It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 102 Sleeping here, I'll hug you

Chapter 102 Sleeping here, I'll hug you

"Hahaha, I won." He Yan stretched out his scissors and yelled at them.

"Say it quickly." Xia Wei couldn't understand He Yan's embarrassing look, so she raised her hand to knock his hand off.

"Mine is very simple. It was written by Sister Yun." He Yan spread the front of the paper on the table and leaned back in the chair confidently.

"It's not me." Shen Yun glanced at the note and shook his head.

"How is it possible? Don't deny it just because you don't want to wash the dishes." He Yan bounced off the back of the chair in disbelief, picked up the note on the table and read it again.

"Look, I miss him so much. This is what you wrote, because I miss Su Mu." He Yan read the words on the note again and decided it was Shen Yun.

"It's really not mine." Shen Yun strongly denied.

"Really?" He Yan asked Shen Yun again in doubt.

"Oh, Xiaoyun has said twice that it's no good, it must be no more." Xia Wei interrupted He Yan impatiently.

"That must be you." He Yan suddenly realized, pointing at Xia Wei.

"Why is it me?" Xia Wei looked at He Yan seriously, waiting for him to explain why.

"Look, the guy above is either you or Sister Yun." He Yan made a serious analysis, seeing what Xia Wei had to argue with.

"Maybe the man on it just knew that writing about women was too pointed, so he deliberately wrote about men."

"That's right." After hearing Xia Wei's analysis, He Yan suddenly realized, and nodded in approval.

"Stupid." Xia Wei muttered, and let the next one continue.

"It's hard for me to guess, and I don't know who it is." Han Chenxi struggled for a long time, and finally chose to give up.

"You gave up just like that? Say it first, if everyone doesn't guess it in the end, you, the one who abstained, will do the dishes." Xia Wei looked at Han Chenxi and added a rule.

"Okay." Han Chenxi nodded, agreeing.

"It's my turn." Shen Yun took the initiative to speak out, and looked at He Yan with malicious intentions.

He Yan was taken aback by Shen Yun, and urged Shen Yun to speak out quickly, not to be tricky.

"He Yan, go wash the dishes." Shen Yun flashed out the note, and pointed at He Yan with the same confidence.

"No, how do you know it's mine?" He Yan took the note, trying to defend himself.Obviously he was very careful, even writing her in pinyin.

"It's obvious, and I recognized your handwriting at a glance." Shen Yun explained, making He Yan completely give up.

"This kind of game should not be played with familiar people. You can guess it just by looking at the handwriting." He Yan lay down on the table resignedly, unable to utter a word to defend himself.

"Since He Yan has gone to wash the dishes, should we continue to guess?" Xia Wei asked Su Mu who hadn't guessed yet.

"Guess, what if one more person washes the dishes." Su Mu glanced at Han Chenxi pointingly.

"Then you two say your names at the same time, and then see if you're right." Shen Yun watched the excitement from the side, and re-proposed.

"Su Mu/Han Chenxi." Xia Wei and Su Mu said their names in unison.

"Actually, I didn't know who this belonged to, but I thought it was either yours or He Yan's, and He Yan was exposed." Xia Wei revealed the note and expressed her speculation.

After Xia Wei finished speaking, the others looked at Su Mu and listened to his speculation.

Su Mu put the note on the table, and said lightly, "I also read the handwriting."


"Let me just say that you can't play this game with people you know well. It depends on the handwriting and there is no sense of participation." He Yan pointed to the note and said unwillingly.

Xia Wei looked at He Yan, smiled slightly, and slowly uttered three words, "So?"

"So, Su Mu and Han Chenxi and I went to wash the dishes together." He Yan hesitated, slowly put down his fingers, and reluctantly got up to go to the kitchen.

"Come on, what are you doing?" Seeing that he came in alone, He Yan shouted at Su Mu and Han Chenxi who were sitting firmly in the living room.

Accepting the bet, Su Mu and Han Chenxi got up and went to the kitchen to do the dishes.

The three boys had all gone to wash the dishes, Shen Yun and Xia Wei had nothing to do, and happily came to the sofa to watch TV.

Xia Wei deliberately found Mu Sibai's latest TV series, and looked at Mu Sibai with a nympho.

"Oh my god, he is so handsome. How can there be such a handsome person in this world."

"Tsk tsk, wipe off the drool at the corner of your mouth." He Yan, who came back from cleaning the bowl, saw Xia Wei's nympho, took out a piece of paper and handed it to Xia Wei in disgust.

Xia Wei instinctively took the paper and wiped the corner of her mouth, but there was nothing.Immediately realized that He Yan was deliberately teasing her.

"He Yan, are you sick?" Xia Wei angrily threw the paper balls at He Yan, who turned sideways to avoid him.

He Yan stuck out his tongue and yelled at Xia Wei. When he looked up and saw Su Mu staring at him, he immediately withdrew his expression, obediently got up and threw the paper ball into the trash can.

Feeling full of food and thinking about sleep, just after eating, it is easy to get sleepy, Shen Yun yawned.

Su Mu noticed Shen Yun's movements, took her over and leaned against him, and asked the remaining three unconscious people, "Should you go back?"

"No way, we just came here not long ago, and they drove us away." He Yan glanced at the time, it was not yet two o'clock.

"Aren't you just here for dinner? You've already eaten, so what are you doing here?" Su Mu unceremoniously exposed He Yan, without showing any sympathy.

He Yan clutched his chest in pain, covering his face and crying. "Since you don't welcome me so much, I'll go."

Su Mu completely ignored He Yan's performance, and looked at him indifferently, "Hurry up and leave."

"Okay, I'll go. You ungrateful person, remember, you didn't drive me away today, but I have to go." He Yan was addicted to acting, with a heartless look, as if he was accusing Su Mu.

However, the other four looked at He Yan speechlessly, not wanting to talk to him at all.

"I'm sorry to bother you. I didn't like it because he just escaped from the mental hospital." Xia Wei got up and apologized to them solemnly, and pulled He Yan away.

"Huh, Su Mu. You have to remember, today's me you love to answer, and tomorrow's me you can't stand up to. Huh~" After He Yan broke free from Xia Wei and said a word to Su Mu, Xia Wei covered her mouth.

"What the hell? What have you been doing this month?" Su Mu looked at He Yan with disgust, his whole face was about to wrinkle.

Xia Wei pulled He Yan to leave, and Han Chenxi naturally didn't stay any longer, so he got up and left as well.

Seeing that everyone else had left, Su Mu lowered his head and asked Shen Yun gently, "Are you sleepy?"

Shen Yun lay in Su Mu's arms, nodded lazily, got up and was about to go back to sleep, when Su Mu pressed his shoulders.

Shen Yun looked at Su Mu suspiciously, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"Just sleep here, I'll hold you." Su Mu held Shen Yun's shoulder to prevent her from getting up.

"No, your body is too hard." Shen Yun shook his head in disgust, struggling to get up.

Su Mu didn't move his hands, letting Shen Yun struggle.To no avail, Shen Yun chose to give up and lay on Su Mu's shoulder.

Su Mu looked at Shen Yun on his shoulder and smiled triumphantly.

(End of this chapter)

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