Wife stand at attention

Chapter 361 Hey Miss Sashimi

Chapter 361 Hey Miss Sashimi (3)
Of course...

The two sisters were planning to pull away their respective men, and when they wanted to quell this war without gunpowder smoke, they saw that the two people who were still staring at each other had a very friendly pursed lips. smile.

"Ran Xi."


And then……

On the other hand, the two right hands held together in a very friendly, polite, and gentlemanly manner.

In this scene, in this situation, the leaders of the two countries stood in front of many reporters and shook hands, and then the reporters in the audience kept pressing the shutter "click, click" to freeze the scene Friendly scene.


Yang Xiaoguai turned into petrification.

The little wicker is messed up.

The world is turned upside down like this?

Hanxu studio.

At that time, Xiaocao Zhizi was walking out of his office towards Tang Jiyang's office, holding a stack of first drafts of clothing design drawings.

Shi Xiaocao Zhizi, it is an honor to be promoted from the second young master's personal nanny to the company's senior designer.

Shi Xiaocao was so frightened, so arrogant, with the aura of a serf turning himself over to be his master.

Tang Jiyang's office and Shi Xiaocao's office are in two completely opposite directions.To go to Mr. Ji's office, you have to go through the front desk and the elevator.

Shi Xiaocao took the first draft of the design and walked towards Mr. Ji's office with small steps.

"Ding—" The elevator door opened.

"Hi Miss Sashimi!"

The sound of entertainment and laughter in the play came from the elevator entrance to Shi Xiaocao's ears who walked five steps away from the elevator.

When Xiaocao turned around, she saw Long Junyi grinning his white teeth, looking at her with his eyes squinted like a spring breeze.

Miss Sashimi?
Shi Xiaocao was scorched inside and out by this guy called Lei.

After she was overwhelmed, she saw her smiling brightly like a blooming peach blossom, and slightly narrowed her black and white almond eyes: "Hey, bastard, why are you here?"

The word bastard sounded, and Long Junyi's smiling face, which was as gorgeous as a mast chrysanthemum, froze. He pulled his handsome face, and said to Shi Xiaocao, "I'm a mixed race, do you understand the mixed race? I'm not a bastard! "

Shi Xiaocao shrugged her shoulders at him indifferently, and said with an innocent face: "It's just a distinction between technical terms and popular language. But generally speaking for unprofessionals like us, it is natural to use There are more common language than technical terms. So, don't mind it."

Long Junyi's face collapsed.After breaking down, he said to Shi Xiaocao: "I won't talk to you anymore, I'll go find your man!" After finishing speaking, he walked towards the second young master's office familiarly.

Shi Xiaocao wondered, seeing how familiar he is, could it be that he is very familiar with the Second Young Master?

But it's not surprising that they seem to be familiar with each other. In Japan, both of their villas can be connected, so it is reasonable to be familiar with the second young master's studio.So, Shi Xiaocao directly blocked Long Junyi, turned around and walked towards Tang Jiyang's office.

Although Shi Xiaocao is pregnant, although the Taijun and the second young master are hurting her and Yang Liu deeply, even though the Taijun is making repeated orders to her and Yang Liu on the surface.But in fact, everyone in the Ran family respects her and Yang Liu very much. She wants to go back to work in the studio, and Yang Liu goes back to the army every day. Taijun and others have never stopped them, but the homework that must be done every day is to tell the two of them to pay more attention to their health , don't tire yourself out.Of course, he didn't forget to ask the boss and the second young master to take care of his wife.

In fact, the Ran family is really democratic, she likes this kind of family, and she has nothing to say about Miao Miao.

Tang Jiyang's office.

Mr. Ji is holding the mouse in his right hand and the mobile phone in his left hand, staring at the computer screen, but talking on the phone with someone on the other end of the phone.The expression on the face is called an ever-changing and rich expression.

"Boom!" Shi Xiaocao pushed the door open without knocking.

Mr. Ji, who was concentrating on dual-tasking, suddenly had a hand shake, or both hands shaking at the same time...


The right hand holding the mouse clicked it directly, and then the results of a whole morning's labor were displayed on the computer screen, and it directly failed, and the system did not have an undo function.The left hand holding the mobile phone loosened, and his new mobile phone worth tens of thousands of dollars, which he bought less than a week ago, slid out of his palm like a loach, and then there was a "pop", Tens of thousands of mobile phones just fell to the ground.And so coincidentally, Mr. Ji's office stickers are made of high-quality Italian high-end tiles instead of carpets.Then……

For tens of thousands of mobile phones, the fuselage and electric board are separated from ING.

The most admirable thing is that Mr. Ji, who is sitting on the chair, still maintains the posture of holding the mouse in his right hand and the mobile phone in his left hand, staring blankly at him without blinking. Standing at the door of his office, holding a folder in his arms, it was Shi Xiaocao with the face of a shrew.

ten seconds later...

The dumbfounded Mr. Ji finally came back to his senses, he glanced at the blank computer screen, then at the white mobile phone lying on the white floor tiles divided into two, and finally stopped his gaze on Shi Xiaocao.

And then……

"Aw———" Mr. Ji's high-decibel, pig-killing howl resounded throughout the studio, "Shi Xiaocao, you can't knock on the door before you come in! The fruit of my morning labor , My tens of thousands of mobile phones————Second Young Master, what kind of offense did I commit, why do you let your woman torment me like this! "

However, the corners of Shi Xiaocao's lips puckered, and she walked towards Tang Jiyang's desk in a dignified manner. When she walked to the side of the mobile phone that was divided into two, she bent down kindly and picked up the mobile phone .Then put the electric board back very carefully, close the back cover and turn it on.After everything was in order, he put the "intact" mobile phone on the table in front of Tang Jiyang: "Mr. Ji, it's not that you don't know that I never knock when I enter your office. I have never seen you like this before." It's like...a guilty conscience. But it doesn't matter, the phone is fine, and it seems that it can still be turned on." Shi Xiaocao felt that at this moment, the words "guiltful" were the most suitable words to describe Tang Jiyang.

Tang Jiyang was so angry that he almost blew his beard and stared. He pointed at the blank computer screen in front of him: "What about this one? Where's the draft I've worked so hard all morning?"

Shi Xiaocao directly handed the folder in her hand to him: "Then, the latest draft of clothing! Isn't it just a few drafts, as for you blowing your beard and staring like this?" Shi Xiaocao looked disdainful He squinted at Tang Jiyang, who was still angry, and then said to himself, "By the way, a bastard came to look for the second young master just now. Don't tell me that he is related to our next play."

(End of this chapter)

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