Chapter 104 Will You Hate Me?
Since University B is far away from home, Su Mu will go back at noon on the 7th.

Shen Yun sat on Su Mu's bed and watched Su Mu pack his luggage. She wanted to help Su Mu pack, but Su Mu refused.

"It's packed." Su Mu closed the suitcase and zipped it perfectly.

"Take everything well, don't forget." Shen Yun couldn't help telling Su Mu worriedly.

"It is true that I forgot something." Su Mu thought for a while, and opened the suitcase again.Su Mu glanced in Shen Yun's direction, and then at the suitcase.

Shen Yun didn't understand what Su Mu meant, so he got off the bed and followed Su Mu to look at the suitcase.

"Come in, I'll take you with me, and everything will be brought." Su Mu further explained.

"You are the thing." Being teased by Su Mu again, Shen Yun scolded Su Mu angrily.

"Even if I am, it's still yours." Su Mu bent down and approached Shen Yun a little bit. Just as he was about to approach Shen Yun, Su Mu's mouth curled into a smirk, and he suddenly closed the suitcase downwards.

Knowing that he was being teased, Shen Yun hit Su Mu's chest angrily.

Su Mu pretended to be in pain and clutched his chest, but this time Shen Yun would not be fooled, so he turned and left.

Seeing that this move was no longer effective, Su Mu quickly stepped forward and grabbed Shen Yun's arm.

"Aren't you going to give away your things?"

"Not going to, let him go directly with his suitcase." Shen Yun threw Su Mu's hand away angrily.

"Together, your things will miss you, don't you miss your things?" Su Mu took Shen Yun's hand again, and acted like a baby to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun turned his back to Su Mu, relying on him not being able to see, he smiled extravagantly.

"That's fine, then I'll wait for him downstairs." Shen Yun tried his best to hold back his smile, and said reluctantly.

After finishing speaking, Shen Yun went downstairs at a faster speed. She was afraid of staying another second, so she couldn't help laughing out loud.

Su Mu acted like a baby, this is really a rare situation.

Su Mu carried the suitcase in both hands and went downstairs with difficulty. Shen Yun stood downstairs and reached out to pick it up, but Su Mu avoided it.

"I'll do it." Su Mu passed Shen Yun and put the suitcase on the ground, and then put his hand on Shen Yun's.

"You have to pick up your things."

Su Mu spoke seriously, but Shen Yun always felt that he was scolding himself, which sounded extraordinarily weird.

"Don't laugh." Feeling that Shen Yun was laughing at herself, Grandma Su Mu yelled at Shen Yun fiercely.

"Okay." Completely impressed by the fierce side of Su Mu's milk, Shen Yun nodded dotingly.

"Let's go."

Su Mu held Shen Yun with one hand and the suitcase with the other and set off towards the station.

Due to the particularity of today, there was a queue outside the station.Shen Yun sent Su Mu to the station, but did not follow him to line up with him.

"Will it be winter vacation next time you go home?" Shen Yun reluctantly let go of Su Mu's hand.

"Well, remember Ang, you have to call me every day whether you want it or not. No, you have to think about me every day." Su Mu threatened Shen Yun pretending to be serious.

"Why did I call you, why didn't you call me?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu not to be outdone.

"The big deal is that I'll call you every day." Su Mu didn't compromise on principle at all. It doesn't matter who calls who, the important thing is to call.

"Got it, you go to line up." Shen Yun saw that the line kept moving forward, but it didn't decrease at all, instead it showed signs of getting longer and longer.

"Then I'm leaving!" Su Mu reluctantly bid farewell to Shen Yun, dragged his suitcase to queue, and on the way back, he didn't forget to wave hands with Shen Yun.

Shen Yun stood beside him, watching Su Mu go in before turning to leave.Hey, she's left by herself again.

Su Mu got into the car successfully and prepared to go to bed with earphones on.He has a problem with driving, no matter what kind of car, he wants to sleep when he gets in the car.

Su Mu fell into a drowsy sleep and felt someone poking him. Su Mu was forced to open his eyes and saw that the person who woke him up was a girl.

"Excuse me, can you let me in?" The girl pointed to the seat next to Su Mu.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Su Mu quickly got up and let her in.

After people went in, Su Mu sat down again.After being woken up, Su Mu couldn't fall asleep, and there were two stops before getting off, so Su Mu didn't sleep anymore.

Su Mu took out his mobile phone to send a message to Shen Yun, and when he opened it, he saw the message Shen Yun sent him.

"Let me know when you get to school."

Su Mu chuckled, and sent a message back to Shen Yun, "Are you worried about something unexpected happening to me?"

As soon as Su Mu's message was sent, Shen Yun came back.

"Bah, bah, don't talk nonsense. I'm just afraid that my things will be stolen halfway."

"Don't worry, your things have their own navigation, even if they are stolen, you will know how to get home."

"Did you get out of the car?"

"Well, it's almost there, there are two stops."

"Okay, now I don't feel sleepy in the car, are you used to it often?"

"Slept, but just woke up, and then couldn't fall asleep." Su Mu briefly described what happened just now, and sent it to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun sat at the table, looked at the message from Su Mu, and smiled from ear to ear.As soon as she raised her hand, she saw Su Mu's room opposite. It seemed that she was not so unacceptable to the fact that Su Mu went to school.

When Su Mu said that she was worried about herself for not being escorted, Shen Yun felt that Su Mu's reason was simply absurd. She is so old, so there is nothing to worry about.

Besides, with her like this, most people can't beat her in a fight.

But later, after Su Mu went to school, Shen Yun realized that Su Mu had really played a big role in his life.And she was really dependent on Su Mu, maybe it was her dependence that gave Su Mu the feeling that she couldn't do without him.

From then on, Shen Yun tried hard to do things that he hadn't noticed but was always taken care of by Su Mu.

For example, Shen Yun can now wake up when she hears the alarm clock, go to and from school by herself, and tie her shoelaces tightly.

But all this is second only to when Su Mu is not around. As soon as Su Mu comes back, Shen Yun finds that he has become the same as before, and Su Mu needs to help him clean up everything.

Sometimes Shen Yun wondered if Su Mu had been doing these things all the time, and he had already taken it for granted in his heart, that's why he was like a child who didn't grow up when Su Mu was around.

Shen Yun suddenly hated this kind of self, and hated taking these things for granted. At the same time, she was worried that Su Mu would not like this kind of self one day, and would like someone who could do things by herself.

"Will you hate me?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu in a message.

"How could it be? It's too late for me to love you." Su Mu didn't know why Shen Yun said this suddenly, but she still answered her seriously.

"Su Mu, if you say someday, I mean if, someday you fall in love with someone else, you must tell me, and I will definitely not pester you." Just thinking about Su Mu falling in love with someone else, Chen Yun feels uncomfortable, Tears could not stop streaming down.

(End of this chapter)

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