It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 106 Thank you, it has been connoted

Chapter 106 Thank you, it has been connoted
"I haven't even thanked you for helping me carry my luggage today. How about this, I'll add you on WeChat." After speaking, Qi Xiwen took out his phone.

"No need." Su Mu refused without thinking.

Qi Xiwen took back the phone in embarrassment, she didn't expect to be rejected.

"Sister, can I add you if he doesn't want to add you?" Zhu Wensheng asked Qi Xiwen as he didn't think it was a big deal.

"Yes." Qi Xiwen agreed, and handed over the phone to Zhu Wensheng to scan the QR code.

After Zhu Wensheng finished adding, he handed the phone to Qi Xiwen, and even thought he was handsome and winked at her.

Qi Xiwen smiled politely at Zhu Wensheng, turned to look at Su Mu and said, "My classmate is still waiting for me there, so I'll go first, bye."

"Bye." Zhu Wensheng shamelessly stood up and waved to Qi Xiwen.

"Did they tell you that?" Zhao Xiaoxiao looked at this narcissistic person with disgust.

After they left, Zhu Wensheng sat down, lowered his voice and said to the three of them, "Do you know who she is?"

"Who is it?" Zhao Xiaoxiao and Gao Zeyu looked at Zhu Wensheng curiously.

"Qi Xiwen."

"..." Zhao Xiaoxiao looked at Zhu Wensheng speechlessly, "Aren't you talking nonsense? Didn't she introduce herself just now?"

"That's right." Gao Zeyu agreed and echoed, he still thought there was some shocking gossip, wasting his expression for nothing.

"No, you really haven't heard of this name?" Zhu Wensheng asked the two of them in disbelief.

"Can you just speak up if you have something to say?" Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't stand his sudden speech.

"Qi Xiwen, majoring in environmental design, is a flower in the art department, known as the temperament goddess of B University." Zhu Wensheng introduced Qi Xiwen to the three of them.He had heard of it before, but had never seen it before, so he didn't take it seriously.But after seeing the real person today, I feel that the word goddess of temperament is far from enough to describe her, she should be an angel.

Zhao Xiaoxiao and Gao Zeyu looked at Zhu Wensheng's nympho with disgusted faces, and didn't want to talk to him.

Zhu Wensheng looked down and found that the other three were eating skewers, "Hey, are you listening to me?"

"If you don't eat, I will finish eating." Su Mu kindly reminded Zhu Wensheng with a string of mutton skewers in his hand.

"Leave me a skewer of mutton." Zhu Wensheng immediately stopped the nymphomaniac and snatched the last skewer of mutton.

Su Mu finished eating the mutton skewers in a slow manner, put down the skewer and began to wipe his hands. He just ate a lot while the three of them were gossiping.

Shen Yun didn't get stuck in the school today, but came to the class early.

When Xia Wei saw Shen Yun, she couldn't believe her own glasses, "Let me see which monster possessed Xiaoyun's body." Xia Wei came to Shen Yun and checked her inside and out. again.

"What are you doing?" Shen Yun tilted her head and asked Xia Wei.

"It shouldn't be. Could it be that my watch is broken? It's already noon now." Xia Wei didn't answer Shen Yun's words, she muttered to herself.

"You are not mistaken, the watch is not broken, I just got up early today." Listening to Xia Wei's words, Shen Yun wondered if it was his own problem, why did he react so much when he woke up early.

"My God, the sun came out from the west today, and you really got up so early." Xia Wei glanced at the time, it was only 06:30.

"What's wrong? Can't I get up early and study hard?" Shen Yun asked Xia Wei aggressively.

"I was wrong, you can, you can. If you don't study, you will be the first in the grade. If you study hard, how will we live." Xia Wei wanted to cry, but Shen Yun wanted to kill her.Every day when she goes home, she has to accept her father's half-hour criticism meeting, and the content of the meeting most likes to compare Shen Yun with her.

Usually, every time Xia Yunfeng talked about Shen Yun, Xia Wei could still resist and say that Shen Yun usually did not attend class as an excuse.Now that Shen Yun wants to study hard, then she doesn't even have any excuses.

"Who says I don't study hard? I have to study hard every day, but the timing may be different from yours." Most of Shen Yun's knowledge can be said to be taught by Su Mu.

Su Mu is a year older than Shen Yun, and Shen Yun has been curious about Su Mu's things since he was a child, including textbooks and studies.Therefore, Shen Yun pestered Su Mu to teach her. Originally, Su Mu didn't want to teach her, but he was tortured and had no choice, so he reluctantly agreed.

However, there is still a condition, that is, she must get No. 1 in each exam for what she studies, otherwise she will be asked to go back to learn her own things obediently.

Because of this condition, Shen Yun listened carefully to the class every day and worked hard to learn the content of this semester well.This habit has been maintained for more than ten years.

But why didn't Shen Yun attend the class later?It was because those Su Mu had taught them before, and he could guarantee to be the first, so Shen Yun was so presumptuous in class.

"Yes, yes, yes, I know, you have a very powerful boyfriend who can help you do everything." Xia Wei, who was forced to eat a mouthful of dog food, spoke in a lemony way.

Shen Yun didn't continue to speak, but her proud expression had already betrayed her.

When Han Chenxi came in, he was also shocked when he saw Shen Yun there. He just waited outside for a long time and Shen Yun didn't arrive. He thought she was going to be late again today.

"You are late as usual." Xia Wei looked at her watch, and at the moment when the bell rang, Han Chenxi sat on her seat, perfectly stuck.

"Xiaoyun came so early today?" Han Chenxi started to take out books from his schoolbag and asked Shen Yun.

"I want to study hard." Shen Yun has said this answer several times.It seemed that it was really unacceptable for them to come early.

"Oh, come on, I'm optimistic about you." Han Chenxi clenched his hands into fists and gestured to Shen Yun.

"What do you think about her? She's already ranked first in her grade, and she's also number one in her grade." Xia Wei really can't figure out that a person like Shen Yun who has already reached the top level can really go to the next level floor?
"Yes, at least her grades are stable." Han Chenxi looked at Xia Wei with a half smile.

Xia Wei's smile disappeared immediately after hearing Han Chenxi's words. For a person whose grades fluctuate up and down, he feels that he has been connoted.

"You still have the nerve to talk about me? At least my grades are still ahead; and you are already at the bottom." Xia Wei unceremoniously pointed out Han Chenxi's shortcomings, let's hurt each other together.

Before Han Chenxi could speak, Xia Wei immediately threw herself on Shen Yun and complained to her, "Xiao Yun, this man bullied me."

Han Chenxi pointed at herself in disbelief, didn't she mention herself?
"Please settle your own affairs." Shen Yun memorized English words in a serious manner without being influenced by them at all.

"Hmph, I'm not fussing with you, I'm going to read too." Xia Wei got up from Shen Yun and snorted coldly at Han Chenxi.

Han Chenxi looked at Xia Wei innocently, why did he care about her?

(End of this chapter)

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