Chapter 110 Contraceptives

"Look, this is the medicine the doctor bought for me." Xia Wei showed Tang Wanzhen a bag full of medicine in her hand.

Tang Wanzhen took the bag suspiciously, and looked at Xia Wei from a box of Yuting inside, "The doctor prescribed this medicine for you too?"

"These medicines are all prescribed by doctors." Xia Wei, who originally wanted to say that these medicines were all prescribed by doctors, hurriedly denied it after seeing the medicines in her mother's hands. "No, no, it may be that the doctor accidentally took the wrong medicine."

Xia Wei laughed awkwardly, annoyed that when she took the medicine by herself, she kept putting it in the bag without looking at the name.Xia Wei reached out to take the medicine back from her mother, but Tang Wanzhen raised her hand and avoided it.

"Little bastard, I think you are really itchy, and you did such an outrageous thing." Xia Yunfeng, who had been paying attention to Xia Wei's movements all the time, saw what Tang Wanzhen was holding, and pointed at Xia Wei angrily.

"Shut up and go back to the house." Tang Wanzhen yelled at Xia Yunfeng. Although Xia Yunfeng was angry, he didn't dare to resist Tang Wanzhen. He gouged out Xia Wei and entered the room.

"Can the doctor take it wrong? Xiaowei, tell mom the truth, what's wrong with you, as long as you tell me, I can accept it." Tang Wanzhen put the contraceptive pills back into the bag, and pulled Xia Wei to sit on the sofa with an expression on her face. asked complicatedly.

Xia Wei looked at Tang Wanzhen, wondering whether to tell the truth.

"Mom doesn't blame you when you say it, young man, but at least you have to let your mother know who it is." Tang Wanzhen was on the verge of crying, this is not a trivial matter.

"Oh, mom, let me tell you the truth. I'm not sick. I just went to the pharmacy to get these medicines to lie to you. I went to see my idol's fan meeting so I didn't go to class. I was worried that you would find out That's why Xiaoyun went to class instead of me." Xia Wei's heart broke, and she said everything, so let's die.

"You, hey." Tang Wanzhen sighed deeply, raised her finger and tapped Xia Wei's forehead vigorously, "You let me tell you what's good about you, just tell me directly, it's not like I won't let you go."

Tang Wanzhen looked at Xia Wei really angry and funny, and made so many excuses for not going to cram school for a meeting.It was really a false alarm, she almost thought what happened to Xia Wei.

Xia Wei hugged her forehead in pain, and approached Tang Wanzhen with a playful smile, "Aren't you angry?"

"If you're not angry, you'll be mad at me." Tang Wanzhen pretended to be angry with a straight face.

"Don't be angry, I know I was wrong, and I will definitely tell you next time." Xia Wei took Tang Wanzhen's arm and acted like a baby to her.

"Okay, okay, hurry back to the house, don't bother me here." Tang Wan pushed Xia Wei away impatiently.

"Hee hee, thank you mom, I love you." Seeing that Tang Wan really wasn't angry anymore, Xia Wei got up with a smile on her face, and she didn't forget to show her heart when she left.

Shen Yun returned from Xia Wei's house, and called Su Mu on the way to explain what happened just now.

"It's good that you're fine. I thought something was wrong with you just now." After listening to this, Su Mu's hanging heart was relieved. In just a short ten minutes, hundreds of thoughts appeared in his mind. I have never realized that I am a person with such a rich imagination before.

"What can I do every day?" Shen Yun laughed at Su Mu's paranoia of being persecuted, thinking that someone would harm him every day.

"Then Dr. Shen, can you help me treat my persecution paranoia?"

"Of course you can, but you have to pay. Others charge normally, and you double it." Shen Yun was dumbfounded, and cooperated with Su Mu.

"Can't Dr. Shen's family members be free?"

"Who is your family member, don't talk nonsense." Even through the mobile phone, Shen Yun was still shy. This man became more and more unscrupulous after he arrived at university.

"Who are you not my family? You can only be mine"

"That's not necessarily true, what if I fall in love with someone else in the future?" Shen Yun deliberately provoked Su Mu.

"No, you can only like me now or in the future."

Su Mu said seriously, he would never allow this to happen, not even his thoughts.

"Yes, yes, I will only like Su Mu from now on."

"And now."

"Okay, I only like Su Mu now and in the future."

"It's almost there."

Shen Yun chatted with Su Mu all the way, and when he got home, he saw a message from Xia Wei, saying that she was fine.

The campus is extremely lively on weekends. Since there are no classes, it is rare to relax.Friends who are acquainted with each other meet together, and young couples find a quiet corner on campus for a date.

Compared to these, Su Mu prefers to stay in the library, find a quiet corner, take out the books he is interested in, and read them quietly.

"What a coincidence, we met again." Qi Xiwen greeted Su Mu, whom he "encountered" for the n+1 time, softly opened the stool, and sat next to Su Mu very naturally.

Su Mu nodded politely to Qi Xiwen, then lowered his head and concentrated on reading.

Normally, when the two met, they just greeted each other roughly, and Qi Xiwen naturally couldn't miss the opportunity to have a formal talk with Su Mu.

"You also like to read Keigo Higashino's books? I like it too, basically I have read all his books."

"Well, mainly because my girlfriend likes to watch it."

Hearing Su Mu's words, Qi Xiwen's face froze and he could hardly laugh.

"Is your girlfriend from this school?"

"She's not, but she will be soon." Su Mu shook his head, and was very happy to think that he would be in the same school with Shen Yun again in a few months.

It's strange that Su Mu is expressionless when Mingming speaks, but when he talks about his girlfriend, he clearly feels his tenderness.

Qi Xiwen lowered her eyelids in frustration, do you like her that much?
"Is she in the third year of high school? It's amazing to be admitted to this school." Qi Xiwen tried hard to adjust his mentality so that his praise was not so hypocritical.

"No, sophomore."

"For the second year of high school, she thinks she will come to this school for more than a year, and she must concentrate on her studies during this year, and she must not slack off in the slightest." Hearing that she was only in the second year of high school, Qi Xiwen felt that her dying heart was alive again. Come back, a lot can happen in one year.

"No, she was escorted." Su Mu didn't really want to talk to Qi Xiwen. Originally, he came to the library to find a quiet place to study because he thought it was noisy, but this person came again and kept talking in his ear.

"Wow, that's amazing. I was recommended in the second year of high school. Hey, I'm so stupid to think that way. I worked so hard until the third year of high school to get admitted to B University." Qi Xiwen sighed, his whole body was like a deflated balloon, It seems to have been hit hard.

"En." Su Mu didn't hear what Qi Xiwen said at all, so he hummed perfunctorily.

(End of this chapter)

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