It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 108 Green light surrounds the head

Chapter 108 Green light surrounds the head

Su Mu hung up the phone and returned to the dormitory from the balcony. Zhu Wensheng warmly greeted Su Mu to sit down, and poured tea for Su Mu as if flattering him.

"How is it, brother and sister are not angry?"

"What do you think?" Su Mu looked at Zhu Wensheng with a nonchalant smile.

"Then what, do you need me to explain it for you? I promise that I will never talk nonsense this time." Zhu Wensheng swore by holding up three fingers.

"No need." He managed to coax Shen Yun well, but he didn't want to make any more fools.

Qi Xiwen, who came back from the party, has been distracted, she doesn't want to sit still like this anymore, she wants to take the initiative to attack.

Whether Su Mu has a girlfriend or not, he has to give it a try.

"Xiaoyun, help me!" Xia Wei followed behind Shen Yun, grabbing the hem of her clothes and refusing to let go.

"No." Shen Yun kept walking and refused indifferently.

"I promise it's just this time." Xia Wei followed Shen Yun closely, with the momentum that she would not stop if Shen Yun disagreed.

"That's not okay, what if we are found out."

"No, the teacher has never seen me, how could he find out."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure and definitely won't be discovered, and they're all cram school teachers, even if she finds out, she won't say anything." Seeing Shen Yun's expression loosen a bit, Xia Wei tried her best to lobby.

"That's fine, let's talk about it first, and come back early at night." Shen Yun reluctantly agreed.

"Don't worry about that, I'll go with my boyfriend." Seeing that Shen Yun agreed to come down, Xia Wei hugged her excitedly.

Mu Sibai, I, Xia Wei, are here.

On Saturday afternoon, Xia Wei started to pack her things after lunch, and then sat on the bed and stared at the alarm clock.

It was 10 seconds before it was four o'clock, and as soon as the second hand reached 12, Xia Wei sat up on the bed, picked up her bag and ran outside.

"Mom, I'm going to a cram school." Xia Wei ran to the door to change her shoes quickly, and shouted to Mother Xia who was watching TV as she passed by politely.

"What time is it? Don't you have class at six?" Xia's mother looked at the sky outside, and it was not time for Xia Wei to go to class at all.

"I'll go there to do my homework first, and wait for the teacher to come to class." Xia Wei had already changed her shoes, and opened the door without giving Xia's mother any time to react.

"I'll go first, you don't have to wait for me to eat at night."

"Slow down." Xia's mother turned around and said to Xia Wei, but seeing her idol's eagerness, Xia Wei couldn't slow down, closed the door and ran away quickly.

"This child." Xia's mother looked at the vigorous Xia Wei, she really looked a bit like she did back then.

Xia Wei arrived at the place agreed with Ye Wenbo. Ye Wenbo had already arrived. Seeing Xia Wei running over, he hurried over to catch her.

"I'm exhausted." Xia Wei put her hands on her waist and panted heavily. The place they agreed on was at the entrance of the gymnasium. Because there was a road ahead for construction, the driver couldn't drive, so he stopped by the side of the road.Xia Wei was worried that it would be too late, so she ran all the way over.

"Why are you running so fast? It hasn't started yet." Ye Wenbo unscrewed the cap of the water bottle in his hand and handed it to Xia Wei.

Xia Wei took a sip of the water, but accidentally drank too much, and she coughed until she choked.

Ye Wenbo hastily took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Xia Wei, and gently smoothed it on her back with the other hand.

"It's okay, let's go in quickly, hurry up." Xia Wei took the paper and wiped the corners of her mouth, straightened her back, and was about to enter the venue by pulling Ye Wenbo.

After entering the arena and finding her own seat, Xia Wei took out a support stick and a support headband from her bag, kept one for herself, and handed one to Ye Wenbo.

Ye Wenbo looked at the green headband in his hand and fell into thought. He didn't really want to wear a headband of this color.

"Put it on." Xia Wei didn't feel Ye Wenbo's thoughts, took the headband from his hand and helped Ye Wenbo put it on.

Xia Wei looked at Ye Wenbo, whose hair was emitting green light, and nodded in satisfaction, "It's so pretty."

"Are you sure? Ye Wenbo pointed to his head questioningly, he felt that the green light directly hit his face through his head.

"Of course I'm sure. This is my brother's cheering color. It looks good." Xia Wei nodded seriously.

"Just say it looks good." Ye Wenbo gave up his resistance, seeing Xia Wei also wearing this headband, he seemed sure that it would look good.

The originally turned off lights flickered, and all of them hit the dark stage, moving a little bit from bottom to top.

"Ahhhhh." The moment the lights flickered, the audience erupted, and Ye Wenbo quickly covered his hurt ears.

"Mousse Bai, Mu Sibai, Mu Sibai." The audience shouted Mu Sibai's name in unison, and waved the light sticks in their hands along with it.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Mu Sibai." The people on the stage were obviously used to this kind of scene, and they picked up the microphone and began to greet the fans.

"Ah, ah, Mu Sibai, I love you." The moment Mu Sibai spoke, Xia Wei felt as if she was going crazy, and the surrounding noises could not be heard at all. In the entire stadium, only she and There are two Mu Sibai on the stage.

Ye Wenbo looked at Xia Wei in shock, is this still his girlfriend?At the same time, I began to wonder if it was a wrong choice to agree to accompany her to the concert today.

On one side, Xia Wei enthusiastically met her idol, while on the other side, Shen Yun was forced to go to cram school instead of Xia Wei.

Ever since Xia Wei was in the second year of high school, her grades have been unstable, fluctuating up and down, so Xia Yunfeng enrolled Xia Wei in a comprehensive cram school.

Today was the first class, so Xia Wei skipped class and went to the idol meeting with her boyfriend.

Shen Yun came to the counseling institution, opened the door and saw Xu Ruohan paused, isn't she a senior in high school?And isn't she a liberal arts?How could it be in the supplementary class of comprehensive science.

Shen Yun went out and took a look at the house number, and confirmed that it was this class, and he did not make a mistake.Shen Yun went in again, calmly found a seat and sat down.

"You two sit together, so it's convenient for me to teach." The teacher pointed to Shen Yun and told her to sit next to Xu Ruohan.

Shen Yun had no choice but to get up and sit beside Xu Ruohan.

"Okay, since everyone is here, I will start class now." The teacher cleared his throat and began to lecture.

Shen Yun glanced at the classroom, only she and Xu Ruohan were there.

"Hmph, you are really good sisters, you dare to take the one-on-two class." Xu Ruohan looked at Shen Yun and said sarcastically.

"It's not bad, it's better than high school students who come to make up for high school." Shen Yun replied not to be outdone.

"Believe it or not, I will tell the teacher that you are not Xia Wei." Xu Ruohan threatened Shen Yun angrily.

"You go, don't blame me for the rumors that the talented girl from Nancheng used to go to cram school in the future." Shen Yun completely grasped Xu Ruohan's fate, knowing that she has a good face, and definitely doesn't want others to know her so-called talents all fake.

(End of this chapter)

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