It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 107 I'm Su Mu's Girlfriend

Chapter 107 I'm Su Mu's Girlfriend

Ever since Qi Xiwen joined Zhu Wensheng, she often asked them to hang out together.

"Su Mu, are you still going this time?" Zhu Wensheng asked Su Mu who was sitting indifferently.

"You guys go, I'll go to the library later."

"Don't, Su Mu. Every time people send me a message, they specifically ask me to call you together. As a result, you don't go every time, and we are embarrassed to go."

Su Mu glanced at Zhu Wensheng who was already dressed neatly, and didn't feel the slightest bit of embarrassment from him.

"That's right, let's be together this time." Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhu Wensheng stood on the united front.

Every time Qi Xiwen wanted to ask them out to play, it was obvious that he was not interested in drinking, and every time he just found an excuse to call Su Mu out.They all understand this.

"Is Su Mu afraid that your girlfriend will be jealous?" Gao Zeyu asked Su Mu gossipingly, Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhu Wensheng booed aside.

"Oh, I said, it turned out that I was afraid that my girlfriend would be jealous."

"By the way, Su Mu, when will you let us meet your girlfriend? We only hear you on the phone every day, and we haven't seen what kind of person you look like. I think you are Schrödinger's girlfriend. "Zhao Xiaoxiao approached Su Mu and put his hand on his shoulder.

Su Mu glanced at the hand on his shoulder, then looked up at Zhao Xiaoxiao, his expression self-evident.

Zhao Xiaoxiao touched his nose as if nothing had happened, and withdrew his hand resentfully.

"What does Schrödinger's girlfriend mean? I've only heard of Schrödinger's cat." Zhu Wensheng asked ignorantly, this word has touched his blind spot of knowledge.

"Stupid, it's a girlfriend who doesn't exist." Zhao Xiaoxiao withdrew his hand and knocked Zhu Wensheng on the head.

"Zhao Xiaoxiao, you are floating."

Zhu Wensheng, who was beaten, adhered to the principle of never losing money, and wanted to hit him back when he reached out, but Zhao Xiaoxiao grabbed his wrist with one hand.

What they said had no effect on Su Mu, so he got up and went to the library with his book.

"Just a reminder, don't mess up my table." Su Mu stood at the door and said to the two people who were still fighting.

"I really don't want to go." Zhu Wensheng yelled at the door without giving up, and the answer was the cold and direct sound of closing the door.

In the end, Su Mu was not called.

The three of them came to the place agreed with Qi Xiwen together, Qi Xiwen waited for them with full of expectation, when he saw there were three more people, a trace of disappointment flashed across his eyes.

"Sorry, I was delayed a little bit."

"It's okay, we've only been here not long ago." Qi Xiwen smiled to help them out, and couldn't help asking tentatively, "Su Mu, why didn't he come again?"

"He's afraid that his girlfriend will be jealous." Zhu Wensheng said their jokes without thinking.

Zhao Xiaoxiao, who heard Zhu Wensheng's words, hit him secretly, and Zhu Wensheng realized that he said something wrong.

"The main reason is that he went to the library." Zhao Xiaoxiao tried to turn the direction of the wind back.

"Su Mu, does he have a girlfriend?" Qi Xiwen still heard it, but Zhu Wensheng's words were so loud that it was impossible not to hear them.

"Hey, we don't know, but he calls every day, and we guess it's his girlfriend." Zhu Wensheng smiled awkwardly, and answered Qi Xiwen ambiguously.

"Oh, that's it." Qi Xiwen smiled comfortably and started the next topic.

Seeing that no one else was paying attention to her, Qi Xiwen slowly put down the corners of her mouth that she was trying to hold up.She's not stupid, since her roommates have said it, this matter must be close to each other.But Qi Xiwen still had luck in his heart, in case Su Mu was on the phone with his parents, even his roommate had never met, if it was his girlfriend, he would definitely admit it.

Well, that must be it, it must be on the phone with my parents.Qi Xiwen thought deceitfully.

Because Qi Xiwen was hiding something in his heart, Zhu Wensheng and Zhao Xiaoxiao were embarrassed when they said the wrong thing, so the party ended hastily.

When the three returned to the dormitory, Su Mu had already returned and was on the phone with Shen Yun.

"Su Mu, I'm curious, is that your girlfriend?" Zhu Wensheng asked while pointing at the phone.

Su Mu was on the phone every day. They joked that it was his girlfriend, but he didn't admit or deny it.After today's incident, Zhu Wensheng must ask clearly.

Su Mu looked at Zhu Wensheng as if he was mentally handicapped, and called every day if he wasn't a girlfriend.

"Don't just look at it, you're telling me if it's true." Zhao Xiaoxiao urged anxiously from the side, he also wanted to know if it was true.

Su Mu was speechless, cooperating with these people to make jokes about his girlfriend for so long, and he didn't know if it was his girlfriend.

Shen Yun heard their conversation clearly on the phone, and asked Su Mu to turn on the loudspeaker and talk to them by himself.

Su Mu turned on the loudspeaker obediently, and stretched out his hand for them to listen.

"It turns out that there are so many people who don't know that I am Su Mu's girlfriend, so let me introduce myself. I am Su Mu's girlfriend." Shen Yun's crisp voice came from the microphone.

Upon hearing Shen Yun's voice, the three hugged like crazy and howled together, Su Mu covered his ears in disgust.

"Sister and sister, I admire you. You can get someone like Su Mu who is ascetic as Su Mu." Zhao Xiaoxiao moved closer to the phone and said to Shen Yun.

"That's right, you don't even know, we have a girl who has asked Su Mu out several times but failed."

After Zhu Wensheng finished speaking, he found that the other three were all looking at him, especially Su Mu, staring at him with death.

"I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing again." Zhu Wensheng reacted and covered his mouth.

Su Mu turned off the loudspeaker, pushed Zhu Wensheng away and went to the balcony to explain.

"Okay, it's only been a while, and someone has asked you out." Shen Yun's teasing voice came from the microphone, and it was impossible to tell whether she was angry or not.

"Didn't you hear? I didn't even go." Su Mu preemptively explained.

"Oh~ Is that girl beautiful?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu with a long voice.

"I don't know, I only met her twice."

"I'll ask you out after meeting twice, that's fine, Su Mu." Shen Yun said in a strange way.She knew that Su Mu would never do anything to be sorry for her, but she still couldn't help being jealous.

"She invited people from the same dormitory of ours to go together, and I never went." Su Mu heard it this time, and Shen Yun was jealous.

"Are you jealous?" Su Mu asked Shen Yun awkwardly, letting her experience how she usually feels jealous.


Su Mu didn't expect Shen Yun to admit cleanly, and he thought Shen Yun would argue.

"So, you have to make it up to me."

"What compensation do you want?"

"Sing to me."

Shen Yun likes to listen to Su Mu singing. Su Mu is a subwoofer, and every time she sings, she feels that Su Mu's voice penetrates into her heart along her ears.

Su Mu pulled out an English song he was listening to recently from his mobile phone, watched the lyrics and sang it to Shen Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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