It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 105 I identified a person named Shen Yun

Chapter 105 I identified a man named Shen Yun
"What are you talking about? How could I fall in love with others? What's wrong with you?" Su Mu asked Shen Yun nervously.

He was obviously fine when he was just sent off, why did he become so sentimental just after returning home.

"It's okay, I just suddenly wanted to ask." Shen Yun wiped away his tears with his backhand, and turned back to Su Mu.

"Remember, I, Su Mu, have identified a person named Shen Yun in this life. I will not like anyone else except her." Although Su Mu didn't know what happened to Shen Yun, he still felt special. Seriously sent the message to reassure Shen Yun.

"That's what you said. If I like someone else in the future, I won't be so easy to talk to."

"Although you are not good at talking, you will never have this time."

When Shen Yun saw Su Mu's news, he suddenly smiled. How could such a Su Mu fall in love with others.

"Be good, don't cry." Across the phone, Su Mu could guess that Shen Yun must be crying over there.

"I didn't cry." Shen Yun argued stubbornly. Anyway, Su Mu wasn't around, and he couldn't see it.

"Okay, okay, I didn't cry." Su Mu comforted Shen Yun.

The car was about to arrive at the station, and it stopped slowly. At the same time, the arrival reminder broadcast in the car sounded.

"I'm at the station, I'll tell you when I get back to school."

"Well, be careful on the road."

After seeing the message sent back by Shen Yun, Su Mu put away the phone and got up to get the suitcase.

The girl sitting inside seemed to have also arrived at the station. She got out of the seat and tried to reach the suitcase on the shelf on tiptoe.

But maybe because she is not tall enough, she only touched the edge of the box after a long time.

"Let me help you." Su Mu couldn't stand it any longer, and walked over to help her unload the suitcase.

"Thank you." The girl took the suitcase and thanked Su Mu.

"You're welcome." After Su Mu said this, he pushed his suitcase and got out of the car.

Since the train station was still some distance away from the school, Su Mu didn't want to take the bus, so he took a taxi directly when he came out.

But everyone probably knows that the students are going back to school today, so there are many brothers waiting at the gate of the train station.

Su Mu got into a car casually, and said to the driver in the front row, "Master, go to University B."

"Okay." The master agreed decisively, stepped on the gas pedal and set off towards Peking University.

When Su Mu arrived at the dormitory, the other three had already arrived.

"You are finally here. We are discussing to have dinner together at night." Zhu Wensheng saw Su Mu and greeted him warmly.

"I can do it, you decide." Su Mu put the suitcase on the ground, opened it and took out his clothes.

"Then let's go to the barbecue restaurant near the school. I heard that there is a [-]% discount for students to eat there." Zhao Xiaoxiao suggested to Zhu Wensheng.

"I think this is okay, and it's cheap." Zhu Wensheng strongly agreed with Zhao Xiaoxiao's point of view.

"Zeyu, Su Mu, how do you two feel?" Zhao Xiaoxiao asked Gao Zeyu and Su Mu who were silent at the side.

"I don't want to talk anymore, I can do anything." Su Mu packed up his things and replied indifferently.

"Me too." Gao Zeyu raised his hand and pushed his glasses, agreeing with Zhao Xiaoxiao's point of view.

"Then it's settled. Pack up and set off now." Zhu Wensheng is a man of action. Now that the location has been chosen and everyone has arrived, he is about to set off immediately.

The boys have nothing to prepare, they can just get up and go.

Su Mu walked behind them and sent a message to Shen Yun, "I have arrived at the dormitory, and now we are going to have barbecue together in the dormitory."

"Well, let's go eat together, and I won't bother you." Knowing that Su Mu had arrived in the dormitory, Shen Yun was relieved.

Su Mu didn't go back to Shen Yun either, put away his phone and followed them to the barbecue restaurant.

"Boss, bring your menu." Zhu Wensheng sat on the stool and shouted proudly into the room.

After a while, the waiter came over with the menu.

Zhu Wensheng took the menu and handed it to them, asking them to order whatever they wanted.

The menu was rotated in their hands, and all the dishes were selected and handed back to the waiter. The waiter took the menu and went down to prepare.

"Wait a minute, serve 12 bottles of beer first." Zhao Xiaoxiao shouted to the waiter.

When the beer was brought over, Zhao Xiaoxiao uncapped the bottles one by one, and put a bottle in front of everyone.

"I don't know how to drink." Gao Zeyu looked at the beer in front of him in embarrassment. He had never drunk it.

"It doesn't matter, we are all our own people, no one will laugh at you even if you spit it out." Zhu Wensheng looked at Gao Zeyu and comforted him.

"That's right, they are all our own people." Zhao Xiaoxiao agreed, and directly picked up the wine bottle and said to them, "Come on, do it."

Zhu Wensheng and Su Mu immediately picked up the wine bottle and touched Zhao Xiaoxiao. Originally, Su Mu planned to pour the wine into the glass, but they all took the wine bottle directly. If he was holding the glass, it would look awkward .

Gao Zeyu looked at the wine bottle, struggled for a while, then picked up the wine bottle and touched them together.

"That's right." Zhu Wensheng watched Gao Zeyu's actions, and patted Gao Zeyu's shoulder twice.

The others took back the bottle and drank it directly. Gao Zeyu looked at the three drinking and took a sip out of curiosity. He frowned.

At this time, the skewers were just grilled and served, Gao Zeyu immediately picked up one and put it in his mouth, trying to overwhelm the taste of beer in his throat.

But because the skewers were freshly grilled, the hot Gao Zeyu spit them out as soon as he put them in his mouth.

"Hahahaha, no, why are you in such a hurry?" Zhu Wensheng hurriedly handed Gao Zeyu his wine, and Gao Zeyu drank it without looking at what it was, and felt sick even more after drinking it.

Seeing Gao Zeyu's situation, Su Mu immediately asked the waiter for a glass of water and handed it to Gao Zeyu.

Gao Zeyu learned to be smart this time. When he received the water, he glanced at it and started to drink after making sure it was water.

"This beer is too bad." Gao Zeyu complained, pointing at the beer.

"If you really can't drink it, don't drink it." Su Mu helped Gao Zeyu speak.

"That's right, at worst we drink, you drink water." Zhao Xiaoxiao echoed again.

"It's grass on the wall." Zhu Wensheng glared at Zhao Xiaoxiao and joked.

After this toss, all the dishes were served.

"It is you!"

Su Mu, who was eating, looked blankly at the person who was talking to him.

"You don't remember me? I'm the one sitting next to you on the train." The girl pointed at herself, reminding Su Mu.

"Oh." Su Mu suddenly realized that there was indeed a person sitting next to him, but he didn't remember what he looked like at all.

"Are you a student of University B?" the girl asked Su Mu expectantly.

"Yes." Su Mu nodded.

Qi Xiwen's eyes lit up when he saw Su Mu nodding. "What a coincidence, me too, my name is Qi Xiwen."

"Su Mu."

The three people who were ignored looked at me, I looked at you, and smiled tacitly at the same time.

Su Mu, there is a situation!
(End of this chapter)

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