Chapter 109 Deeds Revealed
"You're cruel." Xu Ruohan turned her head to the front, listening to the teacher's lecture attentively.

Shen Yun, who had pissed off Xu Ruohan, didn't have time to be happy, so he had to hurry up and send Xia Wei a message, asking her what to do next.

Xia Wei, who was having fun, didn't have time to look at her phone. She didn't feel the phone vibrate a few times in her pocket, and then calmed down again.

Seeing that Xia Wei didn't reply to him, Shen Yun put down his cell phone, bit the bullet and finished the class first, then went back to discuss countermeasures.

A three-hour fan meeting was finally over, and Xia Wei was almost speechless from shouting.

"Well, thank you for accompanying me to the fan meeting today." Xia Wei tried hard to make a hoarse voice.

"You're welcome, as long as I'm with you, I'm happy." Ye Wenbo fondled Xia Wei's hair.

Xia Wei lowered her head shyly, but she hadn't forgotten that she was supposed to go to the cram school, and the cram school was almost over by this point. "It's getting late, I have to go home first."

"I'll take it to you."

"No, you go back first, I'll take a taxi and be there."

"Then I'll wait for the car with you."

Ye Wenbo accompanied Xia Wei to stop the car. After watching her get in the car, he made a detour to check the license plate number.

Seeing Ye Wenbo's actions, Xia Wei felt a warm feeling in her heart.

Xia Wei wanted to send a message to Shen Yun to ask her about the situation there, but she was confused by the constant stream of messages as soon as she called the phone.

When I opened it, it was almost all messages sent by Shen Yun.

"Why don't you say that your cram school is one-to-two? Are you sure the teacher won't recognize it next week?"

"What are you doing? Why haven't you replied to my message?"

"It's over, your dad came to pick you up after school and found me."

"I'm waiting for you at your house now."

There are also a few messages from her parents.

"You son of a bitch, if you have the ability, you stay outside and don't come back, and you don't reply to any news."

"Xiao Wei, what the hell did you do? Come back soon, your father is angry."

After reading the news, Xia Wei couldn't stop laughing. How could her father be so kind to pick her up from school today?

"How did you tell my dad?" Xia Wei asked about the current situation, and calculated how many percent of her survival record was.

The mobile phone notification sounded, Xia Yunfeng and Xia Wei's mother Tang Wanzhen looked at Shen Yun at the same time.

Shen Yun, who was sitting on the sofa, felt very stressed. At this time, he hoped that it was Xia Wei who sent the message and hoped it wasn't.

Carefully took out the phone from his pocket, opened it, and saw that it was a message from Xia Wei.

"Did that little bastard Xia Wei send the message?" Xia Yunfeng patted the table and asked Shen Yun, which made Shen Yun tremble.

Tang Wanzhen went over to comfort Shen Yun, and blamed Xia Yunfeng, "What are you doing? Don't scare other people's children."

"It's a message from Su Mu." Shen Yun turned the phone on and showed it to Xia Yunfeng.

Seeing that Xia Yunfeng's face softened a little, Shen Yun let out a soft breath.Fortunately, she forgot to reply to Su Mu's message in the chaos just now.

Shen Yun glanced at Tang Wanzhen who was sitting next to her, but she couldn't tell Xia Wei.

Shen Yun quietly sent a message to Su Mu asking him to call him.

When the phone rang, Shen Yun quickly stood up and showed Tang Wanzhen the phone, "I'll answer the phone."

Shen Yun came to the door and connected the phone.

"What's wrong?" Su Mu didn't know what happened yet, but Shen Yun said that he would never do anything wrong.

"Go back and tell you, I'll hang up first." Shen Yun covered his mouth and lowered his voice as much as possible.

Su Mu looked at the hung up phone in a daze, didn't she ask him to call her?Why did you hang up on yourself again.

Xia Wei, who was anxiously waiting for Shen Yun's response in the car, immediately answered the call from Shen Yun.

"Hey, what's the situation now?"

"I told Principal Xia that you are not feeling well, so go to the hospital first. But I don't want to waste this class, so let me go to class instead of you and go back to school to teach you." At that time, the situation was urgent, and Shen Yun only had Such a poor excuse.

"Then I'm going to the pharmacy to buy medicine to take back, am I in a hurry?" Coincidentally, when Xia Wei turned her head, she saw a pharmacy by the side of the road. She hurriedly stopped the car and went to the pharmacy to buy some medicine.

Xia Wei sat back in the car with a bag of medicine in her hand. There were some medicines for her throat, and some medicines for her to take casually.

"I'll be there soon, just wait for me." Xia Wei looked around, and she was almost at her neighborhood.

After a while, the car stopped downstairs at her house, and Xia Wei saw Shen Yun who greeted her at the door.

"Xiaoyun." Xia Wei rushed towards Shen Yun as if she wanted to see a savior.

"Come in, the principal and your mother are waiting for you inside."

"Let's go." Xia Wei's heart sank, and she followed Shen Yun upstairs.Anyway, early death and late death are death, early death and early death.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back." Xia Wei's voice was already hoarse, and no matter how pitifully she spoke, it really seemed to be sick.

"Little bastard, you still know you're back, what did you do?" Seeing Xia Wei, Principal Xia raised his hand to hit her, but Tang Wanzhen quickly stopped her.

Xia Wei raised her hand reflexively to block it, she closed her eyes in fear, and waited for a while before the expected slap came before Xia Wei opened her eyes.

Xia's mother pulled Xia Yunfeng to sit on the stool, and let him calm down along her back. Xia Wei asked her to ask about it.

Xia Yunfeng covered his heart and waved his hands impatiently.

Tang Wanzhen came over, and instead of saying Xia Wei, she said to Shen Yun, "Xiao Yun, I'm really sorry today, Auntie can't entertain you here."

"It's okay, Auntie. I'm the one who interrupted you, so I'll go back first." Shen Yun immediately understood Mama Xia's meaning, cast a cautious look at Xia Wei and went back.

After Shen Yun left, Tang Wanzhen's face changed instantly, and she looked at Xia Wei sharply, "Tell me, what did you do?"

Xia Wei shamelessly moved to Tang Wanzhen's side, and looked at Mama Xia pitifully, "Mom, you almost can't speak because of my voice."

"Cough cough." As she spoke, Xia Wei coughed twice.

"Stop pretending to me, that's what you deserve." Tang Wanzhen punctured Xia Wei with one sentence. With her clumsy acting skills, she couldn't tell that she was acting in vain. She had spent decades watching TV dramas.

"I didn't pretend to be with you. I really had a headache. I couldn't stand the pain. At first, I wanted to bear it and pass it, but my voice became hoarse for no reason. I was afraid that I might get some kind of cancer again. I just wanted to Go and check first, if it is true, I will sneak away by myself, and I will definitely not drag you down." Xia Wei began to cry as she spoke, tears rolling around her eyes.

After finishing speaking, Xia Wei took a sneak peek at her mother. She was moved to tears by her performance, and she couldn't believe that her mother was indifferent.

Sure enough, Tang Wanzhen's expression was a little moved, and she was secretly happy, and she acted harder.

(End of this chapter)

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