The boss is jealous every day

Chapter 58 What If You Forget

Chapter 58 What If You Forget

Qin Niansheng was furious, where did he come up with so many conspiracy theories!

Jiang Yin gave her a suspicious look, then his eyes fell on the bowl of noodles again.

A very ordinary bowl of noodles with a poached egg on top.

It looks like it's not bad?
"Do you want to eat it? If you don't eat it, I'll throw it away." Qin Niansheng said angrily, and picked up the bowl of noodles again.

never mind!

Why should she care about him?

"Stop, what right do you have to deal with my things at will?" Jiang Yinshen stood in front of her and snatched the bowl of noodles from her hand.

"How did it become your property? These are the noodles I cooked, so what I do with them is my freedom, right?" Qin Niansheng said indignantly.

"You used the ingredients from my house, gas, water, bowls for serving noodles, which one is not mine?"

Qin Niansheng: "..."

He seemed to have a point.

However, his attitude is wrong!

It made her very upset.

"But I cooked this! Even if everything is yours, I have paid the labor!"

"So?" He replied lightly.

Qin Niansheng was at a loss for words again.

Jiang Yinshen ignored her, put the bowl of noodles on the table, and started to move his chopsticks.

"Why don't you suspect that I have been poisoned?" Qin Niansheng stood aside and said leisurely.

"I'm sorry you don't have the guts."

Qin Niansheng snorted, stood aside and peeked at him.

"It's really unpalatable." After taking a bite, he frowned and complained.

"You...then you don't want to eat it!" Qin Niansheng was about to grab his chopsticks and bowls, but he blocked them with one hand.

It's like protecting food.

"Qin Niansheng, what are you doing?"

"Didn't you say it was unpalatable? Then don't eat it."

"Can you control my things?"

Qin Niansheng was speechless.

He complained about the unpalatable taste, but in the end he ate everything, even the soup.

He even looked so charming when he was eating, which made her a little hungry.

Beautiful and delicious, probably refers to this?


It seems that he is really hungry, otherwise how could he eat 'unpalatable' food with his picky energy.

Although he kept saying that the noodles she cooked were unpalatable, since he ate them all, she didn't care about them as much as he did.

"After half an hour, take the medicine." Qin Niansheng reminded again, "I'm leaving, don't forget to take the medicine."

"What if I forget?" Jiang Yinshen said suddenly.

Qin Niansheng stopped again, feeling very helpless, "Is your memory that bad? Didn't I remind you? After half an hour, you won't be so forgetful, right?"

Jiang Yin looked straight at her, and repeated again, "What if I forget?"


How did he become a repeater?
Sighing, Qin Niansheng suggested: "Then you set an alarm for half an hour, so you won't forget it?"

Jiang Yinshen didn't speak, but just looked at her straight.

Qin Niansheng felt a little unnatural from his gaze, he hesitated for a long time before speaking, "Okay, I'll remind you after half an hour to leave after taking the medicine, is that okay?"

Who made her promise the doctor to remind him not to forget to take medicine.

Now that you have promised others, you must do it.

This is also the responsibility.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your agreement."

Even if Jiang Yin hated her deeply and didn't want to see her, wait until she watched him take the medicine.

When he took the medicine, she would leave immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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