Chapter 59
Qin Niansheng really couldn't understand, could he be so powerful that he could easily crack passwords?

That's fine.

But what does the combination lock on his door mean?
Jiang Yin stared straight into her eyes, and slowly walked towards her.

It was obvious that she was blaming him.

But in terms of momentum, why did it seem like she was the one being blamed?
Moreover, there is still a feeling of panic?

Just when she was in a daze, Jiang Yinshen had already walked in front of her.

"Qin Niansheng, ask knowingly, is it fun?"

Over the years, none of his passwords have been changed.

Because many years ago, she ran away from home in anger with her family members, crying and calling him to beg him to take him in.

And he was far away in the army at that time, she had nowhere to go, and had been waiting for him at his door for hours until he came back.

After that, he replaced all the door locks with electronic combination locks.

To prevent the same thing from happening again, to allow her to freely enter and exit his house at any time, and not to live on the streets because he is not in the capital.

And the password is set to her birthday, in case she forgets.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Qin Niansheng suddenly had a bold guess, "Do you have the same birthday as me?"

If this is the case, it would make sense, but... it would be too coincidental!
"Are you so interesting?" Jiang Yin looked at her coldly.

How could she not understand what he was saying, and how long would she have to pretend to be stupid?
Qin Niansheng decided for a long time.

She seemed to be thinking about something, and remained silent for a long time.

There are many doubts in my heart.

Every time I saw him, the doubt got deeper and deeper.

It's like a mystery, getting bigger and bigger.

"Jiang Yinshen, do you know me? No, you shouldn't ask me that way." Qin Niansheng pursed her lips and paused for a while before continuing: "Mr. Jiang, I wonder if we..."

The phone rang suddenly, and she stopped in the middle of speaking.

She glanced at the caller ID and answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Qin Niansheng?"


The person on the phone claimed to be from the school, and Qin Niansheng suddenly remembered that she was going to the school to go through the admission procedures today!

As a result, I encountered that incident, and then I forgot about it.

If it weren't for this call, she might not be able to remember this matter at night!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I encountered an unexpected situation so I was delayed. Is there still time for me to come here?"

"Please come here as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll be right over here."

After hanging up the phone, he looked up and saw Jiang Yinshen.

But she had completely forgotten what she was talking to him before answering the phone.

Right now, she is preoccupied with going through the admission procedures immediately, and puts all other things aside.

"Mr. Jiang, I have to leave first." She put the phone in her bag and said to him, "Don't forget to take your medicine!"

She had a good memory of reminding him to take his medicine.

After Qin Niansheng left, he was still thinking about what she had said before she left.

She actually asked him if he knew her...

also said.

Did they before?
What will she want to say next?

Jiang Yinshen scratched his hair suddenly in annoyance.

damn it.

He was influenced by that woman so easily, his mind was full of her!

(End of this chapter)

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