Chapter 366 The only one who loves her all her life (5)
Then the answer he got was: Kang Jian embezzled public funds. The house and the three cars under his name were all purchased in the name of the company. Now the legal person of the company, Gu Meiyun, is suing him.In addition to confiscating all the houses and cars, Kang Jian has to take legal responsibility at the same time.

Then, Fang Ying's eyes turned dark, her legs went limp, and she fell to the ground like soft mud.

The Kang Corporation changed its name. After being acquired by King-Dong, the Kang Corporation was no longer called the Kang Corporation, and changed its name to "Xinyi Craft Jewelry".

Xinyi, as the name suggests, is the collective name of Yang Yongshi and Yang Yi.

Because in Gu Meiyun's view, the Kang family owed Yang Yongxin and Yang Yi, even if the entire company was given to them, it would not make up for the damage that the Kang family and Kang Shuo had brought to their mother and daughter.What's more, Yang Yi is still her daughter-in-law now.

The management of the company was handed over to Yang Yi, but she happily let go of the company's affairs and continued to live her comfortable life.She believes that Yang Yi can manage the company well, and of course King-Dong is still managed by Fang Qi.At her age, she is naturally waiting to have grandchildren.


The spring breeze is blowing, and the peach blossom season is in full bloom.

There are still more than ten days left before Shi Xiaocao and Yang Liu's wedding.

Taijun directly chose the two brothers' days on the same day, which is called double happiness.Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.This east wind is naturally the day of the wedding.Then it was just counting down the day, and talking about when the third young master would let her drink granddaughter-in-law's tea.But I saw the third young master's buttocks turned up, the soles of his feet were slicked with oil, and he slipped away.

Yang Yi was sitting in front of the computer, concentrating on the task at hand.

The mobile phone placed on the upper left vibrated twice, indicating that there was an incoming text message.

While continuing to look at the computer screen, he stretched out his left hand to take the phone, and clicked to view the information.


The text message was sent by Hai Hai.

The corners of Yang Yi's lips curled up. Yuefang gave birth to a fat son who weighed seven pounds and four taels.

So I sent back a message: I am blessed with a son, congratulations!When Cambridge comes back, let's see Yuefang and your son together.

Then Dahai returned a message: brother Laoqiao and sister-in-law are worried.

Holding the phone, Yang Yi subconsciously stroked her lower abdomen with her right hand.

Hey, whether Master Kong is running in the morning or at night, he always carries a small umbrella. I don't know when she will have a baby with her and Master Kong again.

Yuefang was born, and Liuliu and Xiaocao were conceived at almost the same time, and now she is the only one missing.

He continued to hold the phone with his left hand, scratched the corner of his lips with his right index finger, and thought deeply.Then I saw Yang Xiaoguai's sneaky, malicious smile appearing in the corner of his eyes.

Then, the phone in his hand vibrated suddenly again, and Yang Xiaoguai, who was thinking deeply, was really taken aback by Xiaoxiao.

When he came back to his senses, he glanced at the caller ID of his mobile phone, and there were three words in his eyes: Master Kong.

The malicious smile on the corners of his lips suddenly became bigger when he saw the words "Master Kong", and even the corners of his eyes narrowed into a thin slit.

Press the answer button with your thumb: "Master Kang, what advice do you have?"

Her tone was full of cheerfulness, without any gloomy feeling.But it was beyond Master Kang's expectation.

"What are you doing?" Mr. Kang's unique mellow voice like waves came from his ears.

"I just read the happy message from Dahai." Yang Xiaoguai replied truthfully.

"Little boy." Yang Qiao's slightly heavy voice came.

"Huh?" Yang Xiaoguai leaned back in the chair, as if planning to have a phone conversation with Master Kong, "Say it, I'll listen."

"Are you unhappy?" Kang Qiao's voice was a little cautious.

Yang Xiaoguai didn't answer the question, but smiled lightly: "Why am I unhappy?"

Before Kang Qiao had time to say anything, he only heard Yang Xiaoguai say: "Do you think I saw Hai Hai's message of good news, and then remembered the unhappy things that happened to me? No matter how unhappy, it will not help. I can't live in the shadows all my life, can I? Of course I am sad when the child is gone. I know that you are also very sad, but you don't show it on your face. .Don't worry, I'm fine."

Kang Qiao breathed a sigh of relief, as if a big stone had fallen from his heart, and said to Yang Xiaoguai, "As expected of the woman I like. Well, I like it!"

"Then are you here to pick me up from get off work today?" Yang Xiaoguai asked with a smile.

"Want to go to the hospital to see Yuefang?" Kang Qiao always seemed to understand what she was thinking right away.

Nodding, "Well, I want to visit Yuefang and the child."

"Wait, it should be there at 05:30."

"it is good!"

"Don't work too hard."


"Then I'll hang up first."

"it is good."

Yang Xiaoguai's face was filled with a smile called happiness.

The third young master's flamboyant red sports car stopped downstairs in the company.

Looking up, the third young master saw that the floor was really not very high, but it was the place where his family Yang Xiaoyi worked.

Well, he admitted that his Yang Xiaoyi is much more capable than him.It's just two years older than him, but he already manages a small company independently, but he still lives like a rice bug.No wonder Shi Xiaocao beat him often.

But, who let him not graduate yet?If you don't graduate, you can continue to be a rice bug.It's as if Mi Jiasao Baoluo is still living a life like a rice bug.The boss of the Yin family, who is the same age as him, can stand alone in the company, but he is living the life of the second generation ancestor.Well, compared to that second generation ancestor, he is already very good at speaking.

And then, after thinking about it and comparing it, the third young master's smile is brilliant.

A burgundy shirt with two buttons undone, revealing a small piece of wheat-colored skin that the third young master is proud of.Wai Xuan wore a pure white casual suit, of course, the buttons would never be buttoned up, paired with a pair of the same pure white casual pants, and a pair of pure white limited-edition sneakers.

The third young master looked at the rearview mirror for a while, no matter how he looked, he looked like a prince charming.


Prince Charming?

Yang Xiaoyi is not that princess of yours, why are you dressing yourself up like this?Could it be that you still want to snatch Yang Xiaoyi from the uncle of the People's Liberation Army?
The third young master was instantly tenderized by the thought that popped into Lei's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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