Wife stand at attention

Chapter 360 Hey Miss Sashimi

Chapter 360 Hey Miss Sashimi (2)
"Look for yourself." After speaking, he turned and walked out of the room.

Yang Liumu stared blankly at Yang Yi's back, pursed her lips and "hummed" indistinctly, sat on the bed, and flipped through Yang Yongxin's diary.

However, the more I looked at her, the greener her face became, and it turned from green to white in the end.

My mother's diary said that she was not born to her mother, but was born after her man raped another woman, and then the woman threw her to her mother.

Don't think about it, that man is Huo Tianliang who looked for her last time, and the woman who gave birth to her is naturally Li Ran.

But why, Ran Xi said that she was her mother's biological daughter, and even gave Li Ran the DNA test of her and Li Ran, confirming that she has no blood relationship with Li Ran?

Is Ran Xi lying to her, or is my mother making a mistake in her diary?

Why are there very different results?

"嘿", Yang Liu stood up from the bed, and when she was about to go out, she saw Yang Yi walking in with Yang Yongxin's photo.

"finish watching?"

There were tears in Yang Liu's eyes, and a bitter smile on the corner of his lips, "Sister, I'm sorry..."

Yang Yi pursed her lips and smiled: "Why do you say sorry?"

"If it wasn't for me, you and mom wouldn't have suffered so much. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have to give up your college dream. If it wasn't for me..."

Yang Yi lowered her head, looked deeply at Yang Yongxin in the portrait, and said to Yang Liu: "Actually, I should be the one who should say sorry, because I owe you and my mother too much."

Yang Liu: "..." looked at her in bewilderment.But she saw that she took out two slightly yellowed photos from behind Yang Yongxin's posthumous photos, and handed them to Yang Liu.

The willows spread out blankly, and when they saw the words written in the note and the two birth certificates, their eyes widened in disbelief.

how could this be?

Yang Yi looked at the stunned Yang Liu lightly, "So, I owe you and my mother too much. My mother made you suffer so much in order to protect me. Liu Liu, I'm sorry for taking your identity so much. For many years, I have shared half of your mother's love."

Yang Liu put away the two birth certificates, clipped them into Yang Yongxin's diary, put one arm on Yang Yi's shoulder, "Sister, you don't owe me, nor mom. It's that man who owes us, no matter you Whose daughter is it? You are just my old sister, my Comrade Yang Yi, and we will always be my mother's daughter. Did he... find you?"

Yang Liu, who reacted like a military dog, naturally thought of Yang Yi's actions today and the abnormal behavior of the previous two days, that the man must have found her, and that's why she was so abnormal.

Yang Yi nodded, "He said he wanted to take you home because you are his daughter with his mother..."

"I'll cut it!" Yang Liu rolled her eyes with disdain, "I will cherish him? Let's just dream of him! I'm living such a good life now, and I don't lack father's love, why should I recognize him?" Besides, Huo Tianliang told her clearly that day, don't think he will recognize her back.Damn, you know she was born to your mother, not Li Ran, so you want to recognize her?That is to say clearly that Comrade Yang Yi is not recognized.go!She and Comrade Yang Yi are living a good life and don't need him.

So, Yang Liu broke Yang Yi's shoulders with a serious face, and said solemnly: "Then, Comrade Yang Yi, I sue you, we sisters are of one mind. You give me a good life with the brother-in-law of the chief, and I will realize it in peace and security." My life goal, whether there are or not, is none of our business? If you dare to quarrel with my chief because of this, believe it or not, I will punish you on behalf of my mother! And the most important point, "I pointed my thumb back With the tip of his nose, he said like a [-] million person: "Eldest sister is like a mother, if you don't listen, you will be dealt with by military law!"

The eldest sister is like a mother?

Comrade Xiao Yang was tenderized inside and outside by the four words in her mouth.Liuliu, isn't your speed of turning around a little too fast?So the serf turned around and sang?

He stared at her fiercely: "Believe it or not, I asked your head, my Lord Kang, to give you to the military law?"

Yang Liu grinned: "I've said it all, he's the sea and I'm the land, eight poles can't handle the matter, so he can't deal with me at all, and then..."

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Kang's uncertain voice came from the door: "Then why don't you let Captain Iron out, I don't know if this will work?"

Yang Liu: "..." sweating!

Chief's brother-in-law, do you think you are oppressing people with your title?It's been said that the first rank of the official rank is crushing to death, not to mention that the title of her brother-in-law, the head of the family, seems to be more than one rank higher than her, that is a bar of three ranks...

Of course...

Kang Qiao just walked up to Yang Xiaoguai's side, and before he could reach out to hug him, another male voice came from the door: "If Tie Zhanling dares to use his title to suppress someone, I'll just pick him up." Throw his military uniform over the Jingjiang River and let him swim around the river three times." Then he saw Boss Ran walking towards Xiao Liutiao and the other three with a faint smile on his face at a leisurely pace.

Yang Liu: "..." Once again, he was speechless in response.

Let Mr. Chief swim around the river three times?Or take off the military uniform and swim around the river three times?
Boss, do you need such a cow?

When the boss walked to Yang Liu's side, he put his left arm around Yang Liu's shoulder, put his right hand into his trouser pocket, and looked at Cambridge standing opposite him with a half-smile.

Of course, how could Cambridge put himself at a disadvantage, and also looked at Ran Xi with an unfathomable and difficult smile.

So, at this moment, in this small space, a situation called "North-South Confrontation" sounded instantly.One exudes an irresistible righteous military order from the inside out, and one exudes a lofty imperial mission from top to bottom.Two equally outstanding men just confronted each other for the woman beside them.

Yang Xiaoguai and Xiao Liutiao sister looked at each other, swallowed subconsciously each, and carefully looked at the two men who were looking at each other without blinking their eyelids.

How does this scene look like the leader staring at the two countries before the war?Just waiting for the two to give an order, and then the thousands of soldiers behind them shouted "kill", and then there was an armed confrontation, with countless casualties.

All of a sudden, the two sisters were sweating coldly, and the cool breeze was blowing.

Is it too much?

It's not going to go to the point of war, is it?

The two sisters looked at each other and winked at each other, just as they were about to perform...

However, the two big men who were facing each other suddenly stretched out their right hands towards each other...

Seeing this, the sisters were shocked!No way, let's start fighting now?
(End of this chapter)

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