Chapter 101

He Yan heard that Su Mu had gone home, so he decided to go find Su Mu together with everyone.

He Yan and the others first went to Shen Yun's house, knocked for a long time and found no one, so they resolutely gave up and went to the next door.

Sure enough, as soon as Su Mu's house knocked on the door, the door opened from the inside, and Su Mu opened the door.

"Su Mu, why are you so tanned?" He Yan was shocked when he saw Su Mu at first sight, and said the words without thinking.

"If you don't want to come, you can go back now." Su Mu resisted the urge to hit He Yan, and said to He Yan with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." As soon as he said the words, He Yan realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly apologized, which was so skillful that it made people feel distressed.

Su Mu sneered, and turned to let He Yan and others come in.

"We brought food today, let's cook hot pot at home at noon." Xia Wei put the food on the table and said to He Yan and Su Mu.

"Okay." Upon hearing the hot pot, Shen Yun stood up excitedly from the sofa to see what Xia Wei and the others had bought.

"Xiaoyun, what's the matter with your mouth?" Xia Wei noticed at a glance that the corner of Shen Yun's mouth seemed to be broken.

"It's okay, just treat it as being bitten by a dog." Shen Yun rubbed the corner of his mouth, pointing and cursing.

Sure enough, when the others heard Shen Yun's words, their eyes were fixed on Su Mu.

"What are you looking at me for? Don't you all want to eat?" A certain dog didn't have any self-consciousness, warning them half vigilantly and half threateningly.

As soon as Su Mu said, several people quickly lowered their heads and prepared the ingredients for the hot pot.

"It's okay, I can cook too." Han Chenxi said lightly from behind.

Han Chenxi's words gave Xia Wei and He Yan confidence in an instant, and they locked their probing eyes on Su Mu again.

Su Mu looked at the dishes on the table in annoyance, how could he forget that Han Chenxi could cook.

"Tell me, how did Su Mu kiss? You can kiss the corner of the mouth to death." He Yan approached Xia Wei and asked her in a low voice.

"I don't know, but I think it should be bitten." Xia Wei shook her head and analyzed it seriously.

Shen Yun heard He Yan and Xia Wei's conversation, approached them a little bit, and shouted "Hello" between them.

He Yan and Xia Wei trembled in fright, and when they saw that it was Shen Yun, they immediately separated.

"I'm right next to you, can you please find a place to hide when we discuss the issue next time? Huh?" Shen Yun looked at the two purely, but Shen Yun's tone told them that it would be dangerous for them to continue talking .

"Mine, I haven't washed the dishes, so I'll go wash them." Xia Wei changed the subject and fled the scene holding the dishes on the table.

Shen Yun turned his eyes to He Yan, He Yan tried his best to look up, not to let his eyes meet with Shen Yun's, and groped with his hands on the dining table.

He Yan didn't find anything after touching for a long time. He Yan looked down and found that the table had been emptied long ago.

He Yan smiled awkwardly at Shen Yun, and found an excuse to avoid Shen Yun's gaze, "I'll help Xia Wei wash the vegetables."

Only then did Shen Yun retract his gaze in satisfaction, and when he turned around, he found that Han Chenxi was looking at him.

"What do you see me doing?"

Han Chenxi stared at Shen Yun's face, especially the wound at the corner of her mouth, which was really obvious.Han Chenxi withdrew his eyes lonely, smiled and shook his head at Shen Yun, "It's okay."

While the few people were talking, Su Mu went to prepare the hot pot.Now, the hot pot has been cooked and served by Su Mu.

At the same time, He Yan and Xia Wei have already washed the vegetables and put them in a clean basin.

The five of them quickly took their seats, picked up their chopsticks and prepared to eat.

Su Mu first picked some of Shen Yun's favorite food and put them in her bowl before adding food for herself.

Xia Wei pursed her lips when watching the two's actions, and imitated Su Mu to put the vegetables into He Yan's bowl.

"I don't eat vegetables." He Yan didn't understand Xia Wei's intention, and said to Xia Wei seriously.

"If you don't eat it, you have to give it to me." Xia Wei couldn't help but roll her eyes, this idiot.

He Yan choked aggrieved, and obediently ate the food.

"That's good, come on, eat more." Saying that, Xia Wei put a few slices of vegetables into He Yan's bowl.

"Eating more vegetables is good for your health, especially for high school seniors like you, you should nourish your body."

He Yan glanced at Xia Wei without daring to speak out, and finished eating the vegetables aggrieved.

After the meal, several people started a discussion on the issue of washing the dishes, and no one wanted to wash the dishes.

"How about this, let's play a game, whoever loses will do the dishes." Xia Wei suggested.

"Okay." The other four agreed unanimously and let Xia Wei say the name of the game.

"We prepare five pieces of paper. Everyone writes a sentence in their mind on the paper, and then fold it up for me. I shuffle them, and each person randomly draws a piece of paper. The first person to guess will do the dishes." Xia Wei explained the rules of the game, and then added, "It must be from the heart, not water."

After the four people agreed unanimously, Su Mu went upstairs and took out a page of paper and five pens and distributed them to them respectively.

Su Mu divided the paper into eight equal parts, and the extra paper was thrown aside.

The five people wrote a sentence on the paper with their backs facing each other, and carefully folded the paper and handed it to Xia Wei after writing.

Xia Wei put all the paper in the palm of her hand, covered it with the other hand, and shook it up and down a few times.

Then open your hands and let them draw from it first, and the last one left is their own.

Shen Yun opened the note, which said "I seem to like Ta a little bit."

Shen Yun was puzzled for a moment, and quietly observed other people's movements.This note is not written by Su Mu at first glance, so it is one of the remaining three people.

Shen Yun glanced at the handwriting, and probably had an idea in his heart.

Su Mu opened the note, which said "When will you think of me?"

This is too ambiguous, Su Mu has no idea who it is, but Shen Yun and He Yan can be ruled out, this is not like the handwriting of two people.

He Yan, Xia Wei, and Han Chenxi's notes were "I miss him so much", "I have no idea", "I don't know what to write, just wish you happy"

"It's too difficult for me to guess." Xia Wei complained as she looked at the note.

"Then which of us will guess first?" Shen Yun put away the note and asked Xia Wei clearly.

"Hmm ~ rock-paper-scissors, whoever wins will guess first." Xia Wei thought for a while, and remembered the most primitive method.

"Then why didn't we use rock-paper-scissors and whoever loses should wash the dishes?" Han Chenxi asked Xia Wei suspiciously.

"Uh, what do you know, it's fun like this." Xia Wei said stubbornly, firmly refusing to admit that she never thought of the method of rock-paper-scissors.

"Okay." Han Chenxi nodded half-understood, agreeing with Xia Wei's point of view.

"Let's start." Su Mu reminded.

"Rock-paper-scissors." Five people gathered in a small group and started a contest between advanced metaphysics.

In the end, He Yan won with scissors.

(End of this chapter)

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