Wife stand at attention

Chapter 358 Things Are Always Unexpected

Chapter 358 Things Are Always Unexpected (2)
Ye Shanming protected Ye Anran with both hands, and glared at Kang Shuo with bloody eyes like an enraged lion, "Try to touch her again!" He asked in a gentle and filial tone, "Mom, are you okay? Why are you running around again? Didn't you let you take care of yourself at home? Let's go, let's go home."

Ye Anran glanced at Kang Shuo who had been punched by Ye Jianming, and suddenly seemed to wake up completely.Or when she saw everything familiar in the villa just now, she was already awake.She patted the arm protecting her son, pursed her lips and smiled slightly: "Sorry, I made you worry. Don't worry, it won't happen in the future."

Ye Shanming glared at Kang Shuo fiercely, "Kang Qiao won't beat you, but it doesn't mean I will be like him! A scum like you deserves to have no son to die for you! Mom, let's go home!"

Ye Anran smiled again, but she didn't mean to turn around and walk away immediately, but turned to Kang Shuo, and said in a calm and indifferent tone: "Sorry, my son is just worried about me. Also, for I'm also sorry for what happened to you today. But don't worry, things like today will never happen again. Ye Anran is completely awake from today. Let's go, son." After finishing speaking, he raised his hand With a shallow smile, he turned and left.

When Ye Lanming turned around, he glared at Kang Shuo who was stunned with resentment and contempt, helped Ye Lian get into his Lexus and drove away.Wei Wei left Kang Shuo with a pipe of car exhaust and the white Nissan.

——Ye Anran is completely awake from today!

——Ye Anran!

These three words echoed in Kang Shuo's brain like a mantra.

He never thought that this woman would be Ye Anran, the woman Ye Anran who was once hurt by his ruthless abandonment.

Suddenly, Kang Shuo felt that his entire existence was a mistake.How many women did he accidentally hurt?
If Ye Anran is the first, then who is the last?Yang Yongxin?Or Gu Meiyun?Or Fang Ying?What's more, Li Qingxue?No, maybe it was the Yang Yi whom he always regarded as Yang Yongxin, his son's wife, his daughter-in-law Yang Yi.

Yes, he not only hurt his daughter-in-law, but also his son.If it wasn't for him, it wouldn't be long before they could have their children, and he could have his grandson.It's a pity that because of his fault, the child missed them.

Ye Shanming is right, he is a scum!No one is more scumbag than him!
——Just because Kang Qiao won’t hit you doesn’t mean I’ll be like him!
Ye Shanming's words echoed in his ears again, mechanically turning his head like a puppet to look at the white Nissan parked a few meters in front of him, and then turned his eyes to look in the direction Lexus left.In the end, Kang Shuo took a deep breath and staggered back to his villa with staggering steps.

King—Dong conference room.

Kang Jian was wearing a dark black suit, sitting on the guest seat in the conference room, waiting for the arrival of King-Dong.

Two months ago, I signed a contract with the person in charge of King-Dong. After King-Dong acquired the Kang Corporation, they gave him [-]% of the shares.The Kang Corporation became a subsidiary of King-Dong, and he was responsible for managing the Kang Corporation.

Half a month ago, King-Dong successfully acquired the Kang Corporation, and his newly established company naturally joined King-Dong's banner and became their franchise company.

Naturally, today I came to sign the new appointment contract with the person in charge of King-Dong.The Kang Corporation can only be his. Over the years, he has put so much effort into it, how can he let Kang Qiao get a big deal for nothing?Even if it is destroyed, it is impossible to give it to Cambridge.

King-Dong has always been engaged in hotel catering and entertainment, but he has never been involved in the lighting industry, so even if he bought the Kang Corporation, he naturally did not understand this industry.This is also the reason why he chose to cooperate with King-Dong.

The cup of green tea in front of him has bottomed out, but the person in charge of King-Dong still hasn't come.The secretary came in to refill a cup of tea for him, and said to him with a very professional smile: "Mr. Ye, Ms. Gu asks you to wait a little longer, she will come over right away after finishing her work."

Ms. Gu?
When Kang Jian heard these three words, he was startled subconsciously.Of course, she subconsciously thought of Gu Meiyun.But even if he rejected it, how could it be Gu Meiyun?There are too many people with the surname Gu in the world, it cannot be Gu Meiyun's.

She pursed her lips and smiled at the secretary: "It doesn't matter, I'm in no hurry."

The secretary gave another professional smile, then turned and left.

Ten minutes later, the door of the conference room opened, and Kang Jian stood up and turned around...

"President Kang, I'm sorry to keep you waiting!"

Gu Meiyun is wearing a dark green OL suit, her long black hair is tied behind her head into a bun that is said to be unique to strong women, she is wearing a very professional smile that exudes a powerful aura at the same time, from the conference room He walked in through the door, walked towards the chair called the "chairman chair", and sat down on the chair unceremoniously.

When Kang Jian saw Gu Meiyun appearing in the conference room, he widened his eyes in disbelief, and then stared at Gu Meiyun who sat down on the "chairman chair" with a very surprised look and expression. She didn't know how to answer Gu Meiyun's words.

Walking into the conference room with Gu Meiyun was not only the secretary who refilled his tea just now, but also the woman who signed the contract with him back then.

Gu Meiyun sat on the chair, turned around indifferently, and then said to Kang Jian with calm eyes that couldn't be calmer, and a tone that couldn't be calmer: "Why, did you feel it when you saw me?" Surprised? Oh, I forgot to introduce you." Pointing to the woman sitting on the right, "This is Fang Qi, the executive director of our King-Dong, I think you should be familiar with it."

Executive Director?

Fang Qi pursed her lips and smiled, "Of course, after dealing with Mr. Kang for so long, how could he be unfamiliar? But our King-Dong was able to acquire Kang so smoothly, it was thanks to Mr. Kang's matchmaking, otherwise How can things go so smoothly?"

Kang Jian's face turned blue and white one after another, alternating red, orange, yellow and green.It never occurred to him that Gu Meiyun would dig such a big hole for him, but he jumped down without hesitation.

"You...you just waited for me to take the bait after you designed it?" Kang Jian's face was very ugly, it could even be said to be as unsightly as wax ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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