to. However, that kind of self-esteem called masculinity reminds me all the time that she was once Overwhelmed by others, I am not her only man. The more I think about it, the more I care, the more I care, I will do something to hurt her for no reason. Then after a drunk, I mistake Li Ran for her .And then, she asked me for a divorce. Although reason told me that I didn't want to divorce her, the pride of a man made me sign the agreement."

This was the first time Huo Tianliang talked to Fang Yueting about his relationship with Yang Yongxin and Ran Li. She never thought that he and Yang Yongxin would be like this.

At this moment, although she still hated Liran very much, she couldn't hate the Yang Yongxin he was talking about, the woman he once promised to "spend her life and only love her alone".

"So... what about her?"

"He passed away seven years ago. Yang Yi is her and my daughter, and Yang Liu is Li Ran's daughter, but she raised them all by herself, and she even called them twins."

Fang Yueting smiled slightly: "Such a daughter is indeed worthy of your love. I can understand your feelings at that time. Every man hopes that his woman will only be him, but he doesn't want to have only one woman. This is the sorrow of women."

Huo Tianliang hugged her into his arms, "Don't worry, it won't happen in the future. I just hope that our family can live together. I also hope that you can accept Yang Yi. I owe too much to their mother and daughter. I can't compensate Yong Xin. I hope you can." Make it up to my daughter."

Fang Yueting leaned into his arms: "What should we do? What should we do if they find Li Ran in the villa?"

Huo Tianliang patted her on the back: "Don't worry, nothing will happen. Li Ran has no relatives or reason, no one will know her disappearance. Even if she is found out, it's because of me and has nothing to do with you .”

"But, I accidentally killed the person."

"Remember, you didn't kill people. No matter who asks you this sentence, you just have to answer that you didn't kill people!"



In the afternoon, the sky was still overcast, but this time it was raining lightly.

"Xiaoguai." The first thing Kang Qiao did when he opened the door was to call Yang Xiaoguai, but no one answered him.

No kitchen, no bedroom, no study.There was no sign of Xiaoguai Yang in the whole room.Kang Qiao turned around and went out and rang Gu Meiyun's doorbell.

Gu Meiyun opened the door.

"Is Yang Yi here?" Kang Qiao asked while looking inside.

"No." Gu Meiyun shook her head, "Is she not at home?"

Kang Qiao's brows were tightly knit into a strand of hemp rope.He took out his mobile phone and dialed Yang Xiaoguai's mobile phone, but there was a prompt: The user you dialed has turned off.

Shut down?

"How is it?" Gu Meiyun asked Cambridge eagerly.

"Shut off." Kang Qiao seemed a little disbelieving that Yang Xiaoguai's cell phone was turned off, and dialed again, but still got the shutdown prompt.

"Why did it turn off the phone?" Gu Meiyun frowned, "Is the phone out of battery? Could it be that I went to find Yang Liu? Didn't I hear you say Yang Liu and..." last time I couldn't remember Shi Xiaocao's name for a while, "There is another one who is pregnant, and Xiao Yang is Yang Liu's sister. Could it be that she went to see her? Why don't you call Ran's house and ask?"

(End of this chapter)

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