Chapter 365 The only one who loves her all her life (4)
"What's the matter?" Still smiling fascinatedly, staring at him with hazy eyes.

Long Junyi put the goblet in his hand on the window sill, and stared straight at her with hooked eyes, "If I told you this movie, he just invested in and produced it, and he didn't want to act in it. You...would like to Is it the heroine?"

His eyes no longer looked as tender as when he was on the bed just now, but were three points cold and seven points serious.

Tong Mushi was slightly taken aback, and then smiled at him: "Why do you ask that?"

He reached out and pulled down the hands that were clasping his neck, showing a self-deprecating smile: "You like Ran!"

Not a questioning tone but an affirmative tone.

The smile on the corners of Tong Mushi's lips froze a bit, and she seemed a little uncomfortable standing in front of him.But, no matter what, he is a leader in the entertainment industry, and the most powerful thing is naturally his acting skills.In just three seconds, the stiffness and discomfort were well hidden by her.He took the glass of red wine that Long Junyi put on the window sill, took a sip very elegantly, and then gently shook the bottom of the glass, "Why are you like those Yu Ji? I like him or not?" Would I climb into your bed? In your eyes, I’m just that low? What’s more, who doesn’t know that he already has a fiancée, and who doesn’t know about such a high-profile proposal?” Although she tried her best to conceal it The anger in my heart, but there is still such a trace of unwillingness and sourness in the words.

Long Jun stared at her unblinkingly, his eyes were no longer emotional, but cold and cold, making Tong Mushi feel uncomfortable all over.

"You did what happened at the racecourse, right?" Long Jun turned around and continued to face out of the window, throwing such a sentence in a lukewarm manner.

Tong Mushi's whole body froze suddenly, and her face turned pale.

"Mu Shi." He turned his back to her, folded his hands on the window sill, without too much expression on his face, "I always knew that you liked Ran Xu, and you are only with me to facilitate your work .I always thought you weren't that bad. It turned out to be just my wishful thinking. I believe you know very well in your heart how you did the racecourse. I don't say it doesn't mean I don't know. But you Don't worry, I won't tell him about it for the sake of our intercourse. As for the future, you can take care of yourself. Today will be our last day, and you won't have a part in this drama. You should go back early Well, it's getting late."

Tong Mushi froze in place, as if someone had acupuncture points on her, unable to move.A pair of eyes stared like copper bells, staring at Long Junyi's back in disbelief.She didn't believe it, this was his last answer to her!

"Why?" After a long while, Tong Mushi squeezed out these three words from his mouth.

Long Junyi didn't turn around, but a self-deprecating smirk appeared on the corner of his lips: "You know, the thing I hate the most is cheating. I admit that I like you, but it doesn't mean you can use this to cheat and use me. Feelings to hurt Ran Xu and Shi Xiaocao."

"Hehehehe!" Tong Mushi laughed coldly, "Long Junyi, this is just your excuse, right? The fact is that you fell in love with Shi Xiaocao, right?"

Long Jun turned around abruptly, his gloomy eyes were like an eagle in the dark night, he looked at her coldly: "Then if I tell you, brothers are like siblings, and women are like clothes!"

Brothers are like siblings, women are like clothes!
These ten words, like sharp knives, pierced Tong Mushi's heart.The whole person was nailed again, and the ten words that Long Junyi uttered kept echoing in his mind.

It turned out to be so!

Looking at Long Junyi with a half-smile but not a smile, suddenly a ferocious smirk appeared on his delicate cheeks: "Oh! Brothers are like siblings, women are like clothes! Long Junyi, you are really good! It turns out that I am not even as good as a piece of clothing in your heart, and you can throw it away at any time!"

Long Junyi didn't have much expression on his face, and continued to look at her with a stern look: "Mu Shi, all of this is your own choice. You should bear the corresponding responsibility for your actions, no one Forcing you to do this. If something happened to Shi Xiaocao or the child in her stomach that day on the racecourse, I think you will have no chance to stand here properly. As a friend, I advise you, when Ran Xu still thinks that But when it's just an accident, you should stay away from him. Otherwise... I think you should be very clear about the consequences. People in the Ran family are not so easy to bully. You... just take care of yourself. After today, I don't think we will See you again."

His eyes stared at him fiercely, and he clenched his fist tightly with his left hand, and he could clearly see the bulging veins and the whitening of the knuckles.The hand holding the goblet was also tightly twisting the slender glass goblet. Suddenly, he raised his glass and poured all the red wine left in the glass onto Long Junyi's face.His eyes stared at him fiercely and coldly, and he squeezed out words word by word from between his teeth: "Long Junyi, you are ruthless! Even if you count me as a scumbag, I will fall in love with you, a useless thing!" Walking to the door, I found that I was only wrapped in a bath towel.He took his own clothes and threw them aside, angrily walked into the bathroom to change.

Then there was only a "bang" sound of slamming the door.

As soon as Long Jun turned around, he leaned halfway against the window, with a faint sneer on his lips.

He can tolerate a woman he loves not loving him, but he can't accept that woman using his feelings to hurt his brother.

As he said, brothers are like siblings, and women are like clothes.If the clothes are torn, you can buy new ones, but if the limbs are broken, the blood will not stop.

In the opposite room not far away, the door was open. Tang Jiyang leaned on the door frame, looked at the back of Tong Mushi who was twisting and stepping on fifteen father-in-law's stilettos and left angrily, and dialed the second young master's cell phone: " Second Young Master, you can safely hand over the next play to that bastard, I think..."

Then, before he finished speaking, the second young master over there hung up the phone directly.

Tang Jiyang looked at the phone that had been hung up, and muttered angrily: "Damn it! Second Young Master, why are you crossing the river and tearing down the bridge like this?"

Obviously, Mr. Tang Jiyang's idiom expression ability needs to be improved.

Fang Ying stood in the living room with an expression of disbelief, the staff's voice echoed in her ears: Ms. Fang, this is a warrant issued by the court. We will give you three hours to pack your personal belongings. , After three hours, we will seal this place!
After finishing speaking, he stood with a businesslike face, waiting for her to clean up by herself.


Why should it be seized?

This is her son's home, why was it sealed up by the court?
(End of this chapter)

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