The boss is jealous every day

Chapter 57 Give you 3 seconds and immediately disappear from my eyes

Chapter 57 Give you three seconds and immediately disappear from my eyes
The only thing I can understand is hate.


His aura was too strong, Qin Niansheng was stunned in place, at a loss.

She couldn't understand this man at all.

After a long time, Jiang Yinshen finally spoke again, his voice was cold, "I'll give you three seconds, and you will disappear from my sight immediately."

Qin Niansheng came back to his senses, turned around and left without hesitation.

Because I don't want to mess with him.

But after two steps, she came back again, "Please return my mobile phone to me."

She almost forgot the main purpose of her visit today.

Jiang Yin frowned deeply, turned his head and glanced around the bed, and finally found that the phone was tightly held in his hand.

He casually threw the phone in front of her, and she didn't pay attention, the phone fell to the ground.

"You!" Qin Niansheng wanted to bite someone angrily!
This person is really bad to the extreme!
Self-righteous, arrogant and domineering bastard!
But in the end she endured it, picked up the phone, turned around and left angrily.

Just disappear, she wished she would never see her again!
Until Qin Niansheng's back walked out of the door, Jiang Yinshen sat down beside the bed, propping his forehead with one hand.

Splitting headache.

He drank too much alcohol last night, but he still woke up the next day.

Alcohol can only paralyze him for a while after all.


"Hello." A voice suddenly sounded from above his head.

Jiang Yinshen raised his head, it was Qin Niansheng who had gone and returned.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but the moment he raised his head, he seemed to see a touch of surprise in his eyes...

Soon, Jiang Yinshen frowned, and said coldly: "Didn't I make you disappear? Don't tell me that you are lost and can't find the gate."

Qin Niansheng gave him a blank look.

"Your doctor asked me to remind you, don't forget to take your medicine!"

Although he seems to have no fever now, his injuries are still serious.

Already at the door, she suddenly remembered this matter, so she came back to remind him again.

After Qin Niansheng finished speaking, the room was quiet for a while.

It took a long time for Jiang Yinshen to speak, and his tone was quite impatient, "Are you still leaving?"

Qin Niansheng gritted her teeth. With his bad attitude, she really didn't want to bother him at all, but who told her to be kind.

Well, even if she is overflowing with sympathy.

"You wait to take the medicine, 10 minutes, no, 8 minutes!" Qin Niansheng said as he walked out.

"What do you want?"

Qin Niansheng had already reached the door, she turned her head to Jiang Yinshen and said, "Mr. Jiang, please wash up quickly."

Jiang Yinshen still didn't know what she was going to do. He stood up and walked to the window and opened the curtains to let the sunlight into the room.


Eight minutes later, Qin Niansheng appeared in his room on time again.

"Qin Niansheng, you can enter the man's room so casually?" Hearing the sound of footsteps, Jiang Yinshen turned around and reprimanded in a bad tone.

Qin Niansheng froze in place.

She still held a bowl of noodles in her hand.

And the displeasure between Jiang Yin's deep brows is gradually disappearing.

Qin Niansheng pursed his lips, put the bowl on the table, and then blew on his hand.

It's hot!
She glanced at Jiang Yinshen, and said leisurely, "Eat the noodles before taking the medicine."

Jiang Yinshen walked over to take a look at the bowl of noodles, and asked suspiciously, "You made it?"

"Otherwise? Is there a third person in your family now?"


"Jiang Yinshen!" Qin Niansheng gritted his teeth angrily, and finally said bitterly, "Do you like it or not!"

(End of this chapter)

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