Wife stand at attention

Chapter 359 Hey Miss Sashimi

Chapter 359 Hey Miss Sashimi (1)
Gu Mei pursed her lips and smiled: "Design? Take the bait? How can there be! Aren't you the one who digs the hole all the time? I didn't force you! So don't think that you are very smart, thinking that you can't do anything. It is within your control. Many things are far beyond your imagination! Since there is a smooth road and you don’t take it, you have to choose to dig a hole and jump yourself, then who can stop you? The old lady’s will said very Clearly, if you use power for personal gain or embezzle company funds, you will be held accountable by law. If this is the case, then let’s start taking the legal route today.”

Before Kang Jian could react, the door of the conference room opened again. Qi Sa took the folder in his hand and walked to Gu Meiyun's side with quick steps, spread out the documents in his hand, and said to Kang Jian meticulously: "Kang Jian Sir, these are the five senior accountants of the accounting firm. After inquiring about all the company's accounts from the time you took over the Kang Corporation to the time you left the Kang Corporation, the final unanimous conclusion is that when you are managing the company, the accounting books The account made above does not match the actual income of the company, and the difference is accurate to single digits, a total of 640. In addition, the 860-square-meter apartment in Fulihaoyuan on the floor you live in now, It was also purchased in the name of the company. The market price of the purchase three years ago was 670 million, and you now own three cars, an Audi A8, a BMW X6, and a Bentley Mulsanne, also in the name of the company Therefore, we will apply for a sealing order in the court. As for Mr. Kang Jian’s misappropriation of funds during the management of the company, we will also submit it to the judiciary for legal procedures.” After Qi Sa finished speaking, he closed the folder and said to With his sallow face, Kang Jian showed a meticulous and solemn smile.

Gu Meiyun stood up from the chair, supported the table with both hands, and showed a condescending smile to Kang Jian: "So, I think today's meeting can end here. The next thing Mr. Kang will do next, I think it should be to invite A lawyer. I'm sorry, I still have a lot of things to deal with, so I won't be with you. Zheng Ying will send Mr. Kang off." After speaking, she turned and walked out of the meeting room without looking at Kang Jian again.

The woman who Gu Meiyun called Zheng Ying stood up from the secretary's seat, and responded respectfully to Gu Meiyun who had already walked to the door of the meeting room: "Okay, Ms. Gu." Then she turned to Kang Jian who was stunned He made a gesture of invitation, "Mr. Kang, this way please!"


Yang Yi was packing her things and had just completed the discharge procedures, but she did not expect a high fever to keep her in the hospital for two days.It seems that the number of visits to the hospital in the past 24 years is not as many as the number of visits to the hospital in the past half a year.Well, it seems that she really has a relationship with the hospital.However, such a fate is not rare for her.

Cambridge called and said that it would take another half an hour to arrive.Gu Meiyun couldn't pick her up because of the company's business.Fortunately, it was not a serious illness, and she was able to handle everything by herself.So after going through the discharge procedures, she planned to wait for Cambridge to pick her up in the park next to the hospital.

Naturally, this illness also frightened Cambridge.Seeing his anxious look and the hospital troops running around, Yang Xiaoguai decided that no matter what, he would never let his brother get sick again.Don't care about your identity.As he said, no matter whose daughter she is, she is just his wife.Isn't it just a big deal, as for such a useless ostrich?

Well, you are Yang mob, you are an unbeatable mob!How could it be possible to fall down because of such a trivial matter?This is not in line with Yang Xiaoguai's character.

The door of the ward was pushed open, and Yang Xiaoguai, who was bending over to pack her clothes, hadn't had time to turn around when Yang Liu's anxious voice came: "Comrade Yang Yi, you really gave me a face! You actually entered the hospital again Already!"

Then she saw Yang Liu in casual clothes rushing towards her in a hurry.

"Ancestor, can you be a little more gentle?" Yang Yi threw down the clothes in her hands, pressed her hands against Yang Liu hurriedly, her eyes subconsciously looked towards the door, as if she was looking for Ran Xi's figure.

"Don't look, he didn't come with me." Yang Liu stretched out her hand and turned her head directly, "Why did you go to the hospital this time?" She looked at Yang Yi helplessly and questioningly, " I said, since you got together with the chief's brother-in-law, why does the hospital seem to be your mother's home, running here every day?"


"Say... show off?" Yang Liu stared at Yang Yi like she was looking at a monster.Obviously, the comrades of the People's Liberation Army who are known as "carrying shoulder badges and rotten ideas" are once again rotten at this moment.

"Slap!" Yang Yi slapped her on the back of the head with a slap that was neither light nor heavy, and glared at her bitterly: "You're just mad! I have a fever, a high fever, and I'm drenched in the rain! Look at your appearance! , but his mind is like a dog! Also," pointing at Yang Liu's belly that is still as flat as the evening, "don't give me any more trouble. You are not allowed to run long distances in the morning, and you are not allowed to train in the army. You are allowed to carry guns and shoot targets, you are not allowed to cross-country with heavy loads, and you are not allowed... Anyway, you will be a pregnant woman for me, a bride-to-be. Otherwise, I will directly ask Master Kang to transfer you back to the military newspaper as your military secretary." Yang Yi Said half-threatening, half-concerned.

Yang Liu pursed her lips and smiled, and leaned her head on her shoulder: "Comrade Yang Yi, first, Ran Xi has already done everything you said, and the only thing I can do in the army now is to sort out the materials, and they are still made of paper. , Even the computer is not allowed to touch. Second, the chief’s brother-in-law is Hai, and I am Lu, so he can’t control my deployment. Third, you are becoming more and more like a person.”

Yang Yi turned her head and pushed off the head resting on her shoulder, "Who?"

Yang Liu grinned: "Mom."

A trace of complexity flashed across Yang Yi's eyes, "Do you think there is a difference between me and my mother? You are a foodie."

"Hey..." Yang Liu laughed dryly.

"Come home with me in a while."


"I have something to show you, I think you have the right to know."

Yang Liu looked at the serious Yang Yi without blinking, "Old sister, why do you look so serious? Don't tell me, our family is going to change."

Yang Yi poked her on the forehead: "Family changes can't be changed on your head."

The Yang family on the second floor.

There were only the two sisters in the small second bedroom, and Kang Qiao wisely did not come down to disturb them, but prepared dinner at his and Yang Xiaoguai's home on the fifth floor.

Yang Yi took out a copy of Yang Yongxin's diary from a box under the bed in her room and handed it to Yang Liu.

Yang Liu held Yang Yongxin's diary in both hands, and looked at Yang Yi with a dull expression.

what's the situation?
"Mom's diary?" Looking directly at Yang Yi, "Old sister, when did you put it away? What did you write?" The blank expression instantly turned into gossip.

(End of this chapter)

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